Major University demands students reject science, perpetuate lies

Maybe they should require these gender confused assholes to have their preferred gender and associated pronouns tattooed across their forehead to avoid conflict.

Some people were just born with alot of traits of the opposite sex, like Rosie O'Donnell.
She's like a trucker without a penis.

Then you have the guys that look better than most women. They can't help it that they like to be silky-smooth. The problem comes up when they walk into the men's room to take a wiz. Everybody's staring at them.

So I understand this issue. I just don't like government getting into it, because they always find a way to fuck it up.

People are free to do/be whatever they want, what they don't have the right to do is force me to accept their bullshit or participate in it.

My point exactly....
The fact that chromosonally, you are either a man or a woman.
The university is not questioning that fact
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You're correct. Sadly, they are flat out rejecting it. We would all be better off if the University Minnesota actually did question it. At least it would show they are open to science, rather than flat out rejecting it like you did.

They are not questioning the sex of a person, just the gender. They really are not the same thing ,but since you never got past the 4th grade you would not know that.

What a fascinating take on the subject you've decided to "cleverly" project onto people who don't agree with you at all.

Tell me something. Do you actually think if you parse the words small enough, you're ACTUALLY going to convince someone somewhere that you're correct, and they're just gonna go, "Oh, okay! I guess it's all right to fire me for calling a biological male 'he', after all!"?

I have no desire to convince anyone of anything. I am merely pointing out the facts, what you do with them is totally up to you. You are more than free to continue to revel in your ignorance, you seem to be awful proud of it.

I just heard, "I know I'm talking bullshit, but it makes me feel superior, so I don't care."
Yeah, the gender stuff is getting stupid. The right denies science too, though. Anybody feel like having a conversation about evolution? Any Republicans here think the Earth is 6,000 years old? Noah's Arc?
I bet you won't find as many Republicans who think the world is only 6000 years old as Democrats who think there is more than 2 genders.
I'll take that bet.

Me too....because people don't think there are more than two genders. What they do believe is that gender is not determined at birth and can be changed.
except many leftists feel otherwise.
“There are exceptions (10%?), e.g., homosexuals.”

10%? Nonsense.

Biology and psychology are from my point of view not social sciences. They are for me natural sciences.
According to Pew Research:
About 10 million people, or 4.1% of the U.S. adult population, identified as LGBT

LGBT = homosexual men and women, homosexual heterosexuals and people who have in psychology another gender than in biology.

2016, according to the latest estimates from Gallup. This represents a modest but significant increase from 8.3 million people (3.5% of adults) who said they were LGBT in 2012.“
Obviously, many LGBT people don’t “come out”, so the real figure may be double or triple the 4% figure.

Same with aliens. I doubt by the way that this 4% are real. When I grew up we spoke really about everything. And I knew in those days an unbelievable amount of people. It existed lots of problems everywhere in all families and the whole society. Lots of psychological problems too. But gender was not a big problem (homosexuality, bisexuality). A transvestite had some problems because the people did not accept his outfit. I remember I spoke a whole afternoon with him/her about - but this was not the only time I met him/her.

I would classify the sciences into 3 main categories:

PHYSICAL: Physics & Chemistry;
BIOLOGICAL: When cells & DNA replicate;
SOCIAL: When organisms adapt to each other as well as their physical/biological ecology, with “conscious processes” involved.

Hierarchy of science:

[logos ->] physics -> chemistry -> biology -> psychology = > spirituality, culture (civilization) and society => [logic, mathematics] =>> science of physics -> science of …

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The university is not questioning that fact
Sent from my iPhone using
You're correct. Sadly, they are flat out rejecting it. We would all be better off if the University Minnesota actually did question it. At least it would show they are open to science, rather than flat out rejecting it like you did.

They are not questioning the sex of a person, just the gender. They really are not the same thing ,but since you never got past the 4th grade you would not know that.

What a fascinating take on the subject you've decided to "cleverly" project onto people who don't agree with you at all.

Tell me something. Do you actually think if you parse the words small enough, you're ACTUALLY going to convince someone somewhere that you're correct, and they're just gonna go, "Oh, okay! I guess it's all right to fire me for calling a biological male 'he', after all!"?

