Major spike in crime in America; Crime professors say cops are standing down; avoid "video of week"


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
/Police Officer-Police Department-Law Enforcement-Sheriff

Mayors of major US cities met. Politicians are demanding solutions. Cops nationwide are saying fuck it. Society handed them a gun and badge....said go into our worst areas and deal with our craziest and most dangerous. ....but make one mistake or poor reaction....and we jail you. crime soars.

University professors are quoted in the story saying cops across America are engaged in a troubling practice of avoiding confrontation if at all possible. One says "cops are trying to avoid being Video of the Week". And who can blame them. No one wants the Twitter Mob lynching Officer Anonymous from Anton USA across the world. Well....Liberals want it...but cops are quickly drying up their available material.

So now what? When shit hits the fan...who do we call? The Army? The Marines? They aren't coming. They can't. Law forbids it....way way back...some old white English colonials decided they wanted police rather than military maintaining order on our soil.


Military can't.
Police won't.
Good Sumaritans....either get sued...or would rather just video tape it.

Good luck folks. Dangerous days loom.
Well when you consider how they practically hog tie law enforcement and are more worried about the criminals than those enforcing the laws its no wonder they all want to quit.

I wouldn't be a police officer if they paid a thousand dollars an hour.

You have to be a marriage counselor, a baby sitter, know the law as good as an attorney and take the chance of getting shot every time you put on the uniform.
Nothing at your link said cops are saying fuck it.
Or that crime is soaring, for that matter.

Oh, this is just your continued effort to defend cops that commit crimes.
Nothing at your link said cops are saying fuck it.
Or that crime is soaring, for that matter.

Oh, this is just your continued effort to defend cops that commit crimes.

Oops. The story is on There's actually 2-3 of them. Look at the "Depolicing" one. And the crime spike one. Several stories all on that site.

I've never defended a cop who committed a crime. Show me one cop convicted of a crime...and I will not defend that crime.
...always 2 sides.
Have you seen that video of the cop aiming his gun, black woman standing there (not sure where it happened). As usual, all over social media in about a day...he said she said. career potentially ruined.
Not sure what the answer is, or if there is one.
/Police Officer-Police Department-Law Enforcement-Sheriff

Mayors of major US cities met. Politicians are demanding solutions. Cops nationwide are saying fuck it. Society handed them a gun and badge....said go into our worst areas and deal with our craziest and most dangerous. ....but make one mistake or poor reaction....and we jail you. crime soars.

University professors are quoted in the story saying cops across America are engaged in a troubling practice of avoiding confrontation if at all possible. One says "cops are trying to avoid being Video of the Week". And who can blame them. No one wants the Twitter Mob lynching Officer Anonymous from Anton USA across the world. Well....Liberals want it...but cops are quickly drying up their available material.

So now what? When shit hits the fan...who do we call? The Army? The Marines? They aren't coming. They can't. Law forbids it....way way back...some old white English colonials decided they wanted police rather than military maintaining order on our soil.


Military can't.
Police won't.
Good Sumaritans....either get sued...or would rather just video tape it.

Good luck folks. Dangerous days loom.

Detroit is going down....their sheriff wants citizens to carry they are finally seeing a leveling off. Their cops just don't have the manpower to stop all the crime...
Nothing at your link said cops are saying fuck it.
Or that crime is soaring, for that matter.

Oh, this is just your continued effort to defend cops that commit crimes.

Oops. The story is on There's actually 2-3 of them. Look at the "Depolicing" one. And the crime spike one. Several stories all on that site.

I've never defended a cop who committed a crime. Show me one cop convicted of a crime...and I will not defend that crime.
I don't see either of those. But I do see the one titled Crime Rate Lower than it May Seem.

Smells like a fail.
Oops. The story is on

I'll bet that's a really unbiased Web site....

I've never defended a cop who committed a crime.

Oops. The story is on

I'll bet that's a really unbiased Web site....

I've never defended a cop who committed a crime.


It's no more bias than Free Thought Project....where most of your nonsense comes from. And yes...I won't defend a crime committed by a cop. Show me one cop convicted of a crime I defended? I'll sing with the crickets while you search.

How many white belts had to show you mercy this week?
/Police Officer-Police Department-Law Enforcement-Sheriff

Mayors of major US cities met. Politicians are demanding solutions. Cops nationwide are saying fuck it. Society handed them a gun and badge....said go into our worst areas and deal with our craziest and most dangerous. ....but make one mistake or poor reaction....and we jail you. crime soars.

