Making Gasoline/Diesel More Afforedable

Price caps are like putting a band aid on a terminal wound. The US needs to produce and refine more fossil fuel.

The US doesn't produce or refine fossil fuel. Exxon/Mobiile and Chevron produce and refine oil in the US for global sales.

Thank God they do. And BTW, there is no such thing as "fossil fuel"....oil is an abiotic resource the earth is constantly producing. It's also not a "finite" resource as is obvious by wells once believed dead, begin producing again. Most oil is found at depths no organic material ever existed at.

QFT.. it rains hydro carbons on Titan. The folks here went nutzo over the idea that because you can reduce carbon based life forms to hydrocarbons there must therefore be only one way that hydrocarbons are generated. I suppose Titan may be teeming with life, but I doubt the hydrocarbon shortage the oil companies, grant seeking scientists, and politicians keep clamoring about.
Price caps are like putting a band aid on a terminal wound. The US needs to produce and refine more fossil fuel.

The US doesn't produce or refine fossil fuel. Exxon/Mobiile and Chevron produce and refine oil in the US for global sales.

Thank God they do. And BTW, there is no such thing as "fossil fuel"....oil is an abiotic resource the earth is constantly producing. It's also not a "finite" resource as is obvious by wells once believed dead, begin producing again. Most oil is found at depths no organic material ever existed at.

:::wwhhooooosssh::: (<< point sails over his head)

Would you suggest such a thing for all commodity futures trading?

Good I'll turn it around ask you.....should we allow middle-men to drive up the price of essential commodities by speculating in a market they've rigged and cannot lose in?

Is that what you think happens? Seriously?

No I KNOW that's what happens.....seriously. Goldman is a criminal enterprise, PERIOD. Further, if anybody wants to buy futures in any commodity, let them take possession, store it, and ship it to it's destination.....these rodents on Wall St. do nothing but interfere with free enterprise and always win by virtue of nobody being able to match their resources. Time that came to a halt.
Good I'll turn it around ask you.....should we allow middle-men to drive up the price of essential commodities by speculating in a market they've rigged and cannot lose in?

Is that what you think happens? Seriously?

No I KNOW that's what happens.....seriously. Goldman is a criminal enterprise, PERIOD. Further, if anybody wants to buy futures in any commodity, let them take possession, store it, and ship it to it's destination.....these rodents on Wall St. do nothing but interfere with free enterprise and always win by virtue of nobody being able to match their resources. Time that came to a halt.

Neg rep and a place on iggy.
Some people are just too stupid to bother with.
:::wwhhooooosssh::: (<< point sails over his head)


Uh, the "point" was bogus....and stupid. You'll have to get used to me being right 99.9% of the time.....:eusa_drool:

The point was bogus?

So you actually believe the government, and not the oil industry, does the drilling and refining?

What the hell are the Exxons for then?

Is that what you think happens? Seriously?

No I KNOW that's what happens.....seriously. Goldman is a criminal enterprise, PERIOD. Further, if anybody wants to buy futures in any commodity, let them take possession, store it, and ship it to it's destination.....these rodents on Wall St. do nothing but interfere with free enterprise and always win by virtue of nobody being able to match their resources. Time that came to a halt.

Neg rep and a place on iggy.
Some people are just too stupid to bother with.

Good idea, I accept your surrender.
:::wwhhooooosssh::: (<< point sails over his head)


Uh, the "point" was bogus....and stupid. You'll have to get used to me being right 99.9% of the time.....:eusa_drool:

The point was bogus?

So you actually believe the government, and not the oil industry, does the drilling and refining?

What the hell are the Exxons for then?


I have no idea what you're talking you?
Uh, the "point" was bogus....and stupid. You'll have to get used to me being right 99.9% of the time.....:eusa_drool:

The point was bogus?

So you actually believe the government, and not the oil industry, does the drilling and refining?

What the hell are the Exxons for then?


I have no idea what you're talking you?

Wow, cloudy and dense today. Density may be heavy at times.

Usually when a point sails over a head it eventually floats down. Let's run it again with the keywords blown up:

Price caps are like putting a band aid on a terminal wound. The US needs to produce and refine more fossil fuel.

The US doesn't produce or refine fossil fuel. Exxon/Mobiile and Chevron produce and refine oil in the US for global sales.

Let me know when/if anything sinks in here. I'll give you a day. :eusa_whistle:
The point was bogus?

So you actually believe the government, and not the oil industry, does the drilling and refining?

What the hell are the Exxons for then?


I have no idea what you're talking you?

Wow, cloudy and dense today. *Density may be heavy at times.

Usually when a point sails over a head it eventually floats down. *Let's run it again with the keywords blown up:

Price caps are like putting a band aid on a terminal wound. The US needs to produce and refine more fossil fuel.

The US doesn't produce or refine fossil fuel. *Exxon/Mobiile and Chevron produce and refine oil in the US for global sales.

Let me know when/if anything sinks in here. *I'll give you a day. :eusa_whistle:

I really don't know how to say that more clearly or succinctly.

I've been trying to find some data on the "countries" and proportion of our export of fuel. *Recently our exports surpassed domestic consumption.

It would be intesting to see what more domestic supply of crude would do in terms of a percentage increase in world supply. *The elasticity of prices would be really cool. *I suspect that both are low.
In 152 posts, I still don't see any explanation as to exactly what is the purpose of making gasoline/diesel more affordable. Or why even posit such nonsense?
In 152 posts, I still don't see any explanation as to exactly what is the purpose of making gasoline/diesel more affordable. Or why even posit such nonsense?

It doesn't really matter. It's just pissin' in the wind. Prices can't be made lower.

There is one possibility but it will never fly.
In 152 posts, I still don't see any explanation as to exactly what is the purpose of making gasoline/diesel more affordable. Or why even posit such nonsense?

It doesn't really matter. It's just pissin' in the wind. Prices can't be made lower.

There is one possibility but it will never fly.

Would it be that same "possibility" that drove world crude prices to $10/barrel in 1999?

You're a fucking tool.
In 152 posts, I still don't see any explanation as to exactly what is the purpose of making gasoline/diesel more affordable. Or why even posit such nonsense?

It doesn't really matter. It's just pissin' in the wind. Prices can't be made lower.

There is one possibility but it will never fly.

Would it be that same "possibility" that drove world crude prices to $10/barrel in 1999?

You're a fucking tool.

Nice example of transferance.
It doesn't really matter. It's just pissin' in the wind. Prices can't be made lower.

There is one possibility but it will never fly.

Would it be that same "possibility" that drove world crude prices to $10/barrel in 1999?

You're a fucking tool.

Nice example of transferance.

That said, the global oil production and refining market is dominated by ologopolies that enjoy dominant market leverage. *That is to say, that market has more leverage and power than any other market in tbe free market economy. *The oil production and refining market has huge economies of scale and entry costs. *The product itself is as close to a neccessity as can be expected, shot of air, water and food. *It provides huge returns to efficiency in use. *It is in short supply by comparison to other high demand products.

Ahhh... as in 1999 when crude was $10/barrel?

Choke on your own bullshit, asshat.

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