Man Admits to Making Fake News Stories to Support Trump: Christian Times News

Uhh..apparently the original posters of those clearly false stories. Clintons in an underage sex ring? Really?

I think anyone who pushes out something false should get a week ban after a few warnings. They keep it up; make it a month.
a week? for each offense?....we might never see lakhota again

It would be an interesting exercise to try it....see who gets sent away.

You think lakhota would "get sent away"? Do you think he should?

Evidence please.
lol....I'm asking you what you think, if your asking me for evidence of that i'm sorry, there just isn't any.

Evidence of whatever you think Lakhota did… Can’t form an opinion until I know what you’re talking about.
Both Trump and Russia have used fake news to benefit Trump. The only deflections and evasions from being guilty of manipulating the election system via making up total lies by these entities is by muddying the waters, causing confusion and confusing the definition of "fake news". Even posters here at USMB use the term every time they see a story they disagree with.

BUSTED: GOP legislative aide fired for running fake news site that hyped bogus ‘voter fraud’ stories
A Republican legislative aide in Maryland has been fired after it was revealed that he ran a fake news website that hyped false stories about voter fraud.
Was there ever a surprise? How many people here got duped?

"A few weeks later, Cameron Harris, a new college graduate with a fervent interest in Maryland Republican politics and a need for cash, sat down at the kitchen table in his apartment to fill in the details Mr. Trump had left out. In a dubious cyberart just coming into its prime, this bogus story would be his masterpiece.

Mr. Harris started by crafting the headline: “BREAKING: ‘Tens of thousands’ of fraudulent Clinton votes found in Ohio warehouse.” It made sense, he figured, to locate this shocking discovery in the very city and state where Mr. Trump had highlighted his “rigged” meme."

"Later, he would tell gullible readers “NYPD Looking to Press Charges Against Bill Clinton for Underage Sex Ring,” “Protesters Beat Homeless Veteran to Death in Philadelphia” and “Hillary Clinton Files for Divorce in New York Courts.” Eight of his stories would merit explicit debunking by, the myth-busting site, but none would top the performance of the ballot box fantasy."

From Headline to Photograph, a Fake News Masterpiece
Now when Obama and Clinton and their co conspirators at CNN finally admit to planting fake news stories about Trump's relationship with Putin, we'll be getting somewhere.
Huh? How is that fake news when Trump admits he has a relationship with Putin. He said it himself...

You folks are the most gullible idiots I've ever seen.

Every time I think you have made the stupidest statement possible, you do one better.
Was there ever a surprise? How many people here got duped?

"A few weeks later, Cameron Harris, a new college graduate with a fervent interest in Maryland Republican politics and a need for cash, sat down at the kitchen table in his apartment to fill in the details Mr. Trump had left out. In a dubious cyberart just coming into its prime, this bogus story would be his masterpiece.

Mr. Harris started by crafting the headline: “BREAKING: ‘Tens of thousands’ of fraudulent Clinton votes found in Ohio warehouse.” It made sense, he figured, to locate this shocking discovery in the very city and state where Mr. Trump had highlighted his “rigged” meme."

"Later, he would tell gullible readers “NYPD Looking to Press Charges Against Bill Clinton for Underage Sex Ring,” “Protesters Beat Homeless Veteran to Death in Philadelphia” and “Hillary Clinton Files for Divorce in New York Courts.” Eight of his stories would merit explicit debunking by, the myth-busting site, but none would top the performance of the ballot box fantasy."

From Headline to Photograph, a Fake News Masterpiece
Now when Obama and Clinton and their co conspirators at CNN finally admit to planting fake news stories about Trump's relationship with Putin, we'll be getting somewhere.
Huh? How is that fake news when Trump admits he has a relationship with Putin. He said it himself...

You folks are the most gullible idiots I've ever seen.

Every time I think you have made the stupidest statement possible, you do one better.

What a pity you can't win an argument.
Was there ever a surprise? How many people here got duped?

"A few weeks later, Cameron Harris, a new college graduate with a fervent interest in Maryland Republican politics and a need for cash, sat down at the kitchen table in his apartment to fill in the details Mr. Trump had left out. In a dubious cyberart just coming into its prime, this bogus story would be his masterpiece.

Mr. Harris started by crafting the headline: “BREAKING: ‘Tens of thousands’ of fraudulent Clinton votes found in Ohio warehouse.” It made sense, he figured, to locate this shocking discovery in the very city and state where Mr. Trump had highlighted his “rigged” meme."

"Later, he would tell gullible readers “NYPD Looking to Press Charges Against Bill Clinton for Underage Sex Ring,” “Protesters Beat Homeless Veteran to Death in Philadelphia” and “Hillary Clinton Files for Divorce in New York Courts.” Eight of his stories would merit explicit debunking by, the myth-busting site, but none would top the performance of the ballot box fantasy."

From Headline to Photograph, a Fake News Masterpiece
Who is referring to these stories as "masterpieces"?...looks like someone busted a few posts from a message board...take a look at some of todays left wing posts on this message board about trump, they read the same way albeit a bit more outrageous...then notice how many lefties agree with them.

longknife Clementine RodISHI all posted the stories on this board about the Ohio Warehouse. Less than 3 minutes of research into the stories quickly revealed the Ohio story was phony. All the way down to the picture used.

What should happen to posters who post obvious fake news stories?
You could do them as I generally do for the post that you make. Simply put them on your invisible ignore list or put them on a true ignore with that ignore option. Clinton's have a lot of real slime on them so this whether fake or real is of no consequence at this point. No one is perfect but some I wouldn't want anywhere near any place of making decisions on laws and rules that would affect me.
Was there ever a surprise? How many people here got duped?

"A few weeks later, Cameron Harris, a new college graduate with a fervent interest in Maryland Republican politics and a need for cash, sat down at the kitchen table in his apartment to fill in the details Mr. Trump had left out. In a dubious cyberart just coming into its prime, this bogus story would be his masterpiece.

Mr. Harris started by crafting the headline: “BREAKING: ‘Tens of thousands’ of fraudulent Clinton votes found in Ohio warehouse.” It made sense, he figured, to locate this shocking discovery in the very city and state where Mr. Trump had highlighted his “rigged” meme."

"Later, he would tell gullible readers “NYPD Looking to Press Charges Against Bill Clinton for Underage Sex Ring,” “Protesters Beat Homeless Veteran to Death in Philadelphia” and “Hillary Clinton Files for Divorce in New York Courts.” Eight of his stories would merit explicit debunking by, the myth-busting site, but none would top the performance of the ballot box fantasy."

From Headline to Photograph, a Fake News Masterpiece

Yeah nobody saw those. You lose.

Who made up the fake CNN story about Price buying stock after he drafted a bill to help that stock?

Who made up the fake news about the Golden Showers?

The difference here is that in your example, one lone blogger who nobody reads vs in the left's fake news it's the MSM and democrat politicians.
Okay then...

...Fox News said there was a "stand down order", and there was no stand down order…

Since The Blaze said a Mexican was stuffing an Arizona ballot box, and that Mexican was NOT stuffing an Arizona ballot box…

Since Breitbart said Chuck Hagel met with Friends of Hamas, and there is no such thing as the Friends of Hamas.

Since Bill O'Reilly said he was in combat, when he was a thousand miles from combat...

Since Fox News said the Marines guarding our embassy in Egypt were denied live ammo, and our Marines were NOT denied live ammo…

Since the right wing media hacks said 93 million people will lose their employer health insurance by the end of 2014, and 93 million people have NOT lost their health insurance…

Since Laura Ingraham said Obama was going to be impeached within three weeks, and Obama was NOT impeached…

Since Fox News said you can print ballots at home in Colorado, and you CANNOT print ballots at home in Colorado…

Since the credulous were told Michelle Obama and Elizabeth Warren had deleted Hillary from their Twitter accounts, and they did NOT delete Hillary from their Twitter accounts…

Since the credulous were told Obama was born in Kenya, and Obama was NOT born in Kenya…

Since the rubes were told Obama demanded to be sworn in on the Koran, and Obama did NOT demand to be sworn in on the Koran…

Since the credulous were told Obama banned Christmas cards on Military Bases, and Obama did NOT ban Christmas cards on military bases…

Since Fox News reported Obama banned Nativity scenes by Executive Order, and Obama did NOT ban Nativity scenes…

Since the credulous were told Obama cut God out of his Thanksgiving addresses every year, and believed it without even…you know…LOOKING to see if that was true, and Obama did NOT leave God out of any of his Thanksgiving or Christmas messages…

Since Fox News reported Obama used his own money to keep a Muslim museum openduring a government shutdown, and Obama did NOT use his own money to keep a Muslim museum open during the shutdown…

Since World News Daily reported Obama wears a Muslim ring which says “There Is No God But Allah”, and Obama does NOT wear a Muslim ring which says “There Is No God But Allah”…

Since Fox News reported “far more children died last year drowning in their bath tubs than were accidentally killed by guns”, and far more children died from accidental gun deaths…

Since Fox News reported the Texas School Board of Education is considering banning references to Christmas and the Constitution, and the Texas School Board of Education is NOT considering banning references to Christmas and the Constitution…

Since the credulous bleeved Obama banned the Confederate flag by Executive Order

Since the credulous bleeved Operation Jade Helm was a joint UN/US government takeover of the American southwest…

