Make the Gun Companies Pay Blood Money


Excuse me while I stand over here and LMFAO.

Tell you what. You use your non lethal weapon to protect your house.

Me? I'll use my shotgun.

Bet my house is better defended than yours and oh yeah. Anyone breaking into my house will be fucking dead.

Once law breakers know your an easy mark with your non lethal weapon they will be back.

My lawbreakers, not so much.

I've known too many people who've buried family members who killed themselves with that gun they bought for protection.

Gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

And frankly, you guys spend too much time fantasizing about killing people. I think what Obama said about Clinging to Guns and Bibles was right on the money.

Family members are far more likely to kill themselves with prescription medication than guns.

Maybe we need to get rid of pharmaceuticals too.
I really have tried not to use what I am about to use this way but it's warranted here.
This is one of the most retarded starts to a thread I have seen here in a very long time....

Neither are guns.

They are designed for SELF-DEFENSE against evil persons.

No matter what you do, evil persons shall exist, in both society and government, hence the need for the Second Amendment.

We had 32,000 gun deaths last year.

How many of them were "evil"?
Ahhh.. the number than includes suicides, etc.. like the suicidal won't find another way :rolleyes:

Even so with the others.. with the intent to kill, people will find a way to do it... what you are doing with your gun control is taking any advantage away from the law abiding and benefiting those with the evil intent

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMFAO.

Tell you what. You use your non lethal weapon to protect your house.

Me? I'll use my shotgun.

Bet my house is better defended than yours and oh yeah. Anyone breaking into my house will be fucking dead.

Once law breakers know your an easy mark with your non lethal weapon they will be back.

My lawbreakers, not so much.

I've known too many people who've buried family members who killed themselves with that gun they bought for protection.

Gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

And frankly, you guys spend too much time fantasizing about killing people. I think what Obama said about Clinging to Guns and Bibles was right on the money.

This is complete and utter crap.

The purpose of having a gun in the home is not to KILL a bad guy, it is to keep a bad guy from killing oneself.

But there is a simple and direct way to make them accountable for the harm their products cause. For every gun sold, those who manufacture or import it should pay a tax. The money should then be used to create a compensation fund for innocent victims of gun violence.

This proposal is based on a fundamentally conservative principle — that those who cause injury should be made to “internalize” the cost of their activity by paying for it. Now, gun manufacturers and sellers are mostly protected from lawsuits by federal law.

As it happens, a model for this approach already exists. Under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, those injured by vaccines are eligible for compensation from a fund financed by an excise tax on the sale of every dose of vaccine. In creating this no-fault system in the 1980s, Congress sought to provide care for those injured by vaccines while protecting manufacturers from undue litigation.
Typical stupidity from the libtarded left, blame the gun companies. IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMFAO.

Tell you what. You use your non lethal weapon to protect your house.

Me? I'll use my shotgun.

Bet my house is better defended than yours and oh yeah. Anyone breaking into my house will be fucking dead.

Once law breakers know your an easy mark with your non lethal weapon they will be back.

My lawbreakers, not so much.

I've known too many people who've buried family members who killed themselves with that gun they bought for protection.

Gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

And frankly, you guys spend too much time fantasizing about killing people. I think what Obama said about Clinging to Guns and Bibles was right on the money.

This is complete and utter crap.

The purpose of having a gun in the home is not to KILL a bad guy, it is to keep a bad guy from killing oneself.
Joebullcrap is full of crap.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMFAO.

Tell you what. You use your non lethal weapon to protect your house.

Me? I'll use my shotgun.

Bet my house is better defended than yours and oh yeah. Anyone breaking into my house will be fucking dead.

Once law breakers know your an easy mark with your non lethal weapon they will be back.

My lawbreakers, not so much.

I've known too many people who've buried family members who killed themselves with that gun they bought for protection.

Gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

And frankly, you guys spend too much time fantasizing about killing people. I think what Obama said about Clinging to Guns and Bibles was right on the money.

