Make America Gag Again

Some are saying Trump is not the problem, only the symptom. As the cheerleader for those who do not insist on the truth and are willing to accept lies, innuendo, smears and whining instead, he's lowered the bar for all of us. If he says something often enough, even if it's a fact-checked lie, it becomes truth to those who want to believe it. When confronted with facts, Trump claims the media isn't "fair" or "nice" or doesn't treat him well. His followers may think it's just a little fudge....but do they really think a U.S. president could deal with Putin and other world leaders by lying? And try telling Putin he isn't fair. Does the small percentage of the voters who follow Trump really want a schoolyard bully, a spoiled child as a president?
Still more truthful than obuthole or hillary.
Jeddahite said:
Some are saying Trump is not the problem, only the symptom.

yeah, he's kind of just like a puss filled white head zit on the ass of America.
Some are saying Trump is not the problem, only the symptom. As the cheerleader for those who do not insist on the truth and are willing to accept lies, innuendo, smears and whining instead, he's lowered the bar for all of us. If he says something often enough, even if it's a fact-checked lie, it becomes truth to those who want to believe it. When confronted with facts, Trump claims the media isn't "fair" or "nice" or doesn't treat him well. His followers may think it's just a little fudge....but do they really think a U.S. president could deal with Putin and other world leaders by lying? And try telling Putin he isn't fair. Does the small percentage of the voters who follow Trump really want a schoolyard bully, a spoiled child as a president?

Can you even name one of these "lies" by Trump? Just saying he is a liar over and over doesn't make it true.
There were not "thousands and thousands" of Arabs celebrating 9/11. If there had been, there would have been massive news coverage. Not a tiny article about a "few" or "some". Trump said they were tailgating implying that there were enough to fill a stadium parking lot. Merely saying it over and over and saying that "hundreds" agreed with him does not make it true.

Millions of Muslims celebrated 9/11 attacks as they happened world wide. Thousands across the nation certainly did as well. Just because there isn't video of thousands together doesn't mean it didn't happen.

If that is the biggest "lie" you got on Trump, that is quite pathetic.
Prove it.
I don't like Trump, but tell me, what about Clinton?
Some are saying Trump is not the problem, only the symptom. As the cheerleader for those who do not insist on the truth and are willing to accept lies, innuendo, smears and whining instead, he's lowered the bar for all of us. If he says something often enough, even if it's a fact-checked lie, it becomes truth to those who want to believe it. When confronted with facts, Trump claims the media isn't "fair" or "nice" or doesn't treat him well. His followers may think it's just a little fudge....but do they really think a U.S. president could deal with Putin and other world leaders by lying? And try telling Putin he isn't fair. Does the small percentage of the voters who follow Trump really want a schoolyard bully, a spoiled child as a president?
I like Clinton. The Benghazi deaths and her emails have been used to make an issue that doesn't exist. Did Cheney and Rumsfeld use non-existant wmds to start a war? Oh, yes? Did Clinton misunderstand the reason behind the Benghazi attack initially? Possibly. Did anyone ever, in 11, 12 investigations find an email from her that said, "I know our people in Benghazi are unprotected but I want to leave them like that."? No.

