Majority of Unemployed Americans Want Obamacare Repealed, Illegal Immigration Stopped

Yeah I think most americans love no access to healthcare insurance and coverage.
Majority of Unemployed Americans Want Obamacare Repealed, Illegal Immigration Stopped

Looking to see what exactly that means, I find that, at most, it means 57% and 58%, respectively, of the 4.4% of Americans who were unemployed want those things. But here's my question:
  • Why should anyone give much of a damn about the public policy positions 2.55% of the U.S. population advocates with regard to much if anything?
Majority of Unemployed Americans Want Obamacare Repealed, Illegal Immigration Stopped

Looking to see what exactly that means, I find that, at most, it means 57% and 58%, respectively, of the 4.4% of Americans who were unemployed want those things. But here's my question:
  • Why should anyone give much of a damn about the public policy positions 2.55% of the U.S. population advocates with regard to much if anything?
Why should anyone give much of a damn about the public policy positions 2.55% of the U.S. population advocates with regard to much if anything?
A. The left whines about them pretending to care about their healthcare.
B. 3% are homosexuals, 0.2% are transvestites, and yet the entire last 8 years was built making laws that they were more important and had more rights than anyone else.
Yeah I think most americans love no access to healthcare insurance and coverage.
No one is interested in americans having access to better healthcare, the system works perfectly for those the system serves, the profiteers of the "job creator" class.

GOP Bill Would Let Your Employer Demand to See Your Genetic Information

So what are employers actually after when they implement wellness programs tied to large financial incentives? Cost-shifting. Under the ACA, wellness programs are a legal way to shift a significant portion of the cost of premiums onto employees deemed unhealthy. Wellness programs don’t save money by preventing expensive medical claims—and in fact, they might even increase claims costs due to encouraging unnecessary doctors’ visits. But wellness programs can save money if enough employees fail them or opt out.

This conclusion isn’t just supported by virtually every study on corporate-wellness programs that isn’t funded by those who profit from them. It’s also supported by common sense. Many serious health conditions aren’t especially sensitive to behavior (asthma, Crohn’s disease, etc.). And those that can be impacted by lifestyle interventions aren’t common in the working-age population. As Anderson writes, “cancer, heart attacks, stroke, and diabetes usually don’t hit until retirement, even among people who have had bad habits all along.”

Now that it’s public knowledge that the story behind the Safeway Amendment was a lie — and that there is little science to support that lie’s broader premise — you might think that Congress would scrap the provision.

If so, you don’t know Congress.

Rather than roll back the Safeway Amendment, the House GOP is working to expand its reach. Per Stat News:

A little-noticed bill moving through Congress would allow companies to require employees to undergo genetic testing or risk paying a penalty of thousands of dollars, and would let employers see that genetic and other health information.

Giving employers such power is now prohibited by legislation including the 2008 genetic privacy and nondiscrimination law known as GINA. The new bill gets around that landmark law by stating explicitly that GINA and other protections do not apply when genetic tests are part of a “workplace wellness” program.
The House’s bill is one part of “phase two” of the GOP’s health-insurance-reform plan — a package of regulatory reforms that can’t pass through the reconciliation process, and, thus, need Democratic votes in the Senate.

The American Benefits Council, which represents large employers, argues that their inability to coerce workers into presenting their genetic information puts “at risk the availability and effectiveness of workplace wellness programs,” thereby depriving employees of “improved health and productivity.”
GOP Bill Would Let Your Employer Demand to See Your Genetic Information
Yeah I think most americans love no access to healthcare insurance and coverage.
who has no access to a doctor? more make believe from pretendland libnation.
Folks who have looked into our healthcare system understand what a sorryass system it is; the most expensive on the planet for shitty outcomes relative to other advanced post industrial nations. Perhaps you can repeat your alternative facts and persuade some not to go looking into this for themselves.
Yeah I think most americans love no access to healthcare insurance and coverage.
who has no access to a doctor? more make believe from pretendland libnation.
Folks who have looked into our healthcare system understand what a sorryass system it is; the most expensive on the planet for shitty outcomes relative to other advanced post industrial nations. Perhaps you can repeat your alternative facts and persuade some not to go looking into this for themselves.
son, not sure what your particular speech was intended to do, accept bore me. I asked who has no access to doctors? and you go off about expense. well the dems caused the shit insurance pricing. anything else?
Yeah I think most americans love no access to healthcare insurance and coverage.
who has no access to a doctor? more make believe from pretendland libnation.
Folks who have looked into our healthcare system understand what a sorryass system it is; the most expensive on the planet for shitty outcomes relative to other advanced post industrial nations. Perhaps you can repeat your alternative facts and persuade some not to go looking into this for themselves.
son, not sure what your particular speech was intended to do, accept bore me. I asked who has no access to doctors? and you go off about expense. well the dems caused the shit insurance pricing. anything else?
Ah yes, of course, partisanshit is the answer to everything. Well then I reckon everything should be fixed any moment now, reps got it.
Yeah I think most americans love no access to healthcare insurance and coverage.
who has no access to a doctor? more make believe from pretendland libnation.
Folks who have looked into our healthcare system understand what a sorryass system it is; the most expensive on the planet for shitty outcomes relative to other advanced post industrial nations. Perhaps you can repeat your alternative facts and persuade some not to go looking into this for themselves.
son, not sure what your particular speech was intended to do, accept bore me. I asked who has no access to doctors? and you go off about expense. well the dems caused the shit insurance pricing. anything else?
Ah yes, of course, partisanshit is the answer to everything. Well then I reckon everything should be fixed any moment now, reps got it.
I never said that either. dude you certainly do have problems first staying on a topic and discussing the other person's post. again, not one thing I stated in my post. and yet here you are mumbling and bumbling.
Majority of Unemployed Americans Want Obamacare Repealed, Illegal Immigration Stopped

