Majority of Republicans think ACORN stole presidential election

When will conservatives stop lying?

When you pry their voiceboxes from their cold dead throats.
Have they ever proven any voter fraud from the 2008 election?

Republicans are delusional. They didn't fuck up....someone stole the last two elections from them

Its awfully suspicious when an organization like ACORN has been indicted for voter fraud in many states.

But again, it was about voter registration, which they reported themselves as they were legally obligated to do. No voter fraud has ever been established. IOW, there's no proof that Mickey Mouse ever actually cast a vote.

If anyone honestly believes that ACORN managed to gin up 9.5 million votes nationwide...well...:cuckoo:
Fraudulent voter registration IS fraud - illegal, ya know?
Its awfully suspicious when an organization like ACORN has been indicted for voter fraud in many states.

But again, it was about voter registration, which they reported themselves as they were legally obligated to do. No voter fraud has ever been established. IOW, there's no proof that Mickey Mouse ever actually cast a vote.

If anyone honestly believes that ACORN managed to gin up 9.5 million votes nationwide...well...:cuckoo:
Fraudulent voter registration IS fraud - illegal, ya know?

He worded his statement poorly. He was trying to contract registration fraud and election fraud.
Poll: Majority of Republicans Believe ACORN Stole the Presidential Election

Katie Connolly

As his hopes of winning the congressional election in New York's 23rd district fade, conservative candidate Doug Hoffman is clearly getting desperate. Today he's blaming his loss on "ACORN, the unions, and the Democratic party" who he alleges, without a shred of evidence, tampered with votes to rig the election against him. Never mind that ACORN told David Weigel that they didn't have volunteers in the area, or that it largely operates in poor urban communities, which NY-23 is not. For conservatives, ACORN is shorthand for the evils of the left.

On the heels of that news, Public Policy Polling released this shocking nugget on its blog: "a 52% majority of GOP voters nationally think that ACORN stole the Presidential election for Barack Obama last year, with only 27% granting that he won it legitimately." Say what? More than half of Republican respondents believe the president was elected fraudulently! That's a stunningly high number. It's disturbing, not only as a demonstrable lack of faith in America's democracy but as an expression of wanton ignorance. Worse, it illustrates the effectiveness of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, et al., alongside a well-funded "Stop ACORN" campaign, in creating an atmosphere where unquestioned lies become received wisdom.

Barack Obama won the election by an easy margin. In the end, it wasn't even close. John McCain knew that and delivered his concession speech before 9:30 p.m. Obama didn't just win in the urban areas where ACORN could actually be seen as a force—and which would likely have voted for him regardless of ACORN's participation. He won in places like North Carolina, where ACORN had just eight staffers. There's been no formal challenge to the electoral validity of the votes.There's simply no proof to back up claims that ACORN tampered with ballots. But there is evidence of irresponsible reporting catalyzing misguided fears.

Poll: Majority of Republicans Believe ACORN Stole the Presidential Election - The Gaggle Blog -

Rules of fair use prohibit the posting of entire pieces.


I've posted entire articles before and wasn't aware that I shouldn't. Thanks for telling me.
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Which is why I said Bush received a majority of the votes cast. That doesn't change the fact that the Supreme Court's decision was a miscarriage of justice.

what should have been done? keep recounting, maybe getting a different result every time?

The recount should have been completed. The Court's reasoning for saying the recount was unconstitutional was utter bullshit designed to give aid to a favored candidate.

to the tune of 7-3? that would indicate that two of the lefties on the court favored Bush
When will conservatives stop lying?

When you pry their voiceboxes from their cold dead throats.

Really!!! And they just have to ask what lies I am talking about. I don't know if that's dumb or obtuse. Either way it's annoying. Geez, it's right there in black and white.
what should have been done? keep recounting, maybe getting a different result every time?

The recount should have been completed. The Court's reasoning for saying the recount was unconstitutional was utter bullshit designed to give aid to a favored candidate.

to the tune of 7-3? that would indicate that two of the lefties on the court favored Bush

Not surprising, considering the line of reasoning the majority used to invalid the recounts. The Court ruled that the recounts were unconstitutional, since they violated the equal protection clause. What's odd about that argument is the court's conservative justices took a view of what constitutes a violation of equal protection that's even broader than the one generally taken by the liberal justices. They normally have a very narrow interpretation though. Seems really suspect that their interpretation changes when it gives them a preferred partisan outcome. It becomes even more suspect when they wrote in the decision that the standard used the case was special and the decision's equal protection standard was not considered to be a binding standard that other courts should use.

