Major of Palestinians expect a third intifada if peace talks fail

The second Intifada never ended; the Israelis just started implementing better security measures.

And now watch as those measures become even better still, and the Palestinians start dropping like flies. A simple one for one exchange will suffice and the muslims will see their homes destroyed
Look Snoscholar, I could care less how the Muslims treat their wives or minorities...I want the US to get out of Israeli subservience via AIPAC in America and let them duke it out. I'm tired of seeing young Americans dying in these Israeli inspired Muslim wars!

And change your avatar, it looks like you're picking your nose!

Americans are dying because YOUR government decided to send troops to Iraq and Afghanistan. Stop trying to blame Israel for your president's choices.It's getting really old.

Did Israel Lead the US into the War on Iraq? | Jewish Voice for Peace

Did Israel Lead the US into the War on Iraq?

By Mitchell Plitnick, Director of Education and Policy, Jewish Voice for Peace; Joel Beinin, Professor of Middle East Studies at Stanford University; and Cecilie Surasky, Director of Communications, Jewish Voice for Peace

As the war on Iraq rages on with no end in sight, the scandals around its beginnings continue to proliferate. Because of these scandals, one question now being revisited is the role the state of Israel may have played in initiating the invasion of Iraq.
Israel's role is debated whenever American policy in the Middle East is discussed. This is inevitable, because Israel is America’s key ally in the region and because the Israel-Palestine conflict is the focal point of attention for virtually anyone who cares about the Mideast. Some critics of the war on Iraq maintain that the decision to go to war was made largely to advance Israeli interests. Others maintain that Israel had nothing to do with it. The evidence suggests, however, that neither of these views is accurate.

The neocons and Israeli support for the war We know that the Iraq invasion was pushed forcefully by the neo-conservatives in the Bush Administration. Many of the neocons are Jewish, though not all of them. But when it comes to US Mideast policy, there is virtually no disagreement among them in relying on a powerful Israel as a key component. This, in and of itself, would fly in the face of the notion that Israel and Israeli interests were completely removed from the decision to invade Iraq.

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So no mention of the complete disregard for the UN charter by Iraq then, or the illegal attack on Kuwait so that Iraq could steal more land and more oil. So you bring a goofy neo Marxist conspiracy theory to the table just so you can indulge your RACIST ANTI SEMITIC NAZI JEW HATRED to the full. No thought for the many millions of Jews worldwide that face mass murder because of your POV, just as long as you can preach your JEW HATRED. Then when the Jews are wiped out and the muslims start on you then you will see the light.
Again, you're ignoring the fact that YOUR president ordered the troops to go to Iraq and Afghanistan, not the Israeli PM. You can beat around the bushes as much as you want, but it still doesn't change this fact.

I've read several articles that blamed Israel for those two wars, and frankly, I failed to see one shred of evidence that Israel was 'responsible' for them.

A blind man cannot see.

A blinkered man refuses to see, and is fixated on what he believes
Speaking of which, I'm interested in Laser Eye Surgery.. Has anyone undergone this procedure ?

Not viable for all eye problems, and you need to get written conformation that your problem will be reapaired through laser eye surgery. In the UK the procedure is regulated and the practioners have to be fully trained and culpable
Speaking of which, I'm interested in Laser Eye Surgery.. Has anyone undergone this procedure ?

I hear its a very successful and easy surgery. Maybe then you'll see my points and wishes for a real peace...

The key is acceptance, not guns or money...share the land, not in a day or a month or a decade...Jews are marvelous workers and successful people...teach it to the Palestinians and love will follow. That's why the Israeli Palestinians are happy loyal Israelis.

I see you don't give the filastins traits, is this because they only know how to enslave, rape, murder and be violent. Your view of peace is one were the muslims are the top dogs and the Jews are their slaves. Within a year Israel would cease to exist and the Jewish population of Palestine will have decreased to less than 100. The only way for Israel to exist is for the right of return to be removed from the negotiation's. Or for the rules governing the right of return to be tightened up and the ones covering all other peoples to be used.
Speaking of which, I'm interested in Laser Eye Surgery.. Has anyone undergone this procedure ?

I hear its a very successful and easy surgery. Maybe then you'll see my points and wishes for a real peace...

The key is acceptance, not guns or money...share the land, not in a day or a month or a decade...Jews are marvelous workers and successful people...teach it to the Palestinians and love will follow. That's why the Israeli Palestinians are happy loyal Israelis.

I see you don't give the filastins traits, is this because they only know how to enslave, rape, murder and be violent. Your view of peace is one were the muslims are the top dogs and the Jews are their slaves. Within a year Israel would cease to exist and the Jewish population of Palestine will have decreased to less than 100. The only way for Israel to exist is for the right of return to be removed from the negotiation's. Or for the rules governing the right of return to be tightened up and the ones covering all other peoples to be used.

Palestinians have the highest ratio of PhDs per capita in the world?
Intifada III will be the end of the Palestinians.

At a minimum, it will give the Israelis the excuse they need, to expel Muslim Palestinians from Gaza; a clean sweep from north to south, moving Israelis into the vacuum.

At a maximum, it will also give the Israelis the excuse they need to do the same thing in the West Bank, but, one step at a time.

Any next-round Intifada will not end in a ceasefire like its predecessors.

This next round will trigger a joyful, gleeful, savage, barbaric fight to the death - winner take all.

And Israel will be the only one left standing, when the smoke clears.

Egypt is impotent... Lebanon is impotent... Iraq is impotent... Syria is impotent...

None of them is in a position to effectively intervene militarily on behalf of the Palestinians...

And Jordan will be paid-off to keep its mouth shut and to accept its share of refugees...

Israel has a unique and historic window of opportunity at present - and for the next few years - to finish this, in its own favor...

If there is an Intifada III, there will be no Arab cavalry coming over the horizon this time to rescue the Palestinians...

The Palestinians will not attain full UN membership status during such a crisis and even if they did, it will do them no good...

The UN and the world at-large will not interfere effectively...

A few years of half-hearted post facto boycotts by some nations and nation-groupings will pass quickly enough, and be worth it in the long run, and will be compensated-for by the US and a few key allies, openly or under the table...

The rest of Islam will piss and moan and play the whiney little bitch in the UN General Assembly - overridden by the US veto in the UN Security Council - and send a few million dollars and some arms and a few thousand mercenaries and volunteer-fighters, and riot and protest in some of their capitals, and take and decapitate a few hostages, and execute a few suicide bombings, and bluster about the Ummah coming to the rescue, but too little, too late, and, as usual, they will talk big but in the end do little or nothing, to help the Mad Dog Palestinians...

Intifada III?

For their own sake, the Palestinians had better hope that their leadership regains a modicum of sanity, before it's too late, and they ruin what very little is left.

The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
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I hear its a very successful and easy surgery. Maybe then you'll see my points and wishes for a real peace...

The key is acceptance, not guns or money...share the land, not in a day or a month or a decade...Jews are marvelous workers and successful people...teach it to the Palestinians and love will follow. That's why the Israeli Palestinians are happy loyal Israelis.

I see you don't give the filastins traits, is this because they only know how to enslave, rape, murder and be violent. Your view of peace is one were the muslims are the top dogs and the Jews are their slaves. Within a year Israel would cease to exist and the Jewish population of Palestine will have decreased to less than 100. The only way for Israel to exist is for the right of return to be removed from the negotiation's. Or for the rules governing the right of return to be tightened up and the ones covering all other peoples to be used.

Palestinians have the highest ratio of PhDs per capita in the world?

All gained while serving time in Israeli prisons, and once gained they leave gaza and go and work elsewhere. But having a PhD does not mean that you cant be a typical EVIL, LYING, RAPACIOUS, MURDERING POS muslim.
We had 3 who were medical doctors trying to MASS MURDER tens of thousands of innocent women and children with a car bomb at Glasgow airport.
Quite the contrary, I think the plan is to get full UN recognition proving that Israel never wanted or wants peace until they get the West Bank and hope they start and Intifada to give the Israelis cover to build more settlements and slowly expel the Palestinians...

Peace is their greatest obstacle to their aims...It always has been.

Abbas is the one making demands that he knows Israel won't abide by.

Oh, I see...Abbas should kneel and only ask for what Israel will bestow...

Reminds me of my earlier thread, "I will not Bow!."

The Arabs will never settle for anything other that the destruction of Israel. If they sign an agreement with anything less than that they will not keep to it.

Israel made a massive concession in ending their occupation of Gaza in exchange for nothing. The country will not make the same mistake again. Level of trust in the Arabs to keep to any 'peace agreement' is quite rightly zero.
A blind man cannot see.

And a stupid one cannot think, or even understand if given the answer.

How 5 million jews on the other side of the planet - which argued against attacking iraq vociferously - can manage to "control" the world's #1 power is so laughable as to be a sign of mental illness for those stupid enough to even think of it.

And chimp, how come no comment where Israel has literally begged for permission to attack iran - and the US has told them not to?

Oh, how those inconvenient facts always manage to trip up the mental dimwits like this. :cuckoo:
The key is acceptance, not guns or money...share the land, not in a day or a month or a decade...Jews are marvelous workers and successful people...teach it to the Palestinians and love will follow. That's why the Israeli Palestinians are happy loyal Israelis.

ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz......did you say something? Was it something to do with land?

Oh, I thought you were going to explain how the arab terrorism against Israel from 1948-1967 was because of the "occupation"....but wait...

I also thought you were going to explain how Israel exited lebanon in 2000, yet is still being attacked from there frequently, or left gaza in 2006, but still faces relentless terrorism... :eusa_whistle:

Guess your nonsense that "if only israel would end the occupation and it would lead to sunshine and flowers" is really just that - complete bullshit. :eusa_liar:
"Give up the lands we tell you to give up, and then, all the lions and lambs shall lie down together, and there shall be peace..."

"Somewhere, over the rainbow..."

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