make it up then yammer "fake news"

Donald Trump is continuing his campaign of fearmongering by making up fake murders. 13

Just days after Kellyanne Conway made up a terrorist massacre, the POTUS is spouting off his own alternative facts about the country's murder rate. 4

Related: Trump's Pick For Labor Secretary Admits To Employing An Undocumented Worker

In a listening session with county sheriffs from around the U.S. on Tuesday, Drumpf dropped this nugget: 3

"And yet the murder rate in our country is the highest it's been in 47 years, right? Did you know that? Forty-seven years. I used to use that. I'd say that in a speech, and everybody was surprised. Because the press doesn't tell it like it is."

Yeah, they were probably surprised because it's not true. 3

According to the FBI's most recent data, the murder rate in 2015 was


BTW, even the TOTAL number of murders was lower in 2015 than in 1970, by about 300 killings, despite a much larger population.

Near as anyone can tell, if Trump isn't just pulling the numbers out of his ass, he MAY have just been confused as to a specific statistic in The New York Times, which reported that the rise from 2014-2015 was the biggest one-year increase in about that many years.

just like the Trump cartel, lie. lie, and LIE.

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