Yea, no shit you like Clinton. Benghazi issue doesn't exist? I guess the deaths of four Americans doesn't mean much to you. Then Hillary lied about the video being the cause for weeks. It wasn't "misunderstanding", it was a lie in order to protect and defend Islam.
It was a terrible tragedy that four Americans were killed in Benghazi. And many more died in Iraq and Afghanistan. Let's have a dozen "investigations". Let's grill Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. Let's check everyone of their thousands of communications. Why do you think it's more important that four died in Libya than the thousands of our troops that died elsewhere? Who was protecting Islam? We were supposedly protecting Iraq from Saddam Hussein. Instead we were destabilizing an area and creating a vacuum. Benghazi is an issue for people who are desperately afraid a woman might become president. Like you.
Every death counts. But when you sign up for the military, you know there is a chance of war. My family military members always understood that. When you are a diplomat, you are not signing up for war, and you are given the reassurance the US will do everything they can to protect you. The State Dept did everything but. They turned down requests by the Tripoli security team and him for more security, as they knew it was not adequate. And at one request they actually reduced it. He had minimal security in a known hot zone, for goodness sake! They had already had a huge hole blown in the wall! And the UK, and the red cross had pulled their people because it was so bad! He was the first Ambassador killed under our watch since 1979!
I don't like Trump, but tell me, what about Clinton?
Some are saying Trump is not the problem, only the symptom. As the cheerleader for those who do not insist on the truth and are willing to accept lies, innuendo, smears and whining instead, he's lowered the bar for all of us. If he says something often enough, even if it's a fact-checked lie, it becomes truth to those who want to believe it. When confronted with facts, Trump claims the media isn't "fair" or "nice" or doesn't treat him well. His followers may think it's just a little fudge....but do they really think a U.S. president could deal with Putin and other world leaders by lying? And try telling Putin he isn't fair. Does the small percentage of the voters who follow Trump really want a schoolyard bully, a spoiled child as a president?
I like Clinton. The Benghazi deaths and her emails have been used to make an issue that doesn't exist. Did Cheney and Rumsfeld use non-existant wmds to start a war? Oh, yes? Did Clinton misunderstand the reason behind the Benghazi attack initially? Possibly. Did anyone ever, in 11, 12 investigations find an email from her that said, "I know our people in Benghazi are unprotected but I want to leave them like that."? No.

Yea, no shit you like Clinton. Benghazi issue doesn't exist? I guess the deaths of four Americans doesn't mean much to you. Then Hillary lied about the video being the cause for weeks. It wasn't "misunderstanding", it was a lie in order to protect and defend Islam.
It was a terrible tragedy that four Americans were killed in Benghazi. And many more died in Iraq and Afghanistan. Let's have a dozen "investigations". Let's grill Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. Let's check everyone of their thousands of communications. Why do you think it's more important that four died in Libya than the thousands of our troops that died elsewhere? Who was protecting Islam? We were supposedly protecting Iraq from Saddam Hussein. Instead we were destabilizing an area and creating a vacuum. Benghazi is an issue for people who are desperately afraid a woman might become president. Like you.
I don't like Trump, but tell me, what about Clinton?
Some are saying Trump is not the problem, only the symptom. As the cheerleader for those who do not insist on the truth and are willing to accept lies, innuendo, smears and whining instead, he's lowered the bar for all of us. If he says something often enough, even if it's a fact-checked lie, it becomes truth to those who want to believe it. When confronted with facts, Trump claims the media isn't "fair" or "nice" or doesn't treat him well. His followers may think it's just a little fudge....but do they really think a U.S. president could deal with Putin and other world leaders by lying? And try telling Putin he isn't fair. Does the small percentage of the voters who follow Trump really want a schoolyard bully, a spoiled child as a president?
I like Clinton. The Benghazi deaths and her emails have been used to make an issue that doesn't exist. Did Cheney and Rumsfeld use non-existant wmds to start a war? Oh, yes? Did Clinton misunderstand the reason behind the Benghazi attack initially? Possibly. Did anyone ever, in 11, 12 investigations find an email from her that said, "I know our people in Benghazi are unprotected but I want to leave them like that."? No.

Yea, no shit you like Clinton. Benghazi issue doesn't exist? I guess the deaths of four Americans doesn't mean much to you. Then Hillary lied about the video being the cause for weeks. It wasn't "misunderstanding", it was a lie in order to protect and defend Islam.
It was a terrible tragedy that four Americans were killed in Benghazi. And many more died in Iraq and Afghanistan. Let's have a dozen "investigations". Let's grill Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. Let's check everyone of their thousands of communications. Why do you think it's more important that four died in Libya than the thousands of our troops that died elsewhere? Who was protecting Islam? We were supposedly protecting Iraq from Saddam Hussein. Instead we were destabilizing an area and creating a vacuum. Benghazi is an issue for people who are desperately afraid a woman might become president. Like you.

