Major University demands students reject science, perpetuate lies

Maybe they should require these gender confused assholes to have their preferred gender and associated pronouns tattooed across their forehead to avoid conflict.

/——/ They would need washable sharpies instead of tattoos since their genders change at a moments notice.

They could get signs to pin to the fronts of their shirts. Just pick the sign that reflects the "reality" you feelz today.

Or hey, hang dry-erase boards around their necks. That way, they're prepared if they suddenly feelz something else after lunch. Or, y'know, if the line in one bathroom is too long and they suddenly feelz they are whichever gender will let them pee sooner.
/---/ What gets me is why libtard women don't complain. Lines at the ladies room are too long as is, now you've got even more lined up to squat and pee.
The point is to prevent someone from deliberately and continuously calling a person something that offends them
Only a left-wing statist tool like yourself would be more concerned with the feelings of a fellow mentally ill tool than scientific fact and reality. Idiot. :eusa_doh:
I bet you are a climate denier aren't you. And you probably want creationism taught in schools too.

The irony involved in a tRumpanzee rwnj accusing someone else of denying "science" probably escapes you though.

Your claim to superiority on the basis of "Science!" falls short when you're defending the notion that gender is a matter of opinion.

The irony involved in a "transgender" champion accusing someone else of denying science escapes us not at all.
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says
You pussies need to quit yer whining. The point is to prevent someone from deliberately and continuously calling a person something that offends them, not to fire people for making a mistake. It's no more out of the ordinary than rules against racial epithets. Now out on your big girl panties and deal with it.

Yeah, but what about when some snowflakey little bitch starts getting pushy with a professor over it to the point the professor is simply tired of dealing with his/her/it/shits nonsense? Also, expelling other students? Maybe they should just ban use of gender pronouns all together.
People are able to think for themselves you know. Effort will be made to limit abuse of the rule.

How comforting to know that a rule which is inherently abusive will at least be "limited".
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says
You pussies need to quit yer whining. The point is to prevent someone from deliberately and continuously calling a person something that offends them, not to fire people for making a mistake. It's no more out of the ordinary than rules against racial epithets. Now out on your big girl panties and deal with it.

No one has a right not to be offended, snowflakes need to learn the old sticks and stones adage. It will make life much easier for them.

So how about I follow you around the forum and call you by.the wrong pronoun for a few weeks or months?

You're obviously under the mistaken impression that you matter.
Just call everyone "it" since "it" applies to all the far left drones away.

Just like have one bathroom that carters to everyone..
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says

And your average liberal intellectual will actually dare to argue from 'higher' moral ground against our President. This denial of human fact is of course sponsored by the radical Left cultural revolution.
Yes how terrible that people are educated. Loons

While I realize that YOUR gender probably isn't clearly obvious, "educated" still is not the correct word for believing that gender is a figment of the imagination.
Maybe they should require these gender confused assholes to have their preferred gender and associated pronouns tattooed across their forehead to avoid conflict.

/——/ They would need washable sharpies instead of tattoos since their genders change at a moments notice.

They could get signs to pin to the fronts of their shirts. Just pick the sign that reflects the "reality" you feelz today.

Or hey, hang dry-erase boards around their necks. That way, they're prepared if they suddenly feelz something else after lunch. Or, y'know, if the line in one bathroom is too long and they suddenly feelz they are whichever gender will let them pee sooner.
/---/ What gets me is why libtard women don't complain. Lines at the ladies room are too long as is, now you've got even more lined up to squat and pee.

Because for all their talk of "female empowerment", leftist women are oppressed chattel of their own patriarchy on a level not seen outside of a Middle Eastern harem.
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says

What scientific fact are you referring to?

Reading problems? Have an adult explain it to ya.


nope, just giving you idiots a little bit more rope



You know, more rope to hang yourself.

Have your figured out yet gender is not a scientific term or concept?

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You want "scientific terms or concepts"? All right, Chuckles.

Biologically, humans have two sexes. Just two. No more, no less. Male and female. That's it. You are one, or you are the other. Which one you are is determined at the moment you are conceived by the chromosomes contained in the ovum and sperm which combined to make you. Your sex is immutable and unchangeable throughout your life. You have absolutely no say in it, and you cannot change it. Whether or not you like the sex you are is irrelevant. Chromosomes don't give a shit. Whether or not you feel drawn to the most shallow, superficial stereotypes of the opposite sex is also irrelevant. You still are the sex that you are, and have been from the moment of conception. You can mutilate your body as much as you like in an attempt to deny or circumvent the anatomical results of the genetic blueprint in your chromosomes, and that's irrelevant as well. Your sex is not determined by the visual evidence of it; it is determined by your chromosomes, and those are not changed by surgery.

And one last thing: your chromosomes also don't give a shit how many people you bully into calling you something you're not.
Reading problems? Have an adult explain it to ya.


nope, just giving you idiots a little bit more rope



You know, more rope to hang yourself.

Have your figured out yet gender is not a scientific term or concept?

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I figured out you're free to pretend what ever you want, how ever you're aren't free to force your pretense on me.


I am not pretending anything, I am just pointing out the facts, and the FACT is that gender is not a scientific term or concept.

The FACT is that more people feel comfortable saying "gender" than they do "sex", but playing word definition games doesn't change the FACT that your sex is what it is and is immutable, and you're arguing in favor of something that's bullshit.
You want "scientific terms or concepts"? All right, Chuckles.

Biologically, humans have two sexes. Just two. No more, no less. Male and female. That's it. You are one, or you are the other.

