Major University demands students reject science, perpetuate lies

The point is to prevent someone from deliberately and continuously calling a person something that offends them 1st Amendment right to accurately refer to you as “she” trumps your butthurt little feelings. Idiot.
Lol, there are limits you know. Ever heard of hate speech?
Yes, I have heard of “hate speech”. And it is 100% legal, you dumb dimwit. :lmao:

(Just ask the Nazi’s in Skokie, Illinois :eusa_dance:)
In general terms, yes it is. When directed against a specific individual repeatedly it's an assault.

This stuff isn't that hard kid.

Tell you what, Sparkles. If I came over there and called you names for a bit, and then kicked you in the nads (presuming I could find them), would you be able to tell which one was assault, and which one was just words?
The fact that chromosonally, you are either a man or a woman.
The university is not questioning that fact
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You're correct. Sadly, they are flat out rejecting it. We would all be better off if the University Minnesota actually did question it. At least it would show they are open to science, rather than flat out rejecting it like you did.

They are not questioning the sex of a person, just the gender. They really are not the same thing ,but since you never got past the 4th grade you would not know that.
The fact that chromosonally, you are either a man or a woman.
The university is not questioning that fact
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You're correct. Sadly, they are flat out rejecting it. We would all be better off if the University Minnesota actually did question it. At least it would show they are open to science, rather than flat out rejecting it like you did.

They are not questioning the sex of a person, just the gender. They really are not the same thing ,but since you never got past the 4th grade you would not know that.

What a fascinating take on the subject you've decided to "cleverly" project onto people who don't agree with you at all.

Tell me something. Do you actually think if you parse the words small enough, you're ACTUALLY going to convince someone somewhere that you're correct, and they're just gonna go, "Oh, okay! I guess it's all right to fire me for calling a biological male 'he', after all!"?
You are required to keep your bigotry in your own home...
  1. It’s not bigotry to speak the truth
  2. It’s not bigotry to accept science
  3. The U.S. Constitution makes no such requirements. My rights trump your fragile little butthurt snowflake ass.
They are not questioning the sex of a person, just the gender.
That’s literally as ignorant as stating “we’re not questioning your nationality, we’re questioning your country of origin”. :laugh:

My God, you are a very special kind of stupid.
The fact that chromosonally, you are either a man or a woman.
The university is not questioning that fact
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You're correct. Sadly, they are flat out rejecting it. We would all be better off if the University Minnesota actually did question it. At least it would show they are open to science, rather than flat out rejecting it like you did.

They are not questioning the sex of a person, just the gender. They really are not the same thing ,but since you never got past the 4th grade you would not know that.

What a fascinating take on the subject you've decided to "cleverly" project onto people who don't agree with you at all.

Tell me something. Do you actually think if you parse the words small enough, you're ACTUALLY going to convince someone somewhere that you're correct, and they're just gonna go, "Oh, okay! I guess it's all right to fire me for calling a biological male 'he', after all!"?
Mind you, Cecilie1200, this is the jack-ass who tries to convince everyone he is extreme right-wing. Yet here he sits celebrating the fact that people are being forced to perpetuate a lie and reject science.

A true conservative doesn’t celebrate coercion. They celebrate liberty. Including the liberty to call anyone anything.

In short, he’s a troll and an asshole.
The fact that chromosonally, you are either a man or a woman.
The university is not questioning that fact
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You're correct. Sadly, they are flat out rejecting it. We would all be better off if the University Minnesota actually did question it. At least it would show they are open to science, rather than flat out rejecting it like you did.

They are not questioning the sex of a person, just the gender. They really are not the same thing ,but since you never got past the 4th grade you would not know that.

What a fascinating take on the subject you've decided to "cleverly" project onto people who don't agree with you at all.

Tell me something. Do you actually think if you parse the words small enough, you're ACTUALLY going to convince someone somewhere that you're correct, and they're just gonna go, "Oh, okay! I guess it's all right to fire me for calling a biological male 'he', after all!"?
Mind you, Cecilie1200, this is the jack-ass who tries to convince everyone he is extreme right-wing. Yet here he sits celebrating the fact that people are being forced to perpetuate a lie and reject science.

