Make Them Accountable!!


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Foolish and reckless liberal politicians and others with political influence, have been doing much more than just making bad decisions. They have been getting people (Americans et al) KILLED. The latest monumental screw-up is the diversity lottery started by Sen, Chuck Schumer (D-NY), which has resulted in many Americans dead and fighting for their lives in hospitals.

These dopey (and irresponsible) people should be HELD UP TO RIDICULE for the harm they cause. There is the massive loss of life, lost jobs, lost Billions/year from our economy, and many other harms that Americans have suffered from the screwball immigration policies, pushed by Democrats and RINO Republicans. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors didn't even appear apologetic after one of their infamous illegal aliens, whim the support and protect, killed a beautiful young woman, Kate Steinle, on a pier in San Francisco. Their names should be on everyone's lips, and their faces embedded in our memories.

Likewise, the loonies at KTLA TV in Los Angeles who deliberately distorted the arrest of Rodney King, by presenting an incomplete tape of the incident, making it appear as police brutality, when actually the cops were doing their job properly. It was King who, unlike his 2 accomplises, resisted arrest, fought with the cops, and forced them to club him. I'd say he's lucky to have not been riddled with bullets. The KTLA jerks, with their dishonest tape, and their newsroom snickering, caused the LA riots with the deaths of 54 people, thousands more injured (even a carload of nuns), and Billions of $$ in damages.

All this carnage was not unlike the Ferguson and Baltimore riots of 2016, instigated by the Obama/Sharpton/Holder/Jackson race hustlers team. As with Rodney King, the hustlers employed proper police conduct, distorted to appear as brutality, and promoted to rouse the passions of young blacks, against the police and conservative America.
Trump got those people in NY ran over and killed because he refuses to defeat ISIS like he promised to do.
Democrats just suffered 6 years of humiliating election losses. The GOP establishment candidates who sided with illegals got their ass handed to them. Trust in the American people to straighten these politicians out.
Trump got those people in NY ran over and killed because he refuses to defeat ISIS like he promised to do.
Wow! What a bunch if crap. ISIS gets green light from Obama. A 4 year pass from the jihadist-in-chief. In 10 months, Trump practically has ISIS eradicated, and you want to blame Trump. Stupid.
Democrats just suffered 6 years of humiliating election losses. The GOP establishment candidates who sided with illegals got their ass handed to them. Trust in the American people to straighten these politicians out.
It's happening. Slowly but surely.
Trump got those people in NY ran over and killed because he refuses to defeat ISIS like he promised to do.
Wow! What a bunch if crap. ISIS gets green light from Obama. A 4 year pass from the jihadist-in-chief. In 10 months, Trump practically has ISIS eradicated, and you want to blame Trump. Stupid.

oh, so you don't want to make everyone accountable, just anyone from the left.

got it.
oh, so you don't want to make everyone accountable, just anyone from the left.

got it.
Everyone IS accountable. Trump's success against ISIS, as well as Obama's collusion and complicity with them.
Trump's success against ISIS



go with that one.
Foolish and reckless liberal politicians and others with political influence, have been doing much more than just making bad decisions. They have been getting people (Americans et al) KILLED. The latest monumental screw-up is the diversity lottery started by Sen, Chuck Schumer (D-NY), which has resulted in many Americans dead and fighting for their lives in hospitals.

These dopey (and irresponsible) people should be HELD UP TO RIDICULE for the harm they cause. There is the massive loss of life, lost jobs, lost Billions/year from our economy, and many other harms that Americans have suffered from the screwball immigration policies, pushed by Democrats and RINO Republicans. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors didn't even appear apologetic after one of their infamous illegal aliens, whim the support and protect, killed a beautiful young woman, Kate Steinle, on a pier in San Francisco. Their names should be on everyone's lips, and their faces embedded in our memories.

Likewise, the loonies at KTLA TV in Los Angeles who deliberately distorted the arrest of Rodney King, by presenting an incomplete tape of the incident, making it appear as police brutality, when actually the cops were doing their job properly. It was King who, unlike his 2 accomplises, resisted arrest, fought with the cops, and forced them to club him. I'd say he's lucky to have not been riddled with bullets. The KTLA jerks, with their dishonest tape, and their newsroom snickering, caused the LA riots with the deaths of 54 people, thousands more injured (even a carload of nuns), and Billions of $$ in damages.

All this carnage was not unlike the Ferguson and Baltimore riots of 2016, instigated by the Obama/Sharpton/Holder/Jackson race hustlers team. As with Rodney King, the hustlers employed proper police conduct, distorted to appear as brutality, and promoted to rouse the passions of young blacks, against the police and conservative America.
too many ill informed people. never happen. The libs have already taken care of that. Kill off the next generation through abortion and bring in illegals. turn over the population and end the country we know. It's happening before our very eyes.
Foolish and reckless liberal politicians and others with political influence, have been doing much more than just making bad decisions. They have been getting people (Americans et al) KILLED. The latest monumental screw-up is the diversity lottery started by Sen, Chuck Schumer (D-NY), which has resulted in many Americans dead and fighting for their lives in hospitals.

These dopey (and irresponsible) people should be HELD UP TO RIDICULE for the harm they cause. There is the massive loss of life, lost jobs, lost Billions/year from our economy, and many other harms that Americans have suffered from the screwball immigration policies, pushed by Democrats and RINO Republicans. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors didn't even appear apologetic after one of their infamous illegal aliens, whim the support and protect, killed a beautiful young woman, Kate Steinle, on a pier in San Francisco. Their names should be on everyone's lips, and their faces embedded in our memories.