Still using the bullshit 43 number, you tiresome dime-store hack.

But there is a simple and direct way to make them accountable for the harm their products cause. For every gun sold, those who manufacture or import it should pay a tax. The money should then be used to create a compensation fund for innocent victims of gun violence.

This proposal is based on a fundamentally conservative principle — that those who cause injury should be made to “internalize” the cost of their activity by paying for it. Now, gun manufacturers and sellers are mostly protected from lawsuits by federal law.

As it happens, a model for this approach already exists. Under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, those injured by vaccines are eligible for compensation from a fund financed by an excise tax on the sale of every dose of vaccine. In creating this no-fault system in the 1980s, Congress sought to provide care for those injured by vaccines while protecting manufacturers from undue litigation.

Do we also hold Black and Decker responsible when someone gets electrocuted by a toaster? :cuckoo:
Making gun companies pay blood money is as stupid as making all the beer and alcohol manufacturers pay blood money because drunk drivers kill people.

With guns and alcohol, it is up to the consumer to educate themselves on proper and responsible use.....

It's all on the consumer, not the manufacturer.

Family members are far more likely to kill themselves with prescription medication than guns.

Maybe we need to get rid of pharmaceuticals too.

THat's not true, either.

Suicide Statistics at! Suicide Statistics, Suicide Statistics, Suicide Statistics, Suicide Statistics, Suicide Statistics!

Suicide Methods
Rate Per
Number 100,000 % of Total
Hanging or Suffocation.............................6,198........2.2.........20.2
Poisoning (including by drugs)..................5,191........1.8.........17.0

But if you want to go there, I have no problem regulating guns the way we regulate prescription drugs.

Neither are guns.

They are designed for SELF-DEFENSE against evil persons.

No matter what you do, evil persons shall exist, in both society and government, hence the need for the Second Amendment.

We had 32,000 gun deaths last year.

How many of them were "evil"?
Ahhh.. the number than includes suicides, etc.. like the suicidal won't find another way :rolleyes:

Even so with the others.. with the intent to kill, people will find a way to do it... what you are doing with your gun control is taking any advantage away from the law abiding and benefiting those with the evil intent

First, if you remove an easy way to kill yourself, people are less likely to try and easier to save if they try either methods.

Second, the problem with the "law-abiding" is that most of them don't know what they are doing. Even with a gun, they don't really have an advantage. The "evil-doer" still has the advantage because he's initiating the action.
Just remember that JoeB131 agrees with the article that Hitler was pro-gun an endorsed the Nazi gun control measures against Jews.

The Nazis did make guns more easily available to average Germans. Sorry.

the notion that the people would "rise up" against a dictatorship was a fallacy. The dictator made guns more available, and Germans pretty much fought to the last man for him.

Even after Hitler was dead, Germany had surrendered, you had about a year of Germans continuing the fight, until Ike confiscated all the guns.

Today, Germany has little private gun ownership, little crime, little murder, and only has to lock up 78,000 people compared to our 2 million.
I have an idea.
If a gun is used to injure or kill someone; the manufacturer of that specific gun should have to pay compensation to the tune of all costs incurred from the shooting and likely salary for life to the victim's family.
That seems fair.
Just remember that JoeB131 agrees with the article that Hitler was pro-gun an endorsed the Nazi gun control measures against Jews.

The Nazis did make guns more easily available to average Germans. Sorry.

the notion that the people would "rise up" against a dictatorship was a fallacy. The dictator made guns more available, and Germans pretty much fought to the last man for him.

Even after Hitler was dead, Germany had surrendered, you had about a year of Germans continuing the fight, until Ike confiscated all the guns.

Today, Germany has little private gun ownership, little crime, little murder, and only has to lock up 78,000 people compared to our 2 million.


