The Rise Of Weak Men - Breaking Down Toxic Masculinity In America Today

Yes it is and no they do not.

The women who make such claims only want such a weak man if he has a some money to support her and her kids. Women overwhelmingly want strong confident masculine men who lead.
Not enough of those to go around, so women settle.
Informative video from Patrick bet David,

Imo American history is filled with success of both men and women …over time which has made our country very strong.…. or The many American women who worked a steel job in World War II or who went overseas as a nurse or similar.

it seems that throughout much of the 1900s and of course the 2000s that both men and women we’re having success. Now it is safe to say that many more men of today compared to the past are not a living a proper lifestyle either they’re on drugs all the time, they drink all the time, they are out of shape, they are playing video games all day or watching Instagram all day …. consider this last point that didn’t exist throughout much of American history it’s relatively new that is the advent of video games, and more recently Instagram, Facebook TikTok.

If you were to ask me I think when it comes to hiring a business person or a manager ….I would say like most Americans a company should always hire the most qualified and best person for the job , it doesn’t matter what their skin color is or whether they’re a man or a woman.

The United States has one of the most liberal and democratic history of any country of the world all throughout history. Probably America comes out as the most liberal the most independent and that is why we have for a long time been the top destination of the world for any refugee or immigrant. They all dream of coming to America. But in the past few years the United States has taken a sharp turn to the far left which has also affected the country. Various measures taken by politicians mostly Democrats but also Republicans have led to a weakness they’ve sort of ultra feminization of many men and women in this country who otherwise say for example in the 1960s or 1980s were physically more stronger, were more strong and determined and willing to go out and work in a tough environment to make money. … even back in the 1980s we didn’t have in social media anything close to what we have today. Today the legalization of marijuana, the rise of social media, cancel culture and other far left wing politics including anti-Americanism preached by mostly Democrats but also Republicans and the idea the false and dangerous idea that America is built on systemically racist evil history. The far left and their gop support Dont look at history through a global perspective or recognize how we played a role in civilizing the world.

Because of our left-wing politics and their Republican support many men have been negatively affected more so statistically speaking in important ways compared to women. You will see this below.

info from the video

Some of the statistics that really stood out would be that if you look at the prison population in America 93% of it is male, 98% of death row inmates are male. This is quite overwhelming considering that men are about half the population of America woman being the other half.

Men have much higher drug addiction rates compared to women. Most of those in a rehab center or who are seeing drug rehabilitation programs are men.

Overwhelmingly the homeless population is consistent of men. Women graduate high school and college at higher rates compared to men.

What does this mean for America’s future. Men today in America are not as strong as they used to be their weightlifting skills have gone down on average, lots of guys are playing video games all day with no interest in meeting a woman. Something like 80% of women throughout history have reproduced 40% of men throughout history have reproduced.

My take on the Video and topic in general

Not being confident in one’s country or in the history of one’s country is a major catalyst for drug addiction and crime in America. If somebody in this country , an American citizen is not confident and believes that the country is racist it has an evil history, if they believe that is the United States minorities are treated unfairly it will lead of course by default to a negative perception of the country and an easier route to use drugs and alcohol at high rates. Of course this comes with not having a good job and we don’t have the middle class jobs in America that we used to have. We have a government that says it’s OK to get high and use drugs that’s what you have a new support saying. So when a young American man sees this when they see the governor of California saying it’s OK to let off and get high that’s what’s going to happen you see many young man will just use drugs all the time …. and for every drug user that can function in America many of them cannot function. It’s now easier to get drugs in America than it was in the past. It’s easier in this country to be distracted by Instagram by TikTok buy porn which would prevent a young man from meeting a woman in real life. So it’s these types of issues and that is why we see the statistics we see about the undeniable fact that there is a problem in America and the only question is how will it be solved or will it be solved at all.?

Will this problem in America get worse, Will the statistics keep getting worse with more and more drug addicted and out of shape men as we go on into the American future?

Or will we have better leader ship from our government including better programs put into place to benefit the health of Americans of all ages, will we have a government that preaches being healthy and proud of American history , and we will have better middle-class jobs in the future?

You mean the fragile males crying about Bud Light and Target?
They are falling because you are crawling around and they are tripping

Such a claim as yours is not an argument and akin to calling yourself a war hero or billionaire. You can be what ever you like on line
I try not to be jerk. ;)
Republicans cried like little weaklings when Trump lost the election
Republicans cried like little weaklings when Trump got caught red handed with classified documents and indicted for it.
Republicans cried like little weaklings when when they did the Russia investigation
Republicans cried like little weaklings when I posted the clearly easing inflation data.

Republicans cried like little weaklings over everything, and represent a real problem with male weakness in America.
It must be hell to be thinking about Donald J. Trump 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Do you have a secret crush on him? Did he turn you down for a date once?
Poor little banker.
Same age as my mother.
I am willing to bet there were less differences in schools when I went, that was 30 years after you, than schools now to when I went.
Hell, daycare centers have more playground toys than I've ever seen on a grade school playground.
If the OP is what "masculinity" is Rory Gilmore is more masculine than him.
There's no such thing as Toxic masculinity. It's a made up name for a non-existent problem. The left makes shit up all the time. it's meaningless.

If masculinity were really toxic, children would be better off growing up without fathers. We all know that is not the case.

It is, was, and always will be bullshit.
There's no such thing as Toxic masculinity. It's a made up name for a non-existent problem. The left makes shit up all the time. it's meaningless.

If masculinity were really toxic, children would be better off growing up without fathers. We all know that is not the case.

It is, was, and always will be bullshit.
My kids grew up largely without me thanks to divorce. They loved the freedom from discipline and responsibility living with their mother. Now that they're grown their lives are a mess.

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