Earthquakes & Volcanoes

Glaciers are getting bigger.

ARCTIC GLACIERS ARE GETTING BIGGER - Ice Caps Also Increasing in Thickness, Captain MacMillan Reports. - Article -

We know they are getting bigger because glaciers are forming ice bergs that are larger and more numerous. Ice bergs are formed by a process known as calving. A portion of a glacier gets too big and too heavy. Part of it breaks off as an ice berg. For a glacier to form an ice berg at all, it has to be growing.

If you serously look at the effect of global warming on glaciers, what you will find are reports that some glaciers are growing and some are shrinking. Shrinking glaciers are evidence of global warming. Growing glaciers are the effect of global warming. If both are true, then neither is true.

Over and over global warming has been proven to be a hoax.

LOL. The length that you people will go to prove yourselves to be fools. Yep, Capt. MacMillan was an Arctic Explorer.

Crocker Land Expedition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The expedition was organized by Donald Baxter MacMillan and sponsored by the American Museum of Natural History, the American Geographical Society, and the University of Illinois' Museum of Natural History.

MacMillan's geologist, ornithologist and botanist was Walter Elmer Ekblaw of the University of Illinois.[1][2] Navy Ensign Fitzhugh Green served as engineer and physicist. Maurice Cole Tanquary of the University of Illinois was the zoologist and Dr. Harrison J. Hunt the surgeon.[3][4]

That expedition left New York in 1913.

Minik Wallace, the Inuit famously brought to the United States as a child by Robert Peary in 1897, was the guide and translator for the expedition.[5]

As well as confirming and mapping the position of Crocker Land, the declared purpose of the expedition was to investigate "geology, geography, glaciology, meteorology, terrestrial magnetism, electrical phenomena, seismology, zoology (both vertebrate and invertebrate), botany, oceanography, ethnology, and archaeology".

In newspapers of the time, MacMillan described Crocker Land as "the world’s last geographical problem".
"In June 1906, Commander Peary, from the summit of Cape Thomas Hubbard, at about latitude 83 degrees N, longitude 100 degrees W, reported seeing land glimmering in the northwest, approximately 130 miles (210 km) away across the Polar Sea. He did not go there, but he gave it a name in honor of the late George Crocker of the Peary Arctic Club. That is Crocker Land. Its boundaries and extent can only be guessed at, but I am certain that strange animals will be found there, and I hope to discover a new race of men." MacMillan,
Ummmm............hate to break it to you dolts but nobody gives a rat ass about the glaciers.

Think about it............the AGW bomb throwers have been yelling this for over 15 years now, and what effect has it had on carbon emmission reduction? Virtually zero!!:eusa_dance: Nothing significant......and thank God for that. These dolts would have the whole country reducing their quality of life ten fold if they had their way.

Time for Plan B s0ns........been saying it since 2006.

Plan A has been gay.:lol:
Granny says, "Dat's one o' dem end times signs inna Bible...
Mexico volcano spews huge ash cloud, boulders
Mon, May 14, 2012 - IMPENDING ERUPTION: Mexico’s disaster center raised the warning level for Popocatepetl as the volcano threatened to blanket the capital with ash this week
Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano spewed out huge clouds of ash and fiery rock overnight, closing a local airport on Saturday and frightening nearby villagers, already on edge after weeks of increased activity. Popocatepetl, 80km southeast of Mexico City, shook with tremors that belched out four large plumes of ash on Friday night and Saturday morning, the National Center for Disaster Prevention said in a statement on Saturday. The biggest expulsion shot an ash cloud 4km into the air and launched glowing rocks more than 1km from the crater, the statement said.

Raul Arambula, a scientist collaborating with the government’s disaster center, said the volcano threw out the most ash and fragments of red-hot rock since authorities raised the alert level last month. “It was spectacular,” Arambula said. “Of course, it makes you worry about everyone living nearby.” In Santiago Xalitzintla, a village about 10km from the volcano, the loud rumblings sent residents running to the town square during the night. “The volcano is looking serious. It was really roaring strongly last night,” said Juan Castro, 83, who said he was half-deaf, but had no trouble hearing the tremors.

