Make You a Bit Nervous?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The world's largest volcano. That's what they call the Yellowstone Caldera. Okay, so it hasn't erupted in 640,000 years – a mere drop in the bucket considering the age of the earth. What if it does? What would the impact be on North America? Or the world?

I'm not going to be tonight worrying about it. But...

Read more @ Missing Magma Found Beneath Yellowstone Park

California’s ‘Big One’ could trigger super cycle of destructive quakes – study @ Prison California s Big One could trigger super cycle of destructive quakes study

Hurry up and buy future beachfront property in Baker, Calif.!!!
We need to expand the geothermal power stations near the park. Over a span of centuries, that could suck the heat away safely. It will gradually ruin the Yellowstone geothermal features, but so it goes.
We need to expand the geothermal power stations near the park. Over a span of centuries, that could suck the heat away safely. It will gradually ruin the Yellowstone geothermal features, but so it goes.

Can you imagine just how much clean thermal energy this caldera alone could provide - and it would never reduce the magma.
Maybe near the Park, not in the Park. And you simply cannot put enough geothermal plants to make a differance in the amount of energy in that magma chamber.

As far a the 'Big One' for California goes, small beans. The really big one we can expect will be when the Cascadia Subduction Zone lets loose. Possibly a 9 to 9.5. From Cape Mendecino to the north end of Vancouver Island, the destruction will be immense.
Part of it is new. Using seismic tomography, they have located, and sized, a magma chamber beneath the one close to surface. They suspected that it was there, but had no firm evidence until now.
How is it you conservatives just know have found out about this? It's not new knowledge...

What an asshat!:2up:

Funny but Republicans don't know science crap, they are dominating the AGW debate.:biggrin::biggrin::eusa_dance:

dominating >> More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
What does AGW have to do with this article?

Absolutely nothing! But, as usual, your usual Libtards have to diver it to that.

We've got massive earthquakes and volcanoes erupting all over the world and the average person walks around unknowledgable and uncaring about it.
How is it you conservatives just know have found out about this? It's not new knowledge...

What an asshat!:2up:

Funny but Republicans don't know science crap, they are dominating the AGW debate.:biggrin::biggrin::eusa_dance:

dominating >> More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
What does AGW have to do with this article?

Absolutely nothing! But, as usual, your usual Libtards have to diver it to that.

We've got massive earthquakes and volcanoes erupting all over the world and the average person walks around unknowledgable and uncaring about it.
What can we do about volcanoes and earthquakes hmm?
How is it you conservatives just know have found out about this? It's not new knowledge...

What an asshat!:2up:

Funny but Republicans don't know science crap, they are dominating the AGW debate.:biggrin::biggrin::eusa_dance:

dominating >> More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
What does AGW have to do with this article?

Absolutely nothing! But, as usual, your usual Libtards have to diver it to that.

We've got massive earthquakes and volcanoes erupting all over the world and the average person walks around unknowledgable and uncaring about it.
What can we do about volcanoes and earthquakes hmm?

Get down on our knees and pray to whatever Supreme Being we believe in that we're ready for what's coming.
Might be a bit smarter to move out of the way of the volcanos. And prepare for earthquakes where applicable. I have noted that God seems to be best at taking care of those that take care of themselves.
We need to expand the geothermal power stations near the park. Over a span of centuries, that could suck the heat away safely. It will gradually ruin the Yellowstone geothermal features, but so it goes.

Two words... Fuck You!

I live within the secondary blast zone (300 miles in diameter). Messing with the unstable caldera of a super volcano is a fools errand. Especially when the volcano could cause an extinction level event if they mess up..

When these people drill into strata volcanoes there is limited magma pools to potentially erupt if they miscalculate. This is a mid plate volcano which violently erupts and spreads the ash and derbies over vast areas. A mid plate volcano usually leaves a depression and seldom creates cone as seen in strata volcanoes.

The last time Yellowstone erupted was 640 thousand years ago and that eruption on the Volcanic Explosive Index (VEI) scale was a 8.9.

There is a reason we dont mess with Yellowstone.. Below are the areas laid waste from some of the eruptions. One must remember this volcano has been consistent for more than 100 million years erupting every 600 thousand years on average.



Many Glacial period starts are marked by Yellowstone eruptions.
How is it you conservatives just know have found out about this? It's not new knowledge...

Most people are well aware of this. The question is what, exactly, are we supposed to do about it? If a volcano blows, it blows. Not much we can do but sit back and watch. I think the question is 'why are liberals so arrogant to believe that we can do something to control nature or have the power to save the world?' I have news for them. The planet will be just fine no matter what we do. We may wipe ourselves out, but history is pretty clear that the planet will just create a new form of life that thrives on the shit we leave behind.

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