Making big money in Russia ( plus getting political asylum in any western country )


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
No one liberal or 'democratic candidate can get more as a little bit ( 2 or 4 % ) of voices in any Russian election. The idea of democracy and liberalism is dead in Putin's country. But there is some people who want to disturb Russia and to get money of western taxpayers disguising themselves as fighters for democracy.
Also, here is the plan.

1. Proclaim himself as human right activist and fighter for democracy
2. Ask Deep State, CIA, Merkel, Soros for financial support
3, Put the list of 'candidates' to run for political offices, where 30% of names are wrong and never existed
4. Get the list rejected
5. Cry out and condemn bloody dictator Putin
6. Pay 100$ tor any person participating on rallies against alleged Putin's dictatorship
7. Choice the place which can be never allowed for any rally due to huge car traffic
8. Go and wait to be arrested by police
9. Collect money from western states or fly to enjoy political asylum somewhere in USA,UK or DDR 2.0

Question: how long any western police can tolerate a such scandalous violation of law?
Was it for example not Macron who shout against Yellow Wests protestors?
We do not speak about possible reaction of US-police against terrorists

Here you can see videos where mostly non-Russian ( jewish, caucasian, asian 'protestors' provoke and beat police )

And here the position of western presstitutes

Over 1,000 arrested at opposition election protest in Moscow
Russia: Protesters defy ban on opposition rally in Moscow | DW | 27.07.2019
Riot police violently break up Moscow protest as thousands take to streets in defiance of Kremlin

Therefore Russians prefer to became a part of China, but never a part of fradulent Western World

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