The ash clouds forced the airport in the central state of Puebla to suspend operations on Saturday. Billowing ash earlier last week closed the airport on Tuesday and Thursday. Civil protection officials in Mexico City said a change in wind patterns could send ash over the capital this week.

Mexico’s disaster center raised the volcano’s alert level to yellow phase three from yellow phase two in the middle of last month, the third-highest warning on the center’s seven-step scale. There are no plans yet to evacuate nearby residents. “They told us that we need to be ready because if we have to evacuate, they are going to warn us with the church bells,” said Lizbeth Agustin, a 22-year-old candy vendor who had collected half a pail of ash in the town center of Santiago Xalitzintla. Popocatepetl has spewed smoke and ash sporadically over the past few years. A major eruption in 2000 forced the evacuation of nearly 50,000 residents in three states surrounding the peak.

Mexico volcano spews huge ash cloud, boulders - Taipei Times
I'm very grateful to find this thread. I found so many good stuffs here and it's very informative. It helps me a lot on some matter. Thanks a lot for this post.
Uncle Ferd says its kinda like a pimple onna face o' the earth...
Supervolcanoes 'can grow in just hundreds of years'
30 May 2012 - Enormous eruptions such as that at Yellowstone result in "calderas", which can become huge lakes
The largest volcanoes on our planet may take as little as a few hundred years to form and erupt. These "supervolcanoes" were thought to exist for as much as 200,000 years before releasing their vast underground pools of molten rock. Researchers reporting in Plos One have sampled the rock at the supervolcano site of Long Valley in California. Their findings suggest that the magma pool beneath it erupted within as little as hundreds of years of forming. That eruption is estimated to have happened about 760,000 years ago, and would have covered half of North America in its ash. Such super-eruptions can release thousands of cubic kilometres of debris - hundreds of times larger than any eruption seen in the history of humanity.

Eruptions on this scale could release enough ash to influence the global weather for years, and one theory holds that the Lake Toba eruption in Indonesia about 70,000 years ago had long-term effects that nearly wiped out humans altogether. What little is known about the formation of these supervolcanoes is largely based on the study of crystals of a material called zircon, which contains small amounts of radioactive elements whose age can be estimated using the same techniques used to date archaeological artefacts and dinosaur bones. Zircon studies to date have suggested that the time between the formation of the enormous magma pools and the eventual super-eruptions can be measured in the hundreds of thousands of years.

Now, Guilherme Gualda of Vanderbilt University and his colleagues present several lines of evidence from the Bishop Tuff deposit at Long Valley, suggesting that the pools are "ephemeral" - lasting as little as 500 years before eruption. Initially, the magma pools are nearly purely liquid rock, with few bubbles or re-crystallised minerals. Over time, crystals develop, but the process stops at the point of the eruption. As a result, the characteristic development time of these crystals can also give an estimate of how long a magma pool existed before erupting. Rather than zircon, the team's target was crystals of the common mineral quartz. Because the processes and timescales of quartz formation in the extraordinary underground conditions of a magma pool are well-known, the team was able to determine how long the crystals were forming within Long Valley's supervolcano before being spewed out in the eruption.

Their estimates suggest the quartz formed over a range of time between 500 and 3,000 years. "Our study suggests that when these exceptionally large magma pools form they are ephemeral and cannot exist very long without erupting," said Dr Gualda. "The fact that the process of magma body formation occurs in historical time, instead of geological time, completely changes the nature of the problem." At present, geologists do not believe that any of Earth's known giant magma pools are in imminent danger of eruption, but the results suggest future work to better understand how the pools develop, and aim ultimately to predict devastating super-eruptions.

BBC News - Supervolcanoes 'can grow in just hundreds of years'
Good news for me.............