LOL, now I'm desperately afraid of a woman becoming President just because I oppose Hillary? Guess that means your ilk was afraid of a woman becoming Vice President back when Palin was running.

Soldiers dying in a war may me the fault of the commander-in-chief, as well as those who voted to send them to war, including your beloved Hillary. Is she a war criminal too for that? Funny how you liberals always turn a blind eye to that little blemish on Hillary's voting record.

Those in Lybia were not military fighting under the direction of military in war. They were civilians that the state department failed to protect. Then, they lied to everyone and blamed a YouTube video.

Your attempts at deflecting responsibility of Hillary's actions is pathetic. You're simply willing to overlook all of her wrongdoing because it fits your political agenda. You're a typical partisan hack that puts your politicians above Americans.
I don't like Trump, but tell me, what about Clinton?
Some are saying Trump is not the problem, only the symptom. As the cheerleader for those who do not insist on the truth and are willing to accept lies, innuendo, smears and whining instead, he's lowered the bar for all of us. If he says something often enough, even if it's a fact-checked lie, it becomes truth to those who want to believe it. When confronted with facts, Trump claims the media isn't "fair" or "nice" or doesn't treat him well. His followers may think it's just a little fudge....but do they really think a U.S. president could deal with Putin and other world leaders by lying? And try telling Putin he isn't fair. Does the small percentage of the voters who follow Trump really want a schoolyard bully, a spoiled child as a president?
I like Clinton. The Benghazi deaths and her emails have been used to make an issue that doesn't exist. Did Cheney and Rumsfeld use non-existant wmds to start a war? Oh, yes? Did Clinton misunderstand the reason behind the Benghazi attack initially? Possibly. Did anyone ever, in 11, 12 investigations find an email from her that said, "I know our people in Benghazi are unprotected but I want to leave them like that."? No.

Yea, no shit you like Clinton. Benghazi issue doesn't exist? I guess the deaths of four Americans doesn't mean much to you. Then Hillary lied about the video being the cause for weeks. It wasn't "misunderstanding", it was a lie in order to protect and defend Islam.
It was a terrible tragedy that four Americans were killed in Benghazi. And many more died in Iraq and Afghanistan. Let's have a dozen "investigations". Let's grill Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. Let's check everyone of their thousands of communications. Why do you think it's more important that four died in Libya than the thousands of our troops that died elsewhere? Who was protecting Islam? We were supposedly protecting Iraq from Saddam Hussein. Instead we were destabilizing an area and creating a vacuum. Benghazi is an issue for people who are desperately afraid a woman might become president. Like you.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

No one is afraid of a woman POTUS. The only thing people fear is that Hitlery will be that woman.

You, partisan hack, that you are overlook her and her State Departments gross negligence at Benghazi.

You seem to think a loser like her would make a good POTUS. The more fool you.
Make America Gag Again

Amen! I'm gagging!

Oh the possibilities with that post....

Keep it clean and leave Obama out of it.

I don' take direction from you. In fact nobody does
Well, Catfish, we know you can't follow directions to keep clean in the first place. :lol:

The ankle biting sock puppet chimes in. LMAO Jigs up dude
Trump is a self-indulged bugwit. He has the manors and thought process of an 8th grader.
Like your spelling. Right asshole?

Sweet, another human spell checker. Make sure you don't miss any of my posts Dumbledore. I write and post fast here so I miss many things. Thank god I have stalkers that have the time to spell check for me.

Thank you.
Your spelling is the very least of your problems, never to be mentioned again.

Think ego.

Think mockery of God or a careless dismissal of reality.

No one is stalking you. We are just perplexed you can claim to be so wise and maintain such inane opinions. IMO

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