Likewise, the loonies at KTLA TV in Los Angeles who deliberately distorted the arrest of Rodney King, by presenting an incomplete tape of the incident, making it appear as police brutality, when actually the cops were doing their job properly. It was King who, unlike his 2 accomplises, resisted arrest, fought with the cops, and forced them to club him. I'd say he's lucky to have not been riddled with bullets. The KTLA jerks, with their dishonest tape, and their newsroom snickering, caused the LA riots with the deaths of 54 people, thousands more injured (even a carload of nuns), and Billions of $$ in damages.

All this carnage was not unlike the Ferguson and Baltimore riots of 2016, instigated by the Obama/Sharpton/Holder/Jackson race hustlers team. As with Rodney King, the hustlers employed proper police conduct, distorted to appear as brutality, and promoted to rouse the passions of young blacks, against the police and conservative America.

prove your ramblings that the cops did not act like the nazis and abuse their power on rodney king.:rolleyes:
Trump refuses to ban travel from Uzbekistan. This terrorist could have simply bought a plane ticket to commit his act instead of going through all the effort and hoop jumping to get a diversity visa. Trump is complicit.
'Diversity Visa Lottery?!' Gee, what could possibly go wrong with that?

What a horrific disgrace. Schumer should be tarred & feathered.
th that
Trump refuses to ban travel from Uzbekistan. This terrorist could have simply bought a plane ticket to commit his act instead of going through all the effort and hoop jumping to get a diversity visa. Trump is complicit.

Bullshite! The asshole got in by way of Schumer's 'Diversity Visa Lottery' nightmare. What do you tell the families? Schumer should be tarred & feathered.
prove your ramblings that the cops did not act like the nazis and abuse their power on rodney king.:rolleyes:
Wow. 26 years gone by, and here's a dunce who still doesn't know the Rodney King episode. Well, uninformed one, in a nutshell, King's 2 buddies in the high-speed chase car with him, Freddie Helms and Bryant Allen, surrendered peacefully to the police, were handcuffed without resistance, and put in the police car. While they sat still and quietly there, angel dust Rodney did about everything you could think of that could be put in the category of resisting arrest, and then some. After being told to lie on the ground (as his buddies had done), he ignored commands, he danced around, he babbled to himself, he smiled/laughed, wiggled his ass at the female officer (Melanie Singer), waved to the police helicopter overhead. Then he began to meander about, crouching and kneeling, and just about everything but lying down, as the cop instructed.

After enough of this lunacy, the senior officer present, Sergeant Stacey Koon ordered 4 officers to subdue King. They attempted, and the 6 foot 4, 250 pound King, blasted with PCP (his friends later conceded & testified), and having superhuman strength, and impervious to pain from the drug, was able to shake the officers off. Koon shot King with a taser dart which had little effect on the "dusted" Rodney. Rodney then leaped up and lurched at Officer Powell, which earned him his first whack from a police baton (billy club). Having tried everything else, the cops were down to their next-to last option, the batons.

So now after fighting with the cops, resisting arrest to the hilt, they went with the by-the-book procedure for subduing aggressive suspects, short of lethal action. 3 cops started hitting King with batons, as King kept on fighting against the cops, and getting back up off the ground. If/when King moved and moved to get up, the cops wacked him. It was ONLY this part of the whole confrontation (previously riddled with resisting arrest fighting), that KTLA allowed viewers to see, repeated on an endless loop on TV, the tape deliberately edited to suggest police brutality ,instead of the actual event properly done on a violent, belligerent suspect.

Nearly everyone who saw the whole taping, agreed the cops did what they had to do, only because of King's massive, and illegal resistance. But that isn't what the public saw. They saw the KTLA-edited version, which was clearly designed to suggest racism.

In summary, 2 juries in 2 trials, said it wasn't racism, the police, and Rodney King himself said it wasn't racism. The media's "conclusion" ? Racism. There you have it, 26 years late. Better late than never.

For more information see Chapter 8 in the book Mugged, by Ann Coulter, entitled RODNEY KING - THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE EDIT IN HISTORY. (with 40 footnote sources backing it up, in addition to the WHOLE UNEDITED videotape of the incident)
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Trump refuses to ban travel from Uzbekistan. This terrorist could have simply bought a plane ticket to commit his act instead of going through all the effort and hoop jumping to get a diversity visa. Trump is complicit.
however, I learned yesterday that Uzbekistan is the actual home of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Global Jihad Brotherhood:

"September 24, 2001
In his September 21st speech to Congress, President George W. Bush mentioned two terrorist groups in addition to Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaedah: the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Both groups are fighting the regimes of their homelands but serve the interests of global Jihad as well."
the objective by these animals is to get our country fighting against ourselves. And exactly what obummer has gotten going through BLM and Antifa. The illagals are brought in to again sway the people, hence the open borders. this is all being concocted right in front of us in plain sight.
Trump refuses to ban travel from Uzbekistan. This terrorist could have simply bought a plane ticket to commit his act instead of going through all the effort and hoop jumping to get a diversity visa. Trump is complicit.
So you say Trump should ban travel from Uzebekistan ?

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