Makers Of Sting Videos Can't Point To The Scene Fiorina Said She Watched


Registered Democrat.
Aug 9, 2015
The pro life psychopaths are desperate.
Makers Of Sting Videos Can't Point To The Scene Fiorina Said She Watched
What does the video show and where does it show it?

Those have been the question since Wednesday's debate, when Carly Fiorina graphically described a scene she claimed appeared in those heavily-edited Planned Parenthood "sting" videos.

But pressed to identify which video contains the gruesome scene Fiorina described, neither her campaign nor the anti-abortion group who produced the sting videos have not been able to do so.

We've watched the clips they did send along, and here's what they show. But first a reminder of what Fiorina said.

During the debate, Fiorina said that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton could watch "a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain."

No such scene was present in the hours of sting videos released in recent months. When asked by TPM to defend Fiorina's comments, the Center for Medical Progress, which produced the videos, pointed to a section of the third episode of its "documentary" series "Human Capital," a spin-off of the initial "sting" videos.

"The footage in question was from Grantham Collection & Center for Bio-Ethical Reform used to illustrate the first person eye witness testimony of Holly O’Donnell of the barbaric acts committed inside Planned Parenthood abortion facilities," David Daleiden -- leader of the project -- said in a statement.
Needless to say the extremist rightwing doofi will defend her lies because she is singing their song.
Needless to say the extremist rightwing doofi will defend her lies because she is singing their song.
The right wing lunacy never ends. For 7 years, we have had to deal with countless conspiracy theories, lies, and straight up insanity. None of it ever comes to pass, jade helm being a recent example.
She knew her lie would be unquestioned because they are all trying to out anti-choice each other. Let her try that in a debate against a Democrat.
For 7 years, we have had to deal with countless conspiracy theories, lies, and straight up insanity.
You mean like "Reagan's October Surprise" that never happened? Or "9/11 was an inside job"? Or Pogo's favorite "George HW Bush killed JFK"? That kind of stuff? :lol:
America can never be great again because there are too many dishonorable people on the right.
For 7 years, we have had to deal with countless conspiracy theories, lies, and straight up insanity.
You mean like "Reagan's October Surprise" that never happened? Or "9/11 was an inside job"? Or Pogo's favorite "George HW Bush killed JFK"? That kind of stuff? :lol:
The fuck? I specifically said "the last 7 years."
I know. That's because you don't want to address the bullshit conspiracy theories of your OWN, you disingenuous fuck. Sorry to piss in your corn flakes. :lol:

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