Dinner at the neighbor's house.

My neighbor and I had to agree long ago not to talk politics as he is part of The Following. I mean he's all in.

But we couldn't avoid talking about the assassination attempt over dinner last night (his wife is an excellent cook). One thing lead to another and we found ourselves discussing how he could vote for Trump after, as I put it, "what he did." At which point he asked, "like what?" To which I replied, "Even if you give him a pass on Jan. 6, what about the fake electors scheme?"

He was vaguely aware of the term but really didn't know much about it. I grabbed my phone, found this article, and texted it to him.

What to know about the Trump 'fake electors' scheme in the 2020 election​

I suggested he read it while I help his wife clear the table and clean up. He did. "I don't see anything there that would make me not want to vote for Trump. Some of his aides came up with a crazy plan and it didn't work. So what?"

My response, "Maybe we should just stop talking about it." So we did. But I didn't want to. I wanted to say I took it personally that Don tried to nullify my vote and the votes of everyone who didn't vote for him. I wanted to ask how could he consider voting for someone who did something so fundamentally, despicably un-American in violation of the Constitution and his oath of office?

So now he knows about the fake elector plot. Or at least as much as his defense mechanisms will allow him to know. It hasn't changed his mind. Nothing will. Which is why we are where we are as a country, and us as neighbors.

Evidently the article you provided wasn't that convincing.

My neighbor and I had to agree long ago not to talk politics as he is part of The Following. I mean he's all in.

But we couldn't avoid talking about the assassination attempt over dinner last night (his wife is an excellent cook). One thing lead to another and we found ourselves discussing how he could vote for Trump after, as I put it, "what he did." At which point he asked, "like what?" To which I replied, "Even if you give him a pass on Jan. 6, what about the fake electors scheme?"

He was vaguely aware of the term but really didn't know much about it. I grabbed my phone, found this article, and texted it to him.

What to know about the Trump 'fake electors' scheme in the 2020 election​

I suggested he read it while I help his wife clear the table and clean up. He did. "I don't see anything there that would make me not want to vote for Trump. Some of his aides came up with a crazy plan and it didn't work. So what?"

My response, "Maybe we should just stop talking about it." So we did. But I didn't want to. I wanted to say I took it personally that Don tried to nullify my vote and the votes of everyone who didn't vote for him. I wanted to ask how could he consider voting for someone who did something so fundamentally, despicably un-American in violation of the Constitution and his oath of office?

So now he knows about the fake elector plot. Or at least as much as his defense mechanisms will allow him to know. It hasn't changed his mind. Nothing will. Which is why we are where we are as a country, and us as neighbors.
This never happened.
When President Trump signed a $738 billion defense spending bill on Friday, he officially created the Space Force. It's the sixth branch of the U.S. Armed Services, and the first new military service since the Air Force was created in 1947.

"Space is the world's newest war-fighting domain," President Trump said during the signing ceremony. "Amid grave threats to our national security, American superiority in space is absolutely vital. And we're leading, but we're not leading by enough. But very shortly we'll be leading by a lot."

The idea was widely mocked when it was first floated, providing fodder for late night hosts, newspaper cartoonists and comedy writers. Senior military officials have previously raised concerns about what it will cost, and former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis warned against rushing into creating the force without clearly defined goals.

So what you're saying is Trump didn't create the Space Force, congress did in the NDAA. Trump simply signed it. GOT IT!

So what you're saying is Trump didn't create the Space Force, congress did in the NDAA. Trump simply signed it.

“My new national strategy for space recognizes that space is a warfighting domain,” he told the troops, “just like the land, air and sea. We may even have a Space Force, develop another one: Space Force. We have the Air Force, we’ll have the Space Force. We have the Army, the Navy. You know, I was saying it the other day — because we’re doing a tremendous amount of work in space — I said, ‘Maybe we need a new force. We’ll call it the Space Force.’ And I was not really serious. And then I said, ‘What a great idea. Maybe we’ll have to do that.’ ”
Note the phrase "here's what you need to know". NBC news spent at least two years lying to the public about Biden's health. Can we believe the mainstream media about anything? Translated, "we want you to disregard what you saw and concentrate on what we want you to believe".
My neighbor and I had to agree long ago not to talk politics as he is part of The Following. I mean he's all in.