An even bigger affront is why the justices determined the recounts violated equal protection: because the recounting standards were not uniform across all districts. Using that logic though, the entire election in Florida violated equal protection, because several different types of voting machines were in use. The same reasoning that would result in different recount standards being unconstitutional (different standards and margins of error) would also apply to different mechanisms being used to record the vote.
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But again, it was about voter registration, which they reported themselves as they were legally obligated to do. No voter fraud has ever been established. IOW, there's no proof that Mickey Mouse ever actually cast a vote.

If anyone honestly believes that ACORN managed to gin up 9.5 million votes nationwide...well...:cuckoo:
Fraudulent voter registration IS fraud - illegal, ya know?

He worded his statement poorly. He was trying to contract registration fraud and election fraud.
Which are both violations of the FEC and fraudulent - illegal, and for a reason as the USA likes to have integrity of elections.
Registering false names doesn't lead to false votes unless nonexistent people show up at the polls.

ACORN discovered, and reported themselves to the media, that they'd found some of their canvassers were filling out phony registration forms. They did that because ACORN gave bonuses to the employees who registered the most voters, so they were defrauding ACORN, not the electoral system. When some greedy jackass signs up "Mickey Mouse" to vote they're milking ACORN of money, it doesn't have any broader effect unless a 6' mouse shows up on election day.

The conspiracies about ACORN, the tiny community service organization that received 3.1 million in government money a year (less than what Halliburton spends in an hour in Iraq) and the birth certificate bullshit give anything I've ever heard about 9/11 a run for their money.
Registering false names doesn't lead to false votes unless nonexistent people show up at the polls. ....
Yet, it's a violation of the FEC regulations (they are picky that way as they like integrity in elections); it's fraudulent; and it's illegal.
Registering false names doesn't lead to false votes unless nonexistent people show up at the polls. ....
Yet, it's a violation of the FEC regulations (they are picky that way as they like integrity in elections); it's fraudulent; and it's illegal.

For sure it's illegal and should be adjudicated as such, wasn't saying otherwise.

But all that has an impact on is ACORN internally. It has NO EFFECT on an election and could not possibly result in 9.5 million fraudulent votes.
Registering false names doesn't lead to false votes unless nonexistent people show up at the polls. ....
Yet, it's a violation of the FEC regulations (they are picky that way as they like integrity in elections); it's fraudulent; and it's illegal.

For sure it's illegal and should be adjudicated as such, wasn't saying otherwise.

But all that has an impact on is ACORN internally. It has NO EFFECT on an election and could not possibly result in 9.5 million fraudulent votes.
Well, the impact is a bit more than that on ACORN. An organization participating in illegal activities should expect to have public funding discontinued, as some of it has been. ALL public funding should be ceased for such a corrupt organization as ACORN. I resent even a fraction of a penny of my tax dollars going to support them.
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The recount should have been completed. The Court's reasoning for saying the recount was unconstitutional was utter bullshit designed to give aid to a favored candidate.

to the tune of 7-3? that would indicate that two of the lefties on the court favored Bush

Not surprising, considering the line of reasoning the majority used to invalid the recounts. The Court ruled that the recounts were unconstitutional, since they violated the equal protection clause. What's odd about that argument is the court's conservative justices took a view of what constitutes a violation of equal protection that's even broader than the one generally taken by the liberal justices. They normally have a very narrow interpretation though. Seems really suspect that their interpretation changes when it gives them a preferred partisan outcome. It becomes even more suspect when they wrote in the decision that the standard used the case was special and the decision's equal protection standard was not considered to be a binding standard that other courts should use.

An even bigger affront is why the justices determined the recounts violated equal protection: because the recounting standards were not uniform across all districts. Using that logic though, the entire election in Florida violated equal protection, because several different types of voting machines were in use. The same reasoning that would result in different recount standards being unconstitutional (different standards and margins of error) would also apply to different mechanisms being used to record the vote.

Gore was stalling in an effort to invalidate the entire State of Florida. Further the Supreme Court of Florida violated Florida law which STATES one can not change the election rules DURING an election.

The decision on the basis of the complaint was 7-2 so only 2 liberals disagreed with the majority that the case was about equal protection. A recount would have required to much time and would have put Florida past the date required to have submitted their electoral college participants list. Which would have meant Flkorida, the entire State, would have been disenfranchised in the national election.

Further EVERY recount conducted both before the Supreme Court ruling and AFTER shows that BUSH won. Gore not Bush took a simple election to the courts in an effort to steal an election he lost.
When will conservatives stop lying?

When you pry their voiceboxes from their cold dead throats.

Really!!! And they just have to ask what lies I am talking about. I don't know if that's dumb or obtuse. Either way it's annoying. Geez, it's right there in black and white.

you keep using that word. Lies. I dont think it means what you seem to think it means.

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