Makes us stronger


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Despite all my vitriol, sarcasm, and snarky quips, I realize we're all Americans who just want something better for the next generation.

I do not believe that the House GOP is inherently evil, but I do think that pride, more than anything, played a part in the shutdown and bringing us to the brink of defaulting on our debts once again.

Pride on both sides.

The almost-defualt has certainly hurt us as evidence by the Chinese Op-Ed encouraging the world to De-Americanize. Our biggest creditor is calling us unreliable and more trouble than we're worth. WE. US. Not just congress, the entire country and every American business interest and market. -- that is how WE are perceived by the world. Arrogant and highly dysfunctional. A loud drunk at the party. Stay away from Uncle Sam!!

We've arrived at a place in which the rest of the world no longer trusts us.

But tomorrow the lights will go on, and the markets will open (perhaps a few hundred points lower than we would like) -- so, these years of partisan divide, red/blue, Conservative / Liberal have not destroyed us. America lives on.

That which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger.

Republicans need to stop licking their wounds and plotting for the next time around.

And Democrats need to look at their part in this whole debacle. I know I've been saying all along it was 100% the House GOP's fault -- but the reality is, there is nothing that inspires cooperation like a little willingness to cooperate.

There is nothing that inspires trust and good will like a willingness to leave oneself completely vulnerable, completely available to meet face to face for as long as it takes.
If you believe that then there is only one solution to the problem. Humble yourself. Otherwise life is going to force us all to be humble.
You surprise me, Hazlnut. Didn't think you had it in you. "Cooperation" should be the word for the next year for both parties. "Listening" would be another good word for both as well.
Cooperation and listening are essential to Congress working together.

The extremists on the left and right have to be excluded if they won't work with the greater majority for the greater good.

We are not going backwards.
Cooperation and listening are essential to Congress working together.

The extremists on the left and right have to be excluded if they won't work with the greater majority for the greater good.

We are not going backwards.

We simply have to elect people to congress less committed to ideology and more committed to legislating. That's their job, however we seem to loose sight of it at times.

I recently read a book about Lyndon Johnson, not one of my favorite people. He would often open discussions with, "Ok, let's make a deal". We need more people in congress with that attitude. It's better to come away from the table with a little bit something than a whole lot of nothing which is what's been happening in congress for some time.
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This is a total bullshit feel good load of shit thread.

The desire to "get along and get things done" is what has created our current one party system of progressive stench, ever growing the federal intrusion on individual liberty.

The thread author probably works for the status quo scumbags who inhabit the sty of DC. Our government is corrupt to its core, and you people want more of the same. What a bunch of useless excrement you people are. YOU deserve this government, you deserve the disease that it is to be an American today. Not me.
Despite all my vitriol, sarcasm, and snarky quips, I realize we're all Americans who just want something better for the next generation.

I do not believe that the House GOP is inherently evil, but I do think that pride, more than anything, played a part in the shutdown and bringing us to the brink of defaulting on our debts once again.

Pride on both sides.

The almost-defualt has certainly hurt us as evidence by the Chinese Op-Ed encouraging the world to De-Americanize. Our biggest creditor is calling us unreliable and more trouble than we're worth. WE. US. Not just congress, the entire country and every American business interest and market. -- that is how WE are perceived by the world. Arrogant and highly dysfunctional. A loud drunk at the party. Stay away from Uncle Sam!!

We've arrived at a place in which the rest of the world no longer trusts us.

But tomorrow the lights will go on, and the markets will open (perhaps a few hundred points lower than we would like) -- so, these years of partisan divide, red/blue, Conservative / Liberal have not destroyed us. America lives on.

That which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger.

Republicans need to stop licking their wounds and plotting for the next time around.

And Democrats need to look at their part in this whole debacle. I know I've been saying all along it was 100% the House GOP's fault -- but the reality is, there is nothing that inspires cooperation like a little willingness to cooperate.

There is nothing that inspires trust and good will like a willingness to leave oneself completely vulnerable, completely available to meet face to face for as long as it takes.

First off there is more than enough money coming in to prevent default. Secondly it would be better to deal with the impending economic disaster earlier rather than later. As it is going now, we are going to skip right past the depression and go right into a hyper inflationary spiral. Revolution will ensue, just like it has in every other country that has endured that.

Both parties are equally culpable for that.
Makes us stronger

having not gotten their way at a watershed moment - thankfully, not everyone benefited ...

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