Making it illegal to question Global Warming - Dems "protecting" us from??

" Kids are encouraged to ask questions"


My kid cannot go to Harvard and ask why the minorities with lower test scores got in ahead of him....
The basis of AGW is the absorption spectra of the GHGs. Now to disprove AGW, you have to disprove all the spectral measurements that have been made since 1858, and disprove the fact that humans have been putting huge amounts of CO2 and CH4 into the atmosphere. All you flap yapping lies and stupidity does not change those facts.
To disprove the claim that CO2 influences temperature, all one had to do is LOOK at the pre-fudged RAW DATA....

Key claim against global warming evaporates

"While surface thermometers have clearly shown that the Earth's surface is warming, satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling."

... until it was FUDGED with two UNCORRELATED "corrections."

This is the "science" of the FRAUD. When a scientist has two and only two measures of the same thing, and those two measures are HIGHLY CORRELATED as the satellites and balloons were, one ACCEPTS the data because there is no reason to question it.

The desperate state of the taxpayer funded grab-bag of "climate science" needed "warming" there, so it FUDGED it in...

BTW - why are the Marshall Islands sinking???

Well Dex, you are still the same fucked up liar as always;

California legislators have made it illegal for anyone to deny climate change, under threat of jail time. See Example(s)


California Senate Bill (SB) 1161 sought to make dissemination of scientifically inaccurate or misleading information by businesses and organizations an offense covered by California's unfair competition law.


The bill did not pass, nor did it propose jail time for anyone denying climate change.

FALSE: California to Jail Climate Change Skeptics
That the bill did not pass does not change the FACT that DEMS supported it...
"WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?"

Because there is a continent of land under it. What a stupid question.

So you ADMIT that LAND near an Earth pole has 100% correlation with Earth ice. If Earth had two polar oceans, it would have NO ICE.

What does the position of LAND have to do with CO2?

You just hung your bogus fraudulent climate "scientists" out to dry.

A better question is why the "US" media, including Fox and Greg Gutfeld who was personally asked, cannot ask that question....

Your first link is to Snopes which debunks a claim. The second is an article by Brian Merchant. Is he a well known Democrat? The last one is an article by the Washington times that singles out another author, Mark Hertsgaard.

And now what the real scientist have said.

Last Revised: Aug. 30, 2017
  • It is premature to conclude that human activities–and particularly greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming–have already had a detectable impact on Atlantic hurricane or global tropical cyclone activity. That said, human activities may have already caused changes that are not yet detectable due to the small magnitude of the changes or observational limitations, or are not yet confidently modeled (e.g., aerosol effects on regional climate).
  • Anthropogenic warming by the end of the 21st century will likely cause tropical cyclones globally to be more intense on average (by 2 to 11% according to model projections for an IPCC A1B scenario). This change would imply an even larger percentage increase in the destructive potential per storm, assuming no reduction in storm size.
  • There are better than even odds that anthropogenic warming over the next century will lead to an increase in the occurrence of very intense tropical cyclone in some basins–an increase that would be substantially larger in percentage terms than the 2-11% increase in the average storm intensity. This increase in intense storm occurrence is projected despite a likely decrease (or little change) in the global numbers of all tropical cyclones.
  • Anthropogenic warming by the end of the 21st century will likely cause tropical cyclones to have substantially higher rainfall rates than present-day ones, with a model-projected increase of about 10-15% for rainfall rates averaged within about 100 km of the storm center.
Of course they are just odds makers:

Likelihood Statements
The terminology here for likelihood statements generally follows the conventions used in the IPCC AR4, i.e., for the assessed likelihood of an outcome or result:
  • Very Likely: > 90%,
  • Likely: > 66%
  • More Likely Than Not (or Better Than Even Odds) > 50%
Global Warming and Hurricanes – Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

Got any Democrats who want to put the scientist who published that in jail?

The Dems say they want to make it illegal to question whether CO2 is the main variable that "controls" Earth temperature and related climate effects.

How many Dems here want to make it illegal to ask things like

WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

I mean, really, doesn't "liberal" mean.... you allow questions of left wing frauds???
can you link to what you are referencing? this is all i can find when i google:

FALSE: California to Jail Climate Change Skeptics

so i'd like to see exactly what you are talking about before i join in to make fun of people.
Democrats in CA introduce a bill to criminalize questioning of Algore's FRAUD.

The bill fails.

Dems here deny any Dem supported the bill.

Good grief!!!!!!!!!