Off the coast of Africa sits LaPalma........scientists say it has a high probablility of collapse due to eruption which could trigger a mega-tsunami 1,000 feet high. I live on the east coast 10 miles from the ocean. I like to boggie board still, but that would be a bit ridiculous, although if you're going to go out, what a way to go!!

Tsunami don't actually happen like in the movies. It's not some huge wave you can surf (even in theory).

yup, glaciers are melting. but no where near as fast as in the 1800's

perhaps I should go back and bump that thread about the scare tactics photos of Muir glacier from 1940and 2000. except someone found a picture from 1950 or 60, and it showed that most of the loss had already happened!

The key findings from the comprehensive analysis are the following:
Alexander Archipelago, Aleutian Islands, and Kodiak Island• : Every insular glacier examined showed evidence of thinning and retreat. Some glaciers have disappeared since being mapped in the middle 20th century.
Coast Mountains, St. Elias Mountains, Chugach Mountains, Kenai Mountains, • Wrangell Mountains, Alaska Range, and the Aleutian Range: More than 95 percent of the glaciers ending below an elevation of approximately 1,500 m are retreating and (or) thinning. Of those glaciers that are advancing, many have tidewater termini. The two largest Alaskan glaciers, Bering and Malaspina, are losing several cubic kilometers of ice each year to melting and calving.
Talkeetna Mountains, Wood River Mountains, Kigluaik Mountains, and the • Brooks Range: Every glacier scrutinized showed evidence of retreat. Of 109 glaciers in the Wood River Mountains, all are or were retreating; some have disappeared since they were first mapped, photographed, or imaged.
In spite of the significant changes at lower elevations, not every Alaskan glacier is thinning and retreating. In several ranges, no changes were noted in glaciers situated at higher elevations.
Glaciers that were surging or had recently advanced by surging were also noted. This type of glacier advances by redistributing existing glacier ice over a larger area rather than by increased accumulation. Consequently, following a surge, more ice surface area is exposed to ablation.
The rough periodicity of the Yellowstone Caldera is 600,000 years, and it has been over 600,000 years since it erupted. A freind once asked me if I thought it would erupt in the near future. I stated that I did. His next question was "How soon". I told him probably within the next 50,000 years. He did not seem amused by a geological sense of time.

Yellowstone Has Bulged as Magma Pocket Swells

Yellowstone Lake and other areas are rising about an inch, per year, as the 25-35 mile magma chamber fills, which will lead to an eruption, eventually. At Yellowstone Lake, a boat which sunk long ago is now visible, from the rising magma.

This will take out the US breadbasket, when it happens. The no-fly zone will be vast. Likely, the reason the Soviets would even make a 50+ megaton Tsar-bomba would be to cut open the Yellowstone caldera, with smaller nukes, then detonate the big old nuke in the rising ash-cloud. The US would never recover, from the contaminated ash-fall.
The rough periodicity of the Yellowstone Caldera is 600,000 years, and it has been over 600,000 years since it erupted. A freind once asked me if I thought it would erupt in the near future. I stated that I did. His next question was "How soon". I told him probably within the next 50,000 years. He did not seem amused by a geological sense of time.

Yellowstone Has Bulged as Magma Pocket Swells

Yellowstone Lake and other areas are rising about an inch, per year, as the 25-35 mile magma chamber fills, which will lead to an eruption, eventually. At Yellowstone Lake, a boat which sunk long ago is now visible, from the rising magma.

This will take out the US breadbasket, when it happens. The no-fly zone will be vast. Likely, the reason the Soviets would even make a 50+ megaton Tsar-bomba would be to cut open the Yellowstone caldera, with smaller nukes, then detonate the big old nuke in the rising ash-cloud. The US would never recover, from the contaminated ash-fall.

When that Yellowstone Caldera goes, it will take 2/3 of the US with it.

Fortunately an ignorant population doesn't even know it.