So it's ok that he disarmed "those worthless Jew rats" hahahahaha

Did you know that 300 of those "worthless Jewish rats" held the entire German army out of their ghetto for more than a month? Imagine if they had 3,000 armed Jews? What if they had 30,000 armed Jews? God, imagine if they had 300,000 armed Jews?

So that's why you endorse those guns laws, you want who you deem "undesirable" to be disarmed. hahahahahah

Now everyone knows what scum you are.
I have an idea.
If a gun is used to injure or kill someone; the manufacturer of that specific gun should have to pay compensation to the tune of all costs incurred from the shooting and likely salary for life to the victim's family.
That seems fair.

Why should the manufacturer have to pay compensation? :confused:
We had 32,000 gun deaths last year.

How many of them were "evil"?
Ahhh.. the number than includes suicides, etc.. like the suicidal won't find another way :rolleyes:

Even so with the others.. with the intent to kill, people will find a way to do it... what you are doing with your gun control is taking any advantage away from the law abiding and benefiting those with the evil intent

First, if you remove an easy way to kill yourself, people are less likely to try and easier to save if they try either methods.

Second, the problem with the "law-abiding" is that most of them don't know what they are doing. Even with a gun, they don't really have an advantage. The "evil-doer" still has the advantage because he's initiating the action.
Well.. I guess we did not have suicides for CENTURIES :rolleyes:

You sell people way too short... you and your liberal brethren think you are the only ones who can handle something mentally and everyone else is helpless...

And no.. the intruder is not always initiating the action.. many MANY times the intruder is caught off guard and unaware as well

Sorry Charlie, you are still an idiot totalitarian


So it's ok that he disarmed "those worthless Jew rats" hahahahaha

The few Jews that made the mistake of remaining in Germany lost all their privilages and rights, not just gun ownership, which was expanded for germany. I think they were more concerned the state was taking their lives and property than their guns.

In occuppied countries- guess what, they were occuppied. No one let's a defeated, occuppied country keep their guns. Oh, maybe Dubya Bush, and we saw how well that worked out.

Did you know that 300 of those "worthless Jewish rats" held the entire German army out of their ghetto for more than a month? Imagine if they had 3,000 armed Jews? What if they had 30,000 armed Jews? God, imagine if they had 300,000 armed Jews?

Actually, the Warsaw Ghetto uprising was a sad joke. They waited four years before trying to take on the Germans, only rose up because the Soviet Army was getting close, and got wiped out when the Soviets decided they'd let the Germans save them the trouble of killing them.

Here's the gag. Every resistance and insurgency against Nazi occupation was pretty worthless, and every conquered country had more collaborators than resistance.

So that's why you endorse those guns laws, you want who you deem "undesirable" to be disarmed. hahahahahah

Now everyone knows what scum you are.

Well, yeah, it is undesirable to have you murder-lusting morons owning guns. Guys who spend days and days fantasizing about how they are going to plug that burglar.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMFAO.

Tell you what. You use your non lethal weapon to protect your house.

Me? I'll use my shotgun.

Bet my house is better defended than yours and oh yeah. Anyone breaking into my house will be fucking dead.

Once law breakers know your an easy mark with your non lethal weapon they will be back.

My lawbreakers, not so much.

I've known too many people who've buried family members who killed themselves with that gun they bought for protection.

Gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

And frankly, you guys spend too much time fantasizing about killing people. I think what Obama said about Clinging to Guns and Bibles was right on the money.


A gun is like any other peice of equipment. You have to know how to safely use it and I do.

I'll cling to my gun and be safe. You cling to your non-lethal whatever and get ready to be robbed and probably dead.
I have an idea.
If a gun is used to injure or kill someone; the manufacturer of that specific gun should have to pay compensation to the tune of all costs incurred from the shooting and likely salary for life to the victim's family.
That seems fair.

Why should the manufacturer have to pay compensation? :confused:

If they hadn't made the gun; the person would probably have lived.
They're willing to take the profit but not responsibility.

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