In the wake of Harvey, it’s time to treat science denial as gross negligence—and hold those who do the denying accountable.

n August 2016, months after Houston had been hit by the second of two back-to-back “hundred year floods,” Mike Talbott, then the head of Houston’s flood control district, told The Texas Tribune and ProPublica that he still had no plans to study climate change or its potential impacts on the county — Harris, the third-largest in the nation — that he was charged with protecting. Talbott criticized scientists for being “anti-development,” and not only ignored but denigrated studies — even those conducted by his own department, one of which he called “absurd” — that suggested development was worsening flooding, or that urged him to leave prairies intact to absorb floodwaters. When the Tribune told Talbott that a host of scientific experts had said the contrary, his reply was blunt.

“You need to find some better experts,” he said. When asked for names, the Tribune reported, Talbott would only say, “starting here, with me.”

Almost exactly one year later, Harvey made landfall.

According to the Texas penal code, “A person acts with criminal negligence, or is criminally negligent… when he ought to be aware of a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the circumstances exist or the result will occur. The risk must be of such a nature and degree that the failure to perceive it constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of care that an ordinary person would exercise....”

Climate change denial should be a crime

From what was in the rest of the article, Talbott should be charged with criminal negligence.

We got one right here... although he hides behind "climate change" and doesn't use "Global Warming (because of CO2)" which gives him "wiggle room" to claim he wasn't talking about CO2....

Apparently floods never happened before Algore started lying....

and the NYT thinks the Syrian crisis is because of DROUGHT "caused by" the same "warming..."

Here is a question for Old Rocks.

If planet Earth was indeed warming, would it be WETTER or DRIER???

Hint - it isn't both...
Democrats in CA introduce a bill to criminalize questioning of Algore's FRAUD.

The bill fails.

Dems here deny any Dem supported the bill.

Good grief!!!!!!!!!

Don't Democrats control the government in California?

We got one right here... although he hides behind "climate change" and doesn't use "Global Warming (because of CO2)" which gives him "wiggle room" to claim he wasn't talking about CO2....

Apparently floods never happened before Algore started lying....

and the NYT thinks the Syrian crisis is because of DROUGHT "caused by" the same "warming..."

Here is a question for Old Rocks.

If planet Earth was indeed warming, would it be WETTER or DRIER???

Hint - it isn't both...
Good God, you daft little ass, we just saw an example where it was both. California came out of the drought with major rain storms. Then this summer, another drought with record temperatures. Now the Santa Anna winds, and we have huge firestorms there now.
The left's solution to 'climate change'...wait for increases holy shit what a shocker. That tells you everything you need to know about fake climate change science.

We got one right here... although he hides behind "climate change" and doesn't use "Global Warming (because of CO2)" which gives him "wiggle room" to claim he wasn't talking about CO2....

Apparently floods never happened before Algore started lying....

and the NYT thinks the Syrian crisis is because of DROUGHT "caused by" the same "warming..."

Here is a question for Old Rocks.

If planet Earth was indeed warming, would it be WETTER or DRIER???

Hint - it isn't both...
Good God, you daft little ass, we just saw an example where it was both. California came out of the drought with major rain storms. Then this summer, another drought with record temperatures. Now the Santa Anna winds, and we have huge firestorms there now.

It was 39 degrees this morning just relax.
39 degrees where? And just why do you think that is relevant? 92 right now in Phoenix. Does that mean there is a heat wave worldwide?
Didn't Repubs make global warming illegal in NC, TN, LA and Florida? Its illegal to talk about climate change...

In the wake of Harvey, it’s time to treat science denial as gross negligence—and hold those who do the denying accountable.

n August 2016, months after Houston had been hit by the second of two back-to-back “hundred year floods,” Mike Talbott, then the head of Houston’s flood control district, told The Texas Tribune and ProPublica that he still had no plans to study climate change or its potential impacts on the county — Harris, the third-largest in the nation — that he was charged with protecting. Talbott criticized scientists for being “anti-development,” and not only ignored but denigrated studies — even those conducted by his own department, one of which he called “absurd” — that suggested development was worsening flooding, or that urged him to leave prairies intact to absorb floodwaters. When the Tribune told Talbott that a host of scientific experts had said the contrary, his reply was blunt.

“You need to find some better experts,” he said. When asked for names, the Tribune reported, Talbott would only say, “starting here, with me.”

Almost exactly one year later, Harvey made landfall.

According to the Texas penal code, “A person acts with criminal negligence, or is criminally negligent… when he ought to be aware of a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the circumstances exist or the result will occur. The risk must be of such a nature and degree that the failure to perceive it constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of care that an ordinary person would exercise....”

Climate change denial should be a crime

From what was in the rest of the article, Talbott should be charged with criminal negligence.

The ground can only absorb so much rain water, the rest just runs off like it was concrete. Builders have to have a drainage plan for the non-permeable structures they construct like driveways, rooftops, parking lots and roads. But those can only do so much and in an event like Harvey, no amount of planning will stop flooding, especially in Houston. It's not called they Bayou City for nothing.

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