University professors are quoted in the story saying cops across America are engaged in a troubling practice of avoiding confrontation if at all possible. One says "cops are trying to avoid being Video of the Week". And who can blame them. No one wants the Twitter Mob lynching Officer Anonymous from Anton USA across the world. Well....Liberals want it...but cops are quickly drying up their available material.

So now what? When shit hits the fan...who do we call? The Army? The Marines? They aren't coming. They can't. Law forbids it....way way back...some old white English colonials decided they wanted police rather than military maintaining order on our soil.


Military can't.
Police won't.
Good Sumaritans....either get sued...or would rather just video tape it.

Good luck folks. Dangerous days loom.

Dont worry...obama will save us all with a National Police Force,every bit as strong as our military.
We'll be safe for sure then!!
/Police Officer-Police Department-Law Enforcement-Sheriff

Mayors of major US cities met. Politicians are demanding solutions. Cops nationwide are saying fuck it. Society handed them a gun and badge....said go into our worst areas and deal with our craziest and most dangerous. ....but make one mistake or poor reaction....and we jail you. crime soars.

University professors are quoted in the story saying cops across America are engaged in a troubling practice of avoiding confrontation if at all possible. One says "cops are trying to avoid being Video of the Week". And who can blame them. No one wants the Twitter Mob lynching Officer Anonymous from Anton USA across the world. Well....Liberals want it...but cops are quickly drying up their available material.

So now what? When shit hits the fan...who do we call? The Army? The Marines? They aren't coming. They can't. Law forbids it....way way back...some old white English colonials decided they wanted police rather than military maintaining order on our soil.


Military can't.
Police won't.
Good Sumaritans....either get sued...or would rather just video tape it.

Good luck folks. Dangerous days loom.

Dont worry...obama will save us all with a National Police Force,every bit as strong as our military.
We'll be safe for sure then!!

It's part of the lefties communist plan.

See....they demonize all cops....even though only about 0.5% are bad.

But dig deeper....and you'll see. Their real problem isn't that 0.5%. It's the other 99%. Libs and commies need them to quit or be reassigned. Their national police force won't ever happen without getting rid of local cops.
/Police Officer-Police Department-Law Enforcement-Sheriff

Mayors of major US cities met. Politicians are demanding solutions. Cops nationwide are saying fuck it. Society handed them a gun and badge....said go into our worst areas and deal with our craziest and most dangerous. ....but make one mistake or poor reaction....and we jail you. crime soars.

University professors are quoted in the story saying cops across America are engaged in a troubling practice of avoiding confrontation if at all possible. One says "cops are trying to avoid being Video of the Week". And who can blame them. No one wants the Twitter Mob lynching Officer Anonymous from Anton USA across the world. Well....Liberals want it...but cops are quickly drying up their available material.

So now what? When shit hits the fan...who do we call? The Army? The Marines? They aren't coming. They can't. Law forbids it....way way back...some old white English colonials decided they wanted police rather than military maintaining order on our soil.


Military can't.
Police won't.
Good Sumaritans....either get sued...or would rather just video tape it.

Good luck folks. Dangerous days loom.
These police "job actions" are not new. They started in New York City back in the early '60s when the NYPD-PBA managed to quietly and gracefully "encourage" local politicians to legislate on its behalf. Many rules were changed in the union's interests and it became practically impossible to fire or to significantly punish a New York City cop. This political power and the means by which it was achieved was quickly emulated by other police unions with reasonably substantial memberships (= money).

In addition to their local unions, virtually all American cops belong to the Fraternal Order of Police, which, because of the sheer number of its members, exerts a powerful influence over Washington politics on behalf of cops.

One effect of this clandestine political power is the broad range of permissive elements embedded in the structure of rules governing universal police Procedure, which strategically emphasizes the importance of "officer safety." These carefully conceived elements are responsible for the means by which even the most docile, apparently harmless and submissive subjects of police attention are often slammed face down on the ground and handled with unnecessarily forceful, sometimes brutal roughness -- in the interest of officer safety.

The same political influence which enables routinely and unnecessarily abusive treatment by cops also enables police unions to effectively defend individual cops against all but the most serious and conspicuous malfeasance and impropriety. The effects of this prevalent sense of immunity from censure or disciplinary action are readily apparent in the increasing progression of reported, often videotaped, examples of police misconduct and criminal excess.

As it is with almost all such examples of permissive latitude on the part of organizations, the saturation level is reached and the tide is turned. While I fully expect the sense of power on the part of police unions will result in a major, nationwide "stand-down" job action I further expect it will result in reversal of the pro-police political influence that brought the job action about. When the axes begin to fall and heads begin to roll the job actions will quickly end and the defensively permissive rules will change.

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