A true conservative doesn’t celebrate coercion. They celebrate liberty. Including the liberty to call anyone anything.

In short, he’s a troll and an asshole.

I did no such thing, I have made no comment on the policy at all. I do not work there or attend there so it has no impact on my at all.

All I did was point out the error in your OP.
The fact that chromosonally, you are either a man or a woman.
The university is not questioning that fact
Sent from my iPhone using
You're correct. Sadly, they are flat out rejecting it. We would all be better off if the University Minnesota actually did question it. At least it would show they are open to science, rather than flat out rejecting it like you did.

They are not questioning the sex of a person, just the gender. They really are not the same thing ,but since you never got past the 4th grade you would not know that.

What a fascinating take on the subject you've decided to "cleverly" project onto people who don't agree with you at all.

Tell me something. Do you actually think if you parse the words small enough, you're ACTUALLY going to convince someone somewhere that you're correct, and they're just gonna go, "Oh, okay! I guess it's all right to fire me for calling a biological male 'he', after all!"?
Mind you, Cecilie1200, this is the jack-ass who tries to convince everyone he is extreme right-wing. Yet here he sits celebrating the fact that people are being forced to perpetuate a lie and reject science.

A true conservative doesn’t celebrate coercion. They celebrate liberty. Including the liberty to call anyone anything.

In short, he’s a troll and an asshole.

I know that, and you know that. Hell, HE knows that. Still gotta keep answering and blocking his bullshit, because there might be other people who don't know that . . . yet.
They are not questioning the sex of a person, just the gender.
That’s literally as ignorant as stating “we’re not questioning your nationality, we’re questioning your country of origin”. :laugh:

My God, you are a very special kind of stupid.

No, really they are not the same.

Gender is a literary term, not a scientific one. It was never meant to be applied to sex the way that it is.

Oh, and since you continue to make a fool of yourself, if one become an American citizen, their nationality is American, regardless of where their country of origin was. You are so stupid you fucked up your own comeback.

How embarrassing for you.
The fact that chromosonally, you are either a man or a woman.
The university is not questioning that fact
Sent from my iPhone using
You're correct. Sadly, they are flat out rejecting it. We would all be better off if the University Minnesota actually did question it. At least it would show they are open to science, rather than flat out rejecting it like you did.

They are not questioning the sex of a person, just the gender. They really are not the same thing ,but since you never got past the 4th grade you would not know that.

What a fascinating take on the subject you've decided to "cleverly" project onto people who don't agree with you at all.

Tell me something. Do you actually think if you parse the words small enough, you're ACTUALLY going to convince someone somewhere that you're correct, and they're just gonna go, "Oh, okay! I guess it's all right to fire me for calling a biological male 'he', after all!"?

I have no desire to convince anyone of anything. I am merely pointing out the facts, what you do with them is totally up to you. You are more than free to continue to revel in your ignorance, you seem to be awful proud of it.
if one become an American citizen, their nationality is American, regardless of where their country of origin was.
Atrocious grammmar aside here, nitwit, “if one become” a woman by having a surgery that removes their penis and testicles, a vagina installed, and hormone therapy, their sex becomes female.

But we’re not talking about “becomes”. We’re talking about what is, dumb ass. Every time I embrass you, you move the goalposts.
Yes, there is a huge error, the error that gender is a scientific term.
I never said gender was a scientific “term”, you ignorant dimwit. I said gender is a scientific fact.

God you continue to take stupid to unprecedented levels. You can’t even remember what was said. No wonder you live off of the government and think taxes are paid ONE time per year in April.
Yes, there is a huge error, the error that gender is a scientific term.
I never said gender was a scientific “term”, you ignorant dimwit. I said gender is a scientific fact.

God you continue to take stupid to unprecedented levels. You can’t even remember what was said. No wonder you live off of the government and think taxes are paid ONE time per year in April.

Keep telling that lie, but no matter how many times you do, it will never be true.

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