Here comes the fake news.. Election time is getting closer... Trump said he hates Milwaukee!

And you think real estate values in the country are comparable to the city?

You’re insane.
Shit...they've been giving houses away in St. Louis, Detroit and Baltimore.


Try buying a house for a dollar here! :lol:
And you think that’s representative of all cities? Have you been to Denver lately?
Yeah. I like Denver.

There were a bunch of people living under the bridges in the park.

But still...if you live in Denver, it's on my top 10 list*. But Denver is a "new" city...a growing city.

Denver's no Chicago, or Columbus, or Edison, NJ, or Buffalo or Baltimore, or Montgomery or Atlanta.

Denver is on a huge plain with nothing but room to spread out.

It's an outlier.

(*Fargo, Salt Lake City, Green Bay, Portland (Maine), Miami, Mobile, Grand Rapids, Tulsa, and Wichita round it out pretty effectively.

Somehow I've never made it to Boise it could be on the list someday.)
No wonder this is in ‘Badlands’, uncited quote and typical MAGA bullshit!


:itsok: poor lill fella. I started it in the Badlands and choke on this:

‘Inject bleach.’ Biden again twisted Trump’s words, claiming his predecessor “would tell people, inject bleach,” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Trump suggested that scientists test the use of “very powerful light” and “disinfectant” in the body to kill the virus. But he didn’t tell people to do this themselves, nor did he say: “inject bleach.”

:itsok: poor lill fella. I started it in the Badlands and choke on this:

‘Inject bleach.’ Biden again twisted Trump’s words, claiming his predecessor “would tell people, inject bleach,” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Trump suggested that scientists test the use of “very powerful light” and “disinfectant” in the body to kill the virus. But he didn’t tell people to do this themselves, nor did he say: “inject bleach.”
‘Badlands’ is ‘Badlands’, so the only proper response is that you’re a lying cuck. Remember, any other view or “evidence” is fake news. That’s the legacy Trumpusm has left the country with. :dunno:

‘Badlands’ is ‘Badlands’, so the only proper response is that you’re a lying cuck. Remember, any other view or “evidence” is fake news. That’s the legacy Trumpusm has left the country with. :dunno:


‘Inject bleach.’ Biden again twisted Trump’s words, claiming his predecessor “would tell people, inject bleach,” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Trump suggested that scientists test the use of “very powerful light” and “disinfectant” in the body to kill the virus. But he didn’t tell people to do this themselves, nor did he say: “inject bleach.”
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Yeah. I like Denver.

There were a bunch of people living under the bridges in the park.

But still...if you live in Denver, it's on my top 10 list*. But Denver is a "new" city...a growing city.

Denver's no Chicago, or Columbus, or Edison, NJ, or Buffalo or Baltimore, or Montgomery or Atlanta.

Denver is on a huge plain with nothing but room to spread out.

It's an outlier.

(*Fargo, Salt Lake City, Green Bay, Portland (Maine), Miami, Mobile, Grand Rapids, Tulsa, and Wichita round it out pretty effectively.

Somehow I've never made it to Boise it could be on the list someday.)
If Denver is an outlier, so is Detroit.

If you want to sit in front of your TV alone, a small town is probably a good place to do it. It sounds tremendously boring where you live.

‘Inject bleach.’ Biden again twisted Trump’s words, claiming his predecessor “would

‘Inject bleach.’ Biden again twisted Trump’s words, claiming his predecessor “would tell people, inject bleach,” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Trump suggested that scientists test the use of “very powerful light” and “disinfectant” in the body to kill the virus. But he didn’t tell people to do this themselves, nor did he say: “inject bleach.”
Since when does MAGA care about facts? :laughing0301:

Undoubtedly! You can’t prove he didn’t and, given his oral diarrhea, probably a good bet.


What loss? The election isn’t until November. :cool-45:


I proved it. You heard it from Biden, and he was lying and you ran with it :doubt:
Take the Loss and move on

‘Inject bleach.’ Biden again twisted Trump’s words, claiming his predecessor “would tell people, inject bleach,” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Trump suggested that scientists test the use of “very powerful light” and “disinfectant” in the body to kill the virus. But he didn’t tell people to do this themselves, nor did he say: “inject bleach.”
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So Trump thinks "crime" is horrible and the fake news 100% LIE and twist it into Trump hates Milwaukee...a show of hands who's surprised? God there's no lie Dem's won't tell.
Trump wins again. Makes the Dems head explode. I love it.
I proved it. You heard it from Biden, and he was lying and you ran with it :doubt:
Take the Loss and move on

‘Inject bleach.’ Biden again twisted Trump’s words, claiming his predecessor “would tell people, inject bleach,” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Trump suggested that scientists test the use of “very powerful light” and “disinfectant” in the body to kill the virus. But he didn’t tell people to do this themselves, nor did he say: “inject bleach.”
You just don’t get it, do you? All your “explanations” and “evidence” is just so much trash. MAGA has overplayed its hand and now it’s time to call their bluff.

Trump wins again. Makes the Dems head explode. I love it.
Trump has never won anything in his entire life. Everything he has was either left to him by his father, or stolen from people he used to do business with.

7 bankruptcies around the world. Over 4000 law suits, most of which he lost. Trump has been conducting "lawfare" against his business associates since the 1980's. Motion after Motion, all of which are dismissed. Appealing every decision, until he runs out of appeals.

Trump has honed the technique for decades. Forcing others to spend so much money on lawyