Male Bladder Infection (UTI)


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
1ST DAY ON ANTIBIOTICS. Last week or so, kept getting worse; finally went to my dr. Urine culture will come back prob. on Monday. My symptoms are severe severe sharp shooting stabbing pain 24/7 inside the penis and left testicle pain; very deep and heavy pain there. Im 50 yr old with a very very high pain threshold- this type of pain in both penis and testicle is prob. one of the worst pains in my life. Prostatitis too possibly, but no fever no chills no vomiting etc. Rules out kidneys. I dont remember my last UTI being so very painful; can any male here relate? 2-3 days Im assuming before antibiotics kick in (cipro).? man this is brutal pain. Nothing makes it better. doing everything youre supposed to do including cranberry pills,tons of water, heat, ice advil, tylenol etc.
1ST DAY ON ANTIBIOTICS. Last week or so, kept getting worse; finally went to my dr. Urine culture will come back prob. on Monday. My symptoms are severe severe sharp shooting stabbing pain 24/7 inside the penis and left testicle pain; very deep and heavy pain there. Im 50 yr old with a very very high pain threshold- this type of pain in both penis and testicle is prob. one of the worst pains in my life. Prostatitis too possibly, but no fever no chills no vomiting etc. Rules out kidneys. I dont remember my last UTI being so very painful; can any male here relate? 2-3 days Im assuming before antibiotics kick in (cipro).? man this is brutal pain. Nothing makes it better. doing everything youre supposed to do including cranberry pills,tons of water, heat, ice advil, tylenol etc.
Drink plenty of water so that you keep urinating. If it is an infection you could require different antibiotics if one doesn't work. A hot epsom salt bath might help also.
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1ST DAY ON ANTIBIOTICS. Last week or so, kept getting worse; finally went to my dr. Urine culture will come back prob. on Monday. My symptoms are severe severe sharp shooting stabbing pain 24/7 inside the penis and left testicle pain; very deep and heavy pain there. Im 50 yr old with a very very high pain threshold- this type of pain in both penis and testicle is prob. one of the worst pains in my life. Prostatitis too possibly, but no fever no chills no vomiting etc. Rules out kidneys. I dont remember my last UTI being so very painful; can any male here relate? 2-3 days Im assuming before antibiotics kick in (cipro).? man this is brutal pain. Nothing makes it better. doing everything youre supposed to do including cranberry pills,tons of water, heat, ice advil, tylenol etc.
Never had it but I don't understand how a UTI infection can cause testicle pain. Hopefully your antibiotics kick in quickly.
It’s bad practice to start someone on antibiotics before the culture has come back.
Furosemide (lasix) is a medication that makes you pee alot.

But I don't know if that would help or hurt the situation.
1ST DAY ON ANTIBIOTICS. Last week or so, kept getting worse; finally went to my dr. Urine culture will come back prob. on Monday. My symptoms are severe severe sharp shooting stabbing pain 24/7 inside the penis and left testicle pain; very deep and heavy pain there. Im 50 yr old with a very very high pain threshold- this type of pain in both penis and testicle is prob. one of the worst pains in my life. Prostatitis too possibly, but no fever no chills no vomiting etc. Rules out kidneys. I dont remember my last UTI being so very painful; can any male here relate? 2-3 days Im assuming before antibiotics kick in (cipro).? man this is brutal pain. Nothing makes it better. doing everything youre supposed to do including cranberry pills,tons of water, heat, ice advil, tylenol etc.
I had a bad case of prostatitis in my early thirties. I don't recall testicular pain but pain on urination and trouble with urination was bad. What I remember most was being bent over an exam table and the doc did the digital prostate exam and when he pressed on my infected prostate, I nearly jumped over the table. It made me feel like my bladder had totally voided. He wrote me a prescription for some expensive, broad spectrum antibiotics and after a week, there was no change. I went back and he was on vacation and the guy standing in for him prescribed the old tried and true - sulfa drugs - it cleared in less than 5 days.
UTIs are associated with the onset or worsening of delirium ,dementia and neuropsychiatric disorders such as depression and psychosis .
Hopefully the unbalanced end of the political left is therefore suffering particularly badly .
Perhaps regular UTIs will be seen as an indicative marker of mental instability which will help decent ordinary people spot these political stinkers by the number of times they suddenly have to race to the toilet . rofl .
UTIs are associated with the onset or worsening of delirium ,dementia and neuropsychiatric disorders such as depression and psychosis .
Hopefully the unbalanced end of the political left is therefore suffering particularly badly .
Perhaps regular UTIs will be seen as an indicative marker of mental instability which will help decent ordinary people spot these political stinkers by the number of times they suddenly have to race to the toilet . rofl .
Um, none of that makes any sense
I'm into natural remedies as much as possible. So while your antibiotics do their thing, there are other things you can do to help the healing and cleansing process. Someone already mentioned cranberry juice. Get sugar-free because sugar is America's number one toxin in widespread use:

And extremely old fashioned home remedy, but use Applecider Vinegar.

One tablespoon in one cup of cold water during a meal, for at least two straight weeks.

Also, if you like pickles, eat pickles often........the ones that have vinegar in them.

Anytime I've felt a gut problem coming on, or stomachache or even had food poisoning........I've done this, and it helps a lot.
It doesn't kill all the bad bacteria, but it immobilizes it enough to get washed out of your system.

Although if you have problems like ulcers or such.........I wouldn't use it.

You might look for herbal remedies or home remedies online, and see if any of those might help out.
1ST DAY ON ANTIBIOTICS. Last week or so, kept getting worse; finally went to my dr. Urine culture will come back prob. on Monday. My symptoms are severe severe sharp shooting stabbing pain 24/7 inside the penis and left testicle pain; very deep and heavy pain there. Im 50 yr old with a very very high pain threshold- this type of pain in both penis and testicle is prob. one of the worst pains in my life. Prostatitis too possibly, but no fever no chills no vomiting etc. Rules out kidneys. I dont remember my last UTI being so very painful; can any male here relate? 2-3 days Im assuming before antibiotics kick in (cipro).? man this is brutal pain. Nothing makes it better. doing everything youre supposed to do including cranberry pills,tons of water, heat, ice advil, tylenol etc.

Epididymitis is where a tube (the epididymis) at the back of the testicles becomes swollen and painful. It's often caused by an infection and is usually treated with antibiotics. If the testicles are also affected, it may be called epididymo-orchitis.
Um, none of that makes any sense
You can hardly expect the insane to remember much of the real world .

So have a quick personal check to find out whethe there is still some hope for you!!
Stock up on Trimethoprin .

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