Making the Most of House Arrest


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Making the Most of House Arrest
April 9, 2020 ~~ By Lloyd Marcus

During the corona-madness lockdown, I watched my favorite movie, The Natural for the gazillionth time. Insanely, that movie still makes me tear up. Due to my late preacher dad's DNA, I see numerous life lessons and sermons in that movie. Farm boy Roy Hobbs is a gifted baseball player. His supportive dad warns that talent is not enough. On the train to try out for a major league team, Roy is shot by a wacko woman. Following a long recovery, Roy was told he could never play baseball again. Roy struggled to find work, lost his confidence, and wandered. Sixteen years later, a corrupt major league scout was paid to sabotage a last place team. Believing Roy is a joke, he signed middle-aged Roy Hobbs to a contract to play for the failing team. When Roy showed up, the angry coach said, “People don't start playing ball at your age, they retire.” He vowed never to play Roy. All Roy wanted was a chance to show what he could do. No one believed in him. Have you ever felt like Roy Hobbs?
Finally, the coach gave Roy a chance to play. He became an instant major league baseball superstar, leading his team to victories.
Am I suggesting that we become brain dead? Absolutely not. However, believing fake news coronavirus reporting and flawed computer models is stressing the heck out of a lot of people. My late preacher dad said the main takeaway from one of his pastoral courses is stress can kill you. I choose to trust God and be happy.At the end of a visit with my 83-year-old widowed mother-in-law, Mary gave her a goodbye hug and I gave her a peck on the cheek. She lite up like a Christmas tree. During our last visit, we kept our distance not touching her.
Mr. President, please get us back to work. Now!

As always the author has written a good Op-Ed... Hasn't everyone realized what is going on here, and what has to be done to put a stop to it!!! The CDC, Fauci and Birx have fed us a line of Bovine Scat.
As I have previously stated this variation of Influenza is similar to other pandemics we've previously experienced. The overblown wild panic and predictions of the numbers of dead have been propaganda and disinformation. The 1918 "Spanish Flu, Influenza outbreaks of 1957, 1968, 2009, 2014 and now the Influenza named Wuhan Covid-19 have become part of life.
The National quarantine lockdown should be lifted immediately or by the middle of April, the economy and businesses restarted.
IMHO, America has become the useful idiots of Progressive Marxist Socialism.
This panic has become a pathogen in itself, it's become shear insanity.
Most of us in this forum understand that Trump will take the heat regardless of the great job he has done, before, during and after this lock-down. Governors and mayors will start taking heat if they do not go along with Trump when he ends the national emergency. I hope that Trump does some more swamp drain of deep state folks and never ever lets this lock-down repeat itself.

More lies here...
I think they want to pull back on the guidelines for businesses and workers to get back to work but they don't dare do it before Easter...there would be too many people going to too many gatherings...
"Coronavirus Madness" is absolutely what were dealing with.

This is what happens when we allow the the bureaucrat "experts" to instill fear in the general population.
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A March 16th, 2020 link?..........Really?????????
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More lies here...
A March 16th, 2020 link?..........Really?????????
Right over your head, huh?
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More lies here...
A March 16th, 2020 link?..........Really?????????
Right over your head, huh?
Yep. :-( Never was that bright, just tested well.

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