World's largest volcano in Yellowstone National Park to wipe out two-thirds of US? | Mail Online
The rough periodicity of the Yellowstone Caldera is 600,000 years, and it has been over 600,000 years since it erupted. A freind once asked me if I thought it would erupt in the near future. I stated that I did. His next question was "How soon". I told him probably within the next 50,000 years. He did not seem amused by a geological sense of time.

Yellowstone Has Bulged as Magma Pocket Swells

Yellowstone Lake and other areas are rising about an inch, per year, as the 25-35 mile magma chamber fills, which will lead to an eruption, eventually. At Yellowstone Lake, a boat which sunk long ago is now visible, from the rising magma.

This will take out the US breadbasket, when it happens. The no-fly zone will be vast. Likely, the reason the Soviets would even make a 50+ megaton Tsar-bomba would be to cut open the Yellowstone caldera, with smaller nukes, then detonate the big old nuke in the rising ash-cloud. The US would never recover, from the contaminated ash-fall.

Bob, were anyone to do such a thing, they would suffer greatly also. This would be a far bigger explosion than Tambora. And were that level of volcanic activity to happen today, the result would be catastrophic worldwide. An eruption of over 200+ cubic miles would be beyond the word catastrophic in it's effect on the world population.

Year Without Summer: Effects Of Tambora Volcanic Eruption On Iberian Peninsula Studied For First Time
You know.........some of the shit we see in here is nothing less than fascinating...........

Nutters like Konrad and Rolling Thunder..............these dolts think tsunami's and hurricanes are some kind of a new phenomenon!!!!

Fucking cool..........these people are the shit..............really :poop:

Imagine living life where every single weather event becomes something to get hysterical over.:rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:

The strongest TS to hit the US since records have been kept, before June 1, was BERYL just this week; she was a true TS by the way.
You know.........some of the shit we see in here is nothing less than fascinating...........

Nutters like Konrad and Rolling Thunder..............these dolts think tsunami's and hurricanes are some kind of a new phenomenon!!!!

Fucking cool..........these people are the shit..............really :poop:

Imagine living life where every single weather event becomes something to get hysterical over.:rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:

The strongest TS to hit the US since records have been kept, before June 1, was BERYL just this week; she was a true TS by the way.

Total Records:






High Temp:


Low Temp:


Low Max Temp:


High Min Temp:


HAMweather: Record Events for The Past Week

And when we see weather records with ratios like this, for 40 of 52 weeks, for several years in a row, it is no longer weather, it is a trend that points out future danger.
I told Obama that I would watch Yellowstone for America if the pay was right. No word back yet but I have my fingers crossed.
The rough periodicity of the Yellowstone Caldera is 600,000 years, and it has been over 600,000 years since it erupted. A freind once asked me if I thought it would erupt in the near future. I stated that I did. His next question was "How soon". I told him probably within the next 50,000 years. He did not seem amused by a geological sense of time.

Yellowstone Has Bulged as Magma Pocket Swells

Yellowstone Lake and other areas are rising about an inch, per year, as the 25-35 mile magma chamber fills, which will lead to an eruption, eventually. At Yellowstone Lake, a boat which sunk long ago is now visible, from the rising magma.

This will take out the US breadbasket, when it happens. The no-fly zone will be vast. Likely, the reason the Soviets would even make a 50+ megaton Tsar-bomba would be to cut open the Yellowstone caldera, with smaller nukes, then detonate the big old nuke in the rising ash-cloud. The US would never recover, from the contaminated ash-fall.

Bob, were anyone to do such a thing, they would suffer greatly also. This would be a far bigger explosion than Tambora. And were that level of volcanic activity to happen today, the result would be catastrophic worldwide. An eruption of over 200+ cubic miles would be beyond the word catastrophic in it's effect on the world population.

Year Without Summer: Effects Of Tambora Volcanic Eruption On Iberian Peninsula Studied For First Time

Tambora led to the "year without a summer" also termed "1800 and froze to death" & the "poverty year". Yes, such an eruption could devastate crops, and produce a true economic crisis.

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