But we couldn't avoid talking about the assassination attempt over dinner last night (his wife is an excellent cook). One thing lead to another and we found ourselves discussing how he could vote for Trump after, as I put it, "what he did." At which point he asked, "like what?" To which I replied, "Even if you give him a pass on Jan. 6, what about the fake electors scheme?"

He was vaguely aware of the term but really didn't know much about it. I grabbed my phone, found this article, and texted it to him.

What to know about the Trump 'fake electors' scheme in the 2020 election​

I suggested he read it while I help his wife clear the table and clean up. He did. "I don't see anything there that would make me not want to vote for Trump. Some of his aides came up with a crazy plan and it didn't work. So what?"

My response, "Maybe we should just stop talking about it." So we did. But I didn't want to. I wanted to say I took it personally that Don tried to nullify my vote and the votes of everyone who didn't vote for him. I wanted to ask how could he consider voting for someone who did something so fundamentally, despicably un-American in violation of the Constitution and his oath of office?

So now he knows about the fake elector plot. Or at least as much as his defense mechanisms will allow him to know. It hasn't changed his mind. Nothing will. Which is why we are where we are as a country, and us as neighbors.
None of this matters.
Your equivalent of

I don’t care

The shooter was radicalized by people like you:

After numerous legal challenges were flatly rejected by federal and state judges in several battleground states, Trump and his allies began actively pushing Republican state officials to reverse the election results.

Specifically, prosecutors outlined in the indictment how they a) asked governors and secretaries of state to not certify the popular vote results, and b) pointed to nonexistent voter fraud to encourage state legislatures to set aside the popular vote and choose a fresh slate of pro-Trump electors.

According to the indictment, the plan was outlined in a series of memos that "evolved over time from a legal strategy to preserve the Defendant's right to a corrupt plan to subvert the federal government function by stopping Biden electors' votes from being counted and certified."

The Trump team helped prepare fake certificates in seven states that Trump lost: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. In many cases, these certificates falsely stated that the electors were their state’s “duly elected and qualified” electors. Those phony certificates were then submitted to the National Archives and Congress. A watchdog group published some of the fake certificates.
russia collusion
grabbing the steering wheel
phone call based on hearsay of hearsay

and we're supposed to believe this nonsense
A real turning point for me came a couple of years ago when I saw an interview with a rally-goer.

He answered questions with the standard misinformed stories, conspiracy theories and talking points, and the interviewer patiently but carefully debunked each one. Clearly.

The guy took a moment, and looked down at his shoes. Then he looked back up at the interviewer and said:

"Yeah, I don't care".

That's when I knew this was pointless. It's just gonna play out, one way or the other. They're not going to question anything.

He's not Joe Biden. He might actually close the borders. That is-entirely-the reason I am voting for Trump. Nothing else matters.

Which is why I wrote the other day about there being an emotional/psychological component to the blind devotion of The Following. It's why Trump's defenders here get angry when we throw the truth in their faces. They're gonna vote how they're gonna vote.........the facts be damned.

This, class, is projection.

I am surprised and pleased that you can put politics aside and have an evening out with those with whom you disagree. I can too. Frankly we need to get back to that.

It never happened.
Note the phrase "here's what you need to know". NBC news spent at least two years lying to the public about Biden's health. Can we believe the mainstream media about anything? Translated, "we want you to disregard what you saw and concentrate on what we want you to believe".
Fatuous whataboutism noted. The article is a recitation of the historical events.

What did you find in the article that was factually incorrect? Or perhaps these kinds of generic dismissals of factual content, in this case one explaining how Trump's effort to steal the election subverted democracy, is something you just can't handle.
He's not Joe Biden. He might actually close the borders. That is-entirely-the reason I am voting for Trump. Nothing else matters.
Okay then, maybe it's time to reconsider your rationale.

President Trump Reduced Legal Immigration. He Did Not Reduce Illegal Immigration

FactChecking Trump’s Immigration-Related Claims in Phoenix and Las Vegas

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