I have no desire to convince anyone of anything. I am merely pointing out the facts, what you do with them is totally up to you. You are more than free to continue to revel in your ignorance, you seem to be awful proud of it.

I just heard, "I know I'm talking bullshit, but it makes me feel superior, so I don't care."

I do not need to feel superior, I am superior
I never said gender was a scientific “term”, you ignorant dimwit. I said gender is a scientific fact.
It is neither, it is a literary term, nothing more.
Your rejection of science does not alter science. You can’t even believe the nonsense you spew. You’re just a sad and lonely troll.

I cannot help your ignorance. I try and educate you and you reject knowledge and instead cling to your hatred and bigotry.
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says
You pussies need to quit yer whining. The point is to prevent someone from deliberately and continuously calling a person something that offends them, not to fire people for making a mistake. It's no more out of the ordinary than rules against racial epithets. Now out on your big girl panties and deal with it.
If a person is offended by who they are; that's their own problem. The change needs to begin with them.
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Yeah, the gender stuff is getting stupid. The right denies science too, though. Anybody feel like having a conversation about evolution? Any Republicans here think the Earth is 6,000 years old? Noah's Arc?
I bet you won't find as many Republicans who think the world is only 6000 years old as Democrats who think there is more than 2 genders.
I'll take that bet.

Me too....because people don't think there are more than two genders. What they do believe is that gender is not determined at birth and can be changed.
except many leftists feel otherwise.

No they don't. Most "leftists" don't believe there are more than two genders. They simply believe that gender is changeable...And it is.
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says
You pussies need to quit yer whining. The point is to prevent someone from deliberately and continuously calling a person something that offends them, not to fire people for making a mistake. It's no more out of the ordinary than rules against racial epithets. Now out on your big girl panties and deal with it.
If a person is offended by who they are; that's their own problem. The change needs to begin with them.
Lol, no. The problem lies with you being offended with who they are.
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says
You pussies need to quit yer whining. The point is to prevent someone from deliberately and continuously calling a person something that offends them, not to fire people for making a mistake. It's no more out of the ordinary than rules against racial epithets. Now out on your big girl panties and deal with it.
If a person is offended by who they are; that's their own problem. The change needs to begin with them.
Lol, no. The problem lies with you being offended with who they are.
Yeah... Okay bud... The fact is most peoe; myself included, don't give a shit who they are. And as such only notice them when the demand that others aquiece to their derangement. Which most afent willing to do. A male is a male, and a woman is a woman. No one gives a shit how you feel.
Yeah, the gender stuff is getting stupid. The right denies science too, though. Anybody feel like having a conversation about evolution? Any Republicans here think the Earth is 6,000 years old? Noah's Arc?
I bet you won't find as many Republicans who think the world is only 6000 years old as Democrats who think there is more than 2 genders.
I'll take that bet.

Me too....because people don't think there are more than two genders. What they do believe is that gender is not determined at birth and can be changed.
except many leftists feel otherwise.

And most people don't believe that gender is some vague, mystical something utterly divorced from biological reality that is determined by momentary whim and completely overriding all other considerations.
You're correct. Sadly, they are flat out rejecting it. We would all be better off if the University Minnesota actually did question it. At least it would show they are open to science, rather than flat out rejecting it like you did.

They are not questioning the sex of a person, just the gender. They really are not the same thing ,but since you never got past the 4th grade you would not know that.

What a fascinating take on the subject you've decided to "cleverly" project onto people who don't agree with you at all.

Tell me something. Do you actually think if you parse the words small enough, you're ACTUALLY going to convince someone somewhere that you're correct, and they're just gonna go, "Oh, okay! I guess it's all right to fire me for calling a biological male 'he', after all!"?

I have no desire to convince anyone of anything. I am merely pointing out the facts, what you do with them is totally up to you. You are more than free to continue to revel in your ignorance, you seem to be awful proud of it.

I just heard, "I know I'm talking bullshit, but it makes me feel superior, so I don't care."

I do not need to feel superior, I am superior

Congratulations. You have one whole person who thinks so.
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says
You pussies need to quit yer whining. The point is to prevent someone from deliberately and continuously calling a person something that offends them, not to fire people for making a mistake. It's no more out of the ordinary than rules against racial epithets. Now out on your big girl panties and deal with it.
If a person is offended by who they are; that's their own problem. The change needs to begin with them.
Lol, no. The problem lies with you being offended with who they are.

