Zone1 Have we lost The Bible Story?

You've demonstrated an interest in discussion in the past my friend.
My interest is limited to noting the Church's position that as long as a Catholic believes God is the Creator, the opinion on how God created and how long creation takes can be determined by each individual. Further, I always note that in Hebrew, 'day' means a period of time that is marked by a beginning and an end, not just a 24-hour time period.
Probably because you never had the desire to seek the truth or put the required work into it.
That could be true, but I'm showing that I'm not turning by back on seeking the truth. We're never finished learning.

We 'do' sometimes stop listening though to those who turn to being mean spirited and angry over their inability to convince.

In fairness though, the Catholic church has robbed those angry Christians of 'the word' that can be depended upon to be true tomorrow or next week.

Is Jonah and the big fish story a true story? None of them can really say?? One Christian's true story turns out to be another's bowl of fish chowder.
My interest is limited to noting the Church's position that as long as a Catholic believes God is the Creator, the opinion on how God created and how long creation takes can be determined by each individual. Further, I always note that in Hebrew, 'day' means a period of time that is marked by a beginning and an end, not just a 24-hour time period.
I have no quarrel with what you choose to believe.

But I do continue to be feeling unsettled with direct contradictions between evolution and creation.

I've even addressed the issue of the length of a 'day'. The length of an earth day wasn't even established to use as a reference. But you're clearly talking about a lot more than the length of a day. You're starting to talk about the only qualification demanded by the church, for those who choose to believe in Darwinian evolution.

That is, the god created everything. Not, god is the creator. There's an important distinction!

And so, I as a non-believer have a lot of difficulty making that work when the fossil record shows us examples of the evolution of man, beginning as a living organism so very different from modern man.

Are you suggesting a different interpretation of the words I've bolded above?

I'm leaving that door open for now at least.
Actually, there are very few points of controversy. Most denominations agree on basic doctrine. What happens is that some denominations that began as single focus ministries expand that focus to the exclusion of the whole. It becomes the tail that wags the dog and often comes in conflict with churches that have a broader point of view. For example, the large "health and wealth" tv ministries.
The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox religions have tried to merge for 1,000 years. Many Christians don't consider Mormons to be Christians. Christians have been killing other Christians over those "few points of controversy" since the beginning of Christianity. There may be few points of controversy but some take them very seriously.
That could be true, but I'm showing that I'm not turning by back on seeking the truth. We're never finished learning.

We 'do' sometimes stop listening though to those who turn to being mean spirited and angry over their inability to convince.

In fairness though, the Catholic church has robbed those angry Christians of 'the word' that can be depended upon to be true tomorrow or next week.

Is Jonah and the big fish story a true story? None of them can really say?? One Christian's true story turns out to be another's bowl of fish chowder.
That's not what you are doing. You - and the others like you - don't realize there will always be an opposite reaction. The more you - and the others - oppose faith in God, the stronger it will grow.
This is a place for Christians to ask some of the nagging questions, and for atheists like me to offer answers.
Do you know where the majority of earth's heat is stored? Do you believe it is the atmosphere or the ocean? What do you believe is the world's largest collector of solar energy? The Ocean? Or the atmosphere? Do you understand that the surface of the earth is not heated evenly? Do you know what must happen because the surface of the earth is not heated evenly? Do you understand that the polar regions are the most critical location on the planet for climate? Do you understand why? Do you know that each pole has a different threshold for extensive continental glaciation? Do you know why? Do you understand why for the past 3 million years the planet has cycled between long periods of frigid temperatures with brief periods of warm temperatures?

Do you think these are fair questions? Do you think these are important questions?
My interest is limited to noting the Church's position that as long as a Catholic believes God is the Creator, the opinion on how God created and how long creation takes can be determined by each individual.

limited by the church's position is over history fleeting at best - who's judging who.
Clearly it's you who is judging.
My interest is limited to noting the Church's position ....

they never tire ....


of their crimes against society they themselves are responsible for. meriweather.
The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox religions have tried to merge for 1,000 years. Many Christians don't consider Mormons to be Christians. Christians have been killing other Christians over those "few points of controversy" since the beginning of Christianity. There may be few points of controversy but some take them very seriously.
Christians who kill other Christians aren't Christians.
I treat my dog better than that and certainly don't punish him if he acts like a dog.
Teachers mistreat their students all the time, insisting that they figure things out for themselves.

God hides stuff.

"It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2

The reason so few understand the Bible is that they don't 'search it out'.

(Yes Virginia, critical thinking can be applied to the Bible.) :up:
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The same Jesus who said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”?

never said by jesus -

they new from the beginning where their path would lead them and knowing full well their intent in doing so as it came to its conclusion. the battle against evil.
I agree. Most denominations are 'majoring in the minors' and have largely hijacked the Bible. The Bible is for reasonable adults, not children. In the hands of novices, it has become weaponized. Regarding the overview, atheists believe that nothing other than the physical/material is going on in the world. Religious people believe there is a great spiritual battle being waged between good and evil, with all of its nuances. A battle that, sadly, mankind is losing.

Pride. Just more pride.

The Bible is for everyone.

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