Looking to see what exactly that means, I find that, at most, it means 57% and 58%, respectively, of the 4.4% of Americans who were unemployed want those things. But here's my question:
  • Why should anyone give much of a damn about the public policy positions 2.55% of the U.S. population advocates with regard to much if anything?
Why should anyone give much of a damn about the public policy positions 2.55% of the U.S. population advocates with regard to much if anything?
A. The left whines about them pretending to care about their healthcare.
B. 3% are homosexuals, 0.2% are transvestites, and yet the entire last 8 years was built making laws that they were more important and had more rights than anyone else.
Are you serious? You think:
  • One should give a damn about the public policy positions 2.55% of the U.S. population advocates because the "left whines about them pretending to care about their healthcare," and
  • One should give a damn about the public policy positions 2.55% of the U.S. population advocates because "3% are homosexuals, 0.2% are transvestites, and yet the entire last 8 years was built making laws that they were more important and had more rights than anyone else."
You obviously don't realize how absurd that is. Be that as it may, that is the answer you gave. TY for answering.

The left whines about them pretending to care about their healthcare.

I haven't ever heard "the left" whine about "the 2.55% of the U.S. population's" pretending to care about their healthcare. Do you have any examples of "the left" doing so? Heck, I haven't even heard "the left" whine about anyone, other than "the right," "pretending to care" about the issue of healthcare, O-care, etc.
the entire last 8 years was built making laws that they were more important and had more rights than anyone else.

That is utterly delusional.
Majority of Unemployed Americans Want Obamacare Repealed, Illegal Immigration Stopped

Looking to see what exactly that means, I find that, at most, it means 57% and 58%, respectively, of the 4.4% of Americans who were unemployed want those things. But here's my question:
  • Why should anyone give much of a damn about the public policy positions 2.55% of the U.S. population advocates with regard to much if anything?
Why should anyone give much of a damn about the public policy positions 2.55% of the U.S. population advocates with regard to much if anything?
A. The left whines about them pretending to care about their healthcare.
B. 3% are homosexuals, 0.2% are transvestites, and yet the entire last 8 years was built making laws that they were more important and had more rights than anyone else.
Are you serious? You think:
  • One should give a damn about the public policy positions 2.55% of the U.S. population advocates because the "left whines about them pretending to care about their healthcare," and
  • One should give a damn about the public policy positions 2.55% of the U.S. population advocates because "3% are homosexuals, 0.2% are transvestites, and yet the entire last 8 years was built making laws that they were more important and had more rights than anyone else."
You obviously don't realize how absurd that is. Be that as it may, that is the answer you gave. TY for answering.

The left whines about them pretending to care about their healthcare.

I haven't ever heard "the left" whine about "the 2.55% of the U.S. population's" pretending to care about their healthcare. Do you have any examples of "the left" doing so? Heck, I haven't even heard "the left" whine about anyone, other than "the right," "pretending to care" about the issue of healthcare, O-care, etc.
the entire last 8 years was built making laws that they were more important and had more rights than anyone else.

That is utterly delusional.
Since you're happy with the 0.2% of Americans who are transvestites getting preferential treatment putting them above the 99.8% of us, your whining is a joke.
Yeah I think most americans love no access to healthcare insurance and coverage.
who has no access to a doctor? more make believe from pretendland libnation.
Folks who have looked into our healthcare system understand what a sorryass system it is; the most expensive on the planet for shitty outcomes relative to other advanced post industrial nations. Perhaps you can repeat your alternative facts and persuade some not to go looking into this for themselves.
Yeah, that's why everyone goes to America, legally and illegally - worst healthcare and opportunity in the world.

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