No, the problem lies with us trying to go on with our lives without giving a rat's ass what they do or play at, them getting up in our faces, and then crying like bitches when we get offended by having them up in our faces.
... rather than much of recorded history where the bible thumping morons oppressed people.

Example? The Jewish seven days week with names like Thors-day or Freyas-day?

You DO realize that Jews actually have their own names for the days of the week in Hebrew, right?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 as far as I heard.

And what is your answer to my question?

That IS the answer. In the English language, we named the weeks after Norse gods, so when one speaks English, one uses those names. Doesn't mean that's what THEY call them.
“There are exceptions (10%?), e.g., homosexuals.”

10%? Nonsense.

Biology and psychology are from my point of view not social sciences. They are for me natural sciences.
According to Pew Research:
About 10 million people, or 4.1% of the U.S. adult population, identified as LGBT

LGBT = homosexual men and women, homosexual heterosexuals and people who have in psychology another gender than in biology.

2016, according to the latest estimates from Gallup. This represents a modest but significant increase from 8.3 million people (3.5% of adults) who said they were LGBT in 2012.“
Obviously, many LGBT people don’t “come out”, so the real figure may be double or triple the 4% figure.

Same with aliens. I doubt by the way that this 4% are real. When I grew up we spoke really about everything. And I knew in those days an unbelievable amount of people. It existed lots of problems everywhere in all families and the whole society. Lots of psychological problems too. But gender was not a big problem (homosexuality, bisexuality). A transvestite had some problems because the people did not accept his outfit. I remember I spoke a whole afternoon with him/her about - but this was not the only time I met him/her.

I would classify the sciences into 3 main categories:

PHYSICAL: Physics & Chemistry;
BIOLOGICAL: When cells & DNA replicate;
SOCIAL: When organisms adapt to each other as well as their physical/biological ecology, with “conscious processes” involved.

Hierarchy of science:

[logos ->] physics -> chemistry -> biology -> psychology = > spirituality, culture (civilization) and society => [logic, mathematics] =>> science of physics -> science of …
I can go with your hierarchy of science EXCEPT cut the “spirituality” and place math and logic (philosophy) PRIOR to science, as in Philosophy of Physics, etc.
“There are exceptions (10%?), e.g., homosexuals.”

10%? Nonsense.

Biology and psychology are from my point of view not social sciences. They are for me natural sciences.
According to Pew Research:
About 10 million people, or 4.1% of the U.S. adult population, identified as LGBT

LGBT = homosexual men and women, homosexual heterosexuals and people who have in psychology another gender than in biology.

2016, according to the latest estimates from Gallup. This represents a modest but significant increase from 8.3 million people (3.5% of adults) who said they were LGBT in 2012.“
Obviously, many LGBT people don’t “come out”, so the real figure may be double or triple the 4% figure.

Same with aliens. I doubt by the way that this 4% are real. When I grew up we spoke really about everything. And I knew in those days an unbelievable amount of people. It existed lots of problems everywhere in all families and the whole society. Lots of psychological problems too. But gender was not a big problem (homosexuality, bisexuality). A transvestite had some problems because the people did not accept his outfit. I remember I spoke a whole afternoon with him/her about - but this was not the only time I met him/her.

I would classify the sciences into 3 main categories:

PHYSICAL: Physics & Chemistry;
BIOLOGICAL: When cells & DNA replicate;
SOCIAL: When organisms adapt to each other as well as their physical/biological ecology, with “conscious processes” involved.

Hierarchy of science:

[logos ->] physics -> chemistry -> biology -> psychology = > spirituality, culture (civilization) and society => [logic, mathematics] =>> science of physics -> science of …
I can go with your hierarchy of science EXCEPT cut the “spirituality” and place math and logic (philosophy) PRIOR to science, as in Philosophy of Physics, etc.

It's nonsense what you say here. Take a look at Göbekli Tepe. First was spirituality then came suddenly culture and civilization. After the temples learned people to be farmers to found cities and to make philosophy, mathematics and science. But the logos started not with philosophy, mathematics and science.

Liberals always suck at economics, history, the Constitution, ethics, climate science and biology.

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