Yep, that is a scientific fact, well except for those rare individuals suffering from one of the kinds of hermaphroditism.

And one last thing: your chromosomes also don't give a shit how many people you bully into calling you something you're not.

The OP is about gender, not sex. Do try and keep up
nope, just giving you idiots a little bit more rope



You know, more rope to hang yourself.

Have your figured out yet gender is not a scientific term or concept?

Sent from my iPhone using

I figured out you're free to pretend what ever you want, how ever you're aren't free to force your pretense on me.


I am not pretending anything, I am just pointing out the facts, and the FACT is that gender is not a scientific term or concept.

The FACT is that more people feel comfortable saying "gender" than they do "sex", but playing word definition games doesn't change the FACT that your sex is what it is and is immutable, and you're arguing in favor of something that's bullshit.

"more people feel comfortable saying "gender" than they do "sex""

Which is pretty damn pathetic if you stop and think about it. What a backwards country we are sometimes.
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says

What scientific fact are you referring to?

You are familiar with things like DNA, chromosomes, all that genetic stuff, right? You've heard of them?

Yes, yes I have. And none of those things make a person's gender, as gender is a literary term and not a scientist term. There is no scientific fact of a "gender". In science there is sex, not gender. Somewhere along the line the word "sex" offended some prudes sensibilities and people started to use the word gender in a manner it was not intended to be used.

Or it might be that every time people tried to discuss it using the term "sex", they had to put up with some juvenile goober deliberately misconstruing it to mean "intercourse".

You can sit around blathering about "Aha! Wrong term, so there!" until the cows come home, but the fact is going to remain that - whatever term you use to refer to it - there are only two biological sexes in the human animal. And they are immutable. And anyone who says otherwise is dead wrong and ignorant, no matter how much they twit themselves on their "scientific correctness" for using the correct word to advance the incorrect position.
Yeah, the gender stuff is getting stupid. The right denies science too, though. Anybody feel like having a conversation about evolution? Any Republicans here think the Earth is 6,000 years old? Noah's Arc?

Yeah, demanding more proof before accepting theories about things no one was around to witness is JUST like denying cold, hard, definitive DNA evidence that's staring you in the face. :rolleyes:

It surprises me not at all that leftists only cling to "Science!" when it's something that's open to speculation.

I love that you're willing to call evolution a theory. I know that's only because you don't really understand the difference between a theory and a hypothesis, but it's all good.

It IS a theory, dumbass. It's always GOING to be a theory, unless and until someone manages to hang around long enough to witness it.

If YOU knew the difference between a theory and a hypothesis, you wouldn't keep mistakenly acting as though I'm calling it a hypothesis. And no, it's not "all good". THAT would be when you stop thinking that you're impressing anyone but yourself.
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says

What scientific fact are you referring to?

The fact that chromosonally, you are either a man or a woman.
It IS a theory, dumbass.

No kidding, dumb ass.

Other scientific theories include...

- The Earth revolves around the Sun.

General relativity - Gravity, black holes and the expansion of the universe.

Special relativity - Atomic bombs

Statistical mechanics - Allowed for the understanding of thermodynamics and the discovery of atoms.

Plate tectonics - The continents move.

It's nice of you to admit evolution is in the same category as these. It doesn't do much to help your argument, but it's nice of you. For something to be a theory it needs to meet a rather impressive evidence threshold. Science does not dispute evolution any more than it disputes the fact that the Earth revolves around the Sun.
Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says

What scientific fact are you referring to?

The fact that chromosonally, you are either a man or a woman.

The university is not questioning that fact

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Left-wing ideology always ends in the collapse of civilization. Here we have a large university demanding that their students reject the scientific fact of a person's actual gender and instead perpetuate the lie of an alternate gender/reality.

Calling someone by wrong pronoun might get you fired or expelled, college’s gender policy draft says

What scientific fact are you referring to?

The fact that chromosonally, you are either a man or a woman.

The university is not questioning that fact

Sent from my iPhone using

No, they're just threatening to fire professors and expel students if they don't agree to call people by whatever asinine gender pronoun they have decided they are. I understand somebody might be a bit of an asshole for refusing to call somebody a girl or boy when that's not what they are, but they're not wrong, and an education professional certainly shouldn't be fired over it. People are such huge pussies now it's actually unbelievable. Maybe they should spend their life hiding in a cave if they can't handle a little bit of opposition to their insanity.
You want "scientific terms or concepts"? All right, Chuckles.

Biologically, humans have two sexes. Just two. No more, no less. Male and female. That's it. You are one, or you are the other.

Yep, that is a scientific fact, well except for those rare individuals suffering from one of the kinds of hermaphroditism.

And one last thing: your chromosomes also don't give a shit how many people you bully into calling you something you're not.

The OP is about gender, not sex. Do try and keep up

No, hermaphrodites are an anomaly. They do not change the rule of "just two sexes", because they do not constitute a sex in and of themselves. They're a biological mistake. If a person is born without a leg, it doesn't change the basic biological rule that humans are bipeds.

And even they end up falling into one or the other category as they mature and their bodies start imposing secondary sexual characteristics on them.

As for the OP, you'd have to ask him to be sure, but I'm willing to bet that when Patriot uses the word "gender", he's not playing into your little word game; he's actually referring to biological sex. Also, a quick skim of the linked article indicates that the people advancing this ridiculous university policy are also using "gender" interchangeably with "sex".

Do try and keep up.

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