Mall violence is out of control in San Francisco

Just to be clear, the people who run San Francisco LOVE this kind of violence, as do the citizens who vote for them. They endorse it, they support it, and they often fund it. Scared, beaten people are easier to control.

It sure seems that way. It's pretty clear in SF they wont be cracking down on their voter base.
I repeat myself again. Savages will be savages.. Nothing has changed since we brought them over from Africa. It is just their nature.

People call me racist because I'm a segregationist. Things were much better for good people when we were segregated. You live there and live the way you want, and we'll live here the way we want. Don't come here and I won't go over there.
America's culture of war has come full circle. Nobody is going to be safe without a gun. Constant and continuous wars have caused these children to act out to copy the violence.
As a 2A supporter i'm more concerned with civil unrest than a home break in or a tyrannical gov't at this point. It only takes one stupid white cop/Karen or the leftist politicians and MSM to create a false narrative to create widespread civil unrest.
People call me racist because I'm a segregationist. Things were much better for good people when we were segregated. You live there and live the way you want, and we'll live here the way we want. Don't come here and I won't go over there.
We're headed back in that direction. Everything MLK fought against, many liberals and the black community are advocating for.
But does the black community really want that?
Pretend the US gave them their own territory/state. They could create their own laws. Create their own economy. Create business, generate their own GDP, territory/state constitution. Maybe succeed and create their very own country. What would make them happy?
People call me racist because I'm a segregationist. Things were much better for good people when we were segregated. You live there and live the way you want, and we'll live here the way we want. Don't come here and I won't go over there.
Down here where i live just north of St Augustine, we have a good ration of all mixes of races, some even interracial, and none of the people act like savages we always see in Demofacist run cities. We have respect for our neighbors while you look at someone like OKaydokeyfine, and realize he probably never even heard of civility.
We're headed back in that direction. Everything MLK fought against, many liberals and the black community are advocating for.
But does the black community really want that?
Pretend the US gave them their own territory/state. They could create their own laws. Create their own economy. Create business, generate their own GDP, territory/state constitution. Maybe succeed and create their very own country. What would make them happy?
They got their own country back over 100 years ago...

As a 2A supporter i'm more concerned with civil unrest than a home break in or a tyrannical gov't at this point. It only takes one stupid white cop/Karen or the leftist politicians and MSM to create a false narrative to create widespread civil unrest.
Not quite true but I get your point. You're hoping for a leftist to set it off.
A black cop killing Ashley didn't set it off and that could be seen as an outrageous provocation.

I think it's more likely that it will be set off when Trump gives his violent lieutenants their marching orders. The longer it sits simmering on the back burner, the worse it's going to be.
Down here where i live just north of St Augustine, we have a good ration of all mixes of races, some even interracial, and none of the people act like savages we always see in Demofacist run cities. We have respect for our neighbors while you look at someone like OKaydokeyfine, and realize he probably never even heard of civility.

I live in a now predominately black neighborhood. I sadly watched the decline as the years went by. I remember what a great suburb this was before they moved in. It used to be safe, clean and quiet. Now you can't even go to the convenient store with at least one of them blaring that jungle music so loud you can hear it 3 houses away.

When they are outnumbered they are generally not a problem. Once they get in the 40% range of the population, that's when things go downhill. Stores getting rob or shoplifted until they close, garbage all over the street, can't even sleep with your window open because the ones that don't work are riding around with their stereos blaring with no consideration for anybody else.
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We're headed back in that direction. Everything MLK fought against, many liberals and the black community are advocating for.
But does the black community really want that?
Pretend the US gave them their own territory/state. They could create their own laws. Create their own economy. Create business, generate their own GDP, territory/state constitution. Maybe succeed and create their very own country. What would make them happy?

That's pretty much impossible as the OP video shows what happens when there are a lot of them. After they destroy everything where they live, there is no place to shop or walk without danger. So they start migrating towards white areas if possible.
For starters if I ran a mall, I would ban hoodies. It's private property, no hoodies, no exceptions!
I live in a now predominately black neighborhood. I sadly watched the decline as the years went by. I remember what a great suburb this was before they moved in. It used to be safe, clean and quiet. Now you can't even go to the convenient store with at least one of them blaring that jungle music so loud you can hear it 3 houses away.

When they are outnumbered they are generally not a problem. Once they get in the 40% range of the population, that's when things go downhill. Stores getting rob or shoplifted until they close, garbage all over the street, can't even sleep with your window open because the ones that don't work are riding around with their stereos blaring with no consideration for anybody else.
More police violence against blacks doesn't work. It may seem to be too late and next to impossible to change things in America, but there's no other remedy other than kindness, fairness, and acceptance of blacks as equals.

From your descriptions, it's evident that you're dealing with a different group of people from what Canada experiences with non-white races. Why is that?
You should probably realize black violence is out of control
I do!
I can even say honestly that the black people who commit the violent crimes are to blame.

There's nothing to debate about that fact. The debate is on what caused it and what it will take to change it.

I see an escalation some time in the future when white people will be found dead from gunshot wounds, all across America.

And I don't think money can buy it off!
More police violence against blacks doesn't work. It may seem to be too late and next to impossible to change things in America, but there's no other remedy other than kindness, fairness, and acceptance of blacks as equals.

From your descriptions, it's evident that you're dealing with a different group of people from what Canada experiences with non-white races. Why is that?

Perhaps because the black population in Canada is under 5%. There is only one way to control crime, and that's with a strong enough deterrent. Blacks will not be accepted as equals until they start behaving like equals. It's their call how they conduct themselves, not ours.

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