Makers And Takers

Most of the maker are workers that have most of their wealth moved upwards towards the super rich. Most of our society are makers. You conservatives insult people that work hard and are being screwed over by the barons that take most of the pie and give very little back. Pretty soon because of you scum suckers we won't even have a middle class.

What's funny is if there were more businesses in which we'd have if we'd enforce our anti-trust laws and allow more wealth to go into a larger middle class there'd be less takers.

You Billy have caused the creation of more takers.

Of course you're too fucking stupid to realize this.
. You conservatives insult people that work hard and are being screwed over by the barons that take most of the pie and give very little back..

1) people who work hard and got screwed over voted for Trump because he promised to get their jobs back after Democrats shipped them off shore with their unions, taxes, regulations, and budget deficits.

2) give little back? Jobs Gates Bezos Brin Page Musk Ellison Bloomburg give little back? They are transforming the world with their products that we freely buy because we love them. Do you have anything that billions of people want to buy to improve their lives?
What's sad is the reality that 90% of the takers are also the very rich that use their positions at the top to steal from the workers.
obviously if they stole from workers workers would quit and work for those who don't steal from them. 1+1=2

if Republicans are on welfare etc etc it probably means they are not really Republicans, don't understand what Republicans really stand for, are down on their luck thanks to Democrats shipping their jobs off shore, or are appalled at liberal social policies such as the continued destruction of the traditional American family . Any more silly questions?

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