Since the credulous fell for a hoax that said Obama has banned the Pledge of Allegiance

Since the credulous fell for a hoax about a Bill Clinton rape video

Since the credulous fell for a hoax that Yoko Ono had an affair with Hillary Clinton

Since the credulous fell for a hoax about a postal worker destroying Trump ballots

Since the credulous fell for a hoax that Clinton’s campaign chairman wrote a racist screedthat was actually written by a Netherlands nazi…

Since Donald Trump and millions of his Chumps fell for a hoax that John Podesta wrote something about Benghazi that a Newsweek reporter actually wrote…

Since the credulous fell for a hoax the Oregon mass shooter was on a Russian terror watch list which Obama refused to take…

Since the credulous fell for
a hoax that the Pope said there is no true religion and there is no hell

Since the credulous fell for
a hoax about a Hillary body double on 9/11

Since the credulous fell for
a hoax video about Democratic primary voting fraud which was actually a video of Russian voting fraud which had been deliberately manipulated…

Since the credulous parroted a lie that Obama was trying to get us all killed by Ebola, and that Ebola was going to kill millions of American last year…

Since the credulous fell for
a hoax about Obama being snubbed for handshakes

Since the credulous fell for the “death panels” hoax…

Since the credulous fell for
a hoax that 70 Congressional Democrats are members of the Communist party

Since the credulous fell for a hoax that DHS had bought 1.6 billion rounds of ammo…

At what point do you fools WAKE UP!?!?!

More evidence of the gullibility of the pseudocons:

Muslim President signs EO BANNING Pledge from all schools

Anonymous sets date to release emails and 6 videos



'Anonymous' Claims to Have a Sex Tape of 'Bubba' w/ a 13 Yr. Old

ELECTION / VOTER FRAUD DOES NOT EXIST: POSTAL WORKER Brags Online About Destroying Trump Ballots

Did Hillary Clinton really have sex ith Yoko Ono like Yoko says

New Report: 93 Million will Lose Insurance by the End of Next Year.

70 avowed socialists currently in Congress

socialist congress members. WOW 70 Dems

Wake Up Call 2013- Obama's DHS Prepares For Civil War

Is Obama Really The Anti-Christ?


Mexican drug kingpin "El Chapo" Gave Hillary $15M... for her "Clinton Foundation"
I'm going to use this to keep PoliticalChic busy if you don't mind g5000 ;)
New York Times admits it quashed Trump - Russia story that the FBI asked it not to publish
In a stunning revelation today, the Public Editor of the New York Times has announced that her newspaper held off from publishing a story during the election season about Donald Trump’s secret ties to Russia, after the FBI discouraged publication. She’s acknowledging that the story could have “upended” the presidential election between Trump and Hillary Clinton, and she’s criticizing her own newspaper for having been too “timid” in pulling its punches.


New York Times admits it held back a Trump-Russia story that the FBI asked it not to publish
New York Times admits it quashed Trump - Russia story that the FBI asked it not to publish
In a stunning revelation today, the Public Editor of the New York Times has announced that her newspaper held off from publishing a story during the election season about Donald Trump’s secret ties to Russia, after the FBI discouraged publication. She’s acknowledging that the story could have “upended” the presidential election between Trump and Hillary Clinton, and she’s criticizing her own newspaper for having been too “timid” in pulling its punches.


New York Times admits it held back a Trump-Russia story that the FBI asked it not to publish

So the FBI publicized the Weiner laptop thing and put out a letter saying they were reopening the email investigation right before the election voting... but asked the NY Times to not run a story that could have hurt Trump. Well how fishy of Comey to do.
Was there ever a surprise? How many people here got duped?

"A few weeks later, Cameron Harris, a new college graduate with a fervent interest in Maryland Republican politics and a need for cash, sat down at the kitchen table in his apartment to fill in the details Mr. Trump had left out. In a dubious cyberart just coming into its prime, this bogus story would be his masterpiece.

Mr. Harris started by crafting the headline: “BREAKING: ‘Tens of thousands’ of fraudulent Clinton votes found in Ohio warehouse.” It made sense, he figured, to locate this shocking discovery in the very city and state where Mr. Trump had highlighted his “rigged” meme."

"Later, he would tell gullible readers “NYPD Looking to Press Charges Against Bill Clinton for Underage Sex Ring,” “Protesters Beat Homeless Veteran to Death in Philadelphia” and “Hillary Clinton Files for Divorce in New York Courts.” Eight of his stories would merit explicit debunking by, the myth-busting site, but none would top the performance of the ballot box fantasy."

From Headline to Photograph, a Fake News Masterpiece
WAs it the president of CNN?

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