Dinner at the neighbor's house.

As someone who follows the news pretty closely I couldn't help wondering how my neighbor could be so unaware of the details of Trump's attempt to steal the election by using slates of fake electors.

But I think the reaction to the thread by some Trump devotees explains it. They just avert their eyes from the truth.
"Suggests" weasel words used by weasels.
Not having a complete understanding of what Trump's co-conspirators were thinking as the plot played out does not mean the evidence of what they tried to do is not crystal clear.
My neighbor and I had to agree long ago not to talk politics as he is part of The Following. I mean he's all in.

But we couldn't avoid talking about the assassination attempt over dinner last night (his wife is an excellent cook). One thing lead to another and we found ourselves discussing how he could vote for Trump after, as I put it, "what he did." At which point he asked, "like what?" To which I replied, "Even if you give him a pass on Jan. 6, what about the fake electors scheme?"

He was vaguely aware of the term but really didn't know much about it. I grabbed my phone, found this article, and texted it to him.

What to know about the Trump 'fake electors' scheme in the 2020 election​

I suggested he read it while I help his wife clear the table and clean up. He did. "I don't see anything there that would make me not want to vote for Trump. Some of his aides came up with a crazy plan and it didn't work. So what?"

My response, "Maybe we should just stop talking about it." So we did. But I didn't want to. I wanted to say I took it personally that Don tried to nullify my vote and the votes of everyone who didn't vote for him. I wanted to ask how could he consider voting for someone who did something so fundamentally, despicably un-American in violation of the Constitution and his oath of office?

So now he knows about the fake elector plot. Or at least as much as his defense mechanisms will allow him to know. It hasn't changed his mind. Nothing will. Which is why we are where we are as a country, and us as neighbors.

Did he tell you about Joe Biden raping his own daughter (according to her)?
Not having a complete understanding of what Trump's co-conspirators were thinking as the plot played out does not mean the evidence of what they tried to do is not crystal clear.
There is no such thing as a fake electors. They are called alternate electors and have been used by democrats for decades.

It takes a corrupt AG to bring a case against alternate electors and wouldn't you know it the demofascists have a lot of them.
So now he knows about the fake elector plot. Or at least as much as his defense mechanisms will allow him to know. It hasn't changed his mind. Nothing will. Which is why we are where we are as a country, and us as neighbors.

You have a right to your opinion just as others have a right to theirs. If it is somebody you want any sort of relationship with, you don't have to concede your point but listen to them just as you desire to be listened to. The country would be much better if people were more respectful of one another and less judgmental.
There is no such thing as a fake electors.
On July 18, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel criminally charged the 16 individuals in Michigan who signed legal documents on December 14, 2020 falsely claiming to be electors for Donald Trump in the Electoral College, despite Trump having lost the state by a margin of 154,000 votes. Michigan was one of seven states where “fake electors” claimed that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election in their state. As of August 10, all 16 defendants have been arraigned in the District Court in Ingham County. All 16 defendants pled not guilty on all eight counts of their individual indictments. In October 2023, James Renner had all his charges dropped after entering into a cooperating agreement with AG Nessel. Preliminary hearings were held for 6 of the 16 individuals in late April; examinations resumed on May 28 for the remaining nine defendants. In April 2024, an investigator for AG Nessel identified multiple individuals, including former President Donald Trump, as “unindicted co-conspirators” in the case.
Not at all, since it's complete bullshit.

But Joe Biden raping his daughter is, sadly, very true. At least according to her.
In the weeks leading up to and following the 2020 election, Michigan was a hotbed of misinformation and efforts to undermine nonpartisan election administration. It was also one of seven states at the center of a pressure campaign directed at state legislators and party officials to convince them to install slates of fake electors. As part of that pressure campaign, in mid-November 2020, Trump invited to the White House Michigan’s then-Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey (R-Clark Lake) and then-House Speaker Lee Chatfield (R-Levering), who rejected Trump’s overtures and told him they “we were going to follow the law” and that the state legislature would not act to overturn the election results. State and local election officials were also the targets of threats and harassment in the wake of the 2020 election.

In December 2020, groups of Republicans in Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin met and signed fake Electoral College certificates—posing as their state’s duly elected presidential electors—in an attempt to falsely declare Trump won the 2020 presidential election.

The Michigan false electors offered their fake certificate as an official public record, submitting their purported Electoral College votes for Trump to Vice President Mike Pence (in his role as the President of the Senate), the Archivist of the United States, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, and the Chief Judge for the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan. They did so despite a margin of 154,000 votes a series of dismissed or rejected lawsuits, no pending recount, and the state legislature declining to act because of the absence of fraud. Even the location and time information on the forged Electoral College certificate was incorrect, as the fake electors convened secretly in the state GOP’s basement after they were blocked by law enforcement from entering the state capitol.
My neighbor and I had to agree long ago not to talk politics as he is part of The Following. I mean he's all in.

But we couldn't avoid talking about the assassination attempt over dinner last night (his wife is an excellent cook). One thing lead to another and we found ourselves discussing how he could vote for Trump after, as I put it, "what he did." At which point he asked, "like what?" To which I replied, "Even if you give him a pass on Jan. 6, what about the fake electors scheme?"

He was vaguely aware of the term but really didn't know much about it. I grabbed my phone, found this article, and texted it to him.

What to know about the Trump 'fake electors' scheme in the 2020 election​

I suggested he read it while I help his wife clear the table and clean up. He did. "I don't see anything there that would make me not want to vote for Trump. Some of his aides came up with a crazy plan and it didn't work. So what?"

My response, "Maybe we should just stop talking about it." So we did. But I didn't want to. I wanted to say I took it personally that Don tried to nullify my vote and the votes of everyone who didn't vote for him. I wanted to ask how could he consider voting for someone who did something so fundamentally, despicably un-American in violation of the Constitution and his oath of office?

So now he knows about the fake elector plot. Or at least as much as his defense mechanisms will allow him to know. It hasn't changed his mind. Nothing will. Which is why we are where we are as a country, and us as neighbors.
What your neighbor should have told you was that the dems engaged in dirty tricks as soon as trump won the 2016 election and still have not stopped

Even leading up to an assassination attempt in PA on sat
Many people only voted for Biden because of his opponent. The one and only reason. Like me.

People across the political spectrum.

I think most people know that.
I’m talking about now. President Biden is obviously mentally compromised. While that’s sad it’s true. You can nit like Trump can think he wasn’t a great President I would tend to agree with you. Some of that the Congress being very adversarial, some of it is the press being very adversarial, some of it is I'm not sure he's really interested in the "Presidenting" aspects of the job. But he's not Hitler, he's not a "threat to Democracy" he's not going to end elections, he's not going to institute Project 25 or whatever it's called. They have their own agenda right on their website. Videos | Donald J. Trump For President 2024. I don't know all of what's in Project 25, but it's not Trumps platform so why should I assume he's going to institute it any more than I should assume Biden is going to institute the agenda laid out by a group that's not his campaign?
I’m talking about now. President Biden is obviously mentally compromised. While that’s sad it’s true. You can nit like Trump can think he wasn’t a great President I would tend to agree with you. Some of that the Congress being very adversarial, some of it is the press being very adversarial, some of it is I'm not sure he's really interested in the "Presidenting" aspects of the job. But he's not Hitler, he's not a "threat to Democracy" he's not going to end elections, he's not going to institute Project 25 or whatever it's called. They have their own agenda right on their website. Videos | Donald J. Trump For President 2024. I don't know all of what's in Project 25, but it's not Trumps platform so why should I assume he's going to institute it any more than I should assume Biden is going to institute the agenda laid out by a group that's not his campaign?
Well, it looks like you'll be getting your way!
On July 18, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel criminally charged the 16 individuals in Michigan who signed legal documents on December 14, 2020 falsely claiming to be electors for Donald Trump in the Electoral College, despite Trump having lost the state by a margin of 154,000 votes. Michigan was one of seven states where “fake electors” claimed that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election in their state. As of August 10, all 16 defendants have been arraigned in the District Court in Ingham County. All 16 defendants pled not guilty on all eight counts of their individual indictments. In October 2023, James Renner had all his charges dropped after entering into a cooperating agreement with AG Nessel. Preliminary hearings were held for 6 of the 16 individuals in late April; examinations resumed on May 28 for the remaining nine defendants. In April 2024, an investigator for AG Nessel identified multiple individuals, including former President Donald Trump, as “unindicted co-conspirators” in the case.
Yeah? So? All you are doing is spinning your wheels. I told you to look up ALTERNATE ELECTORS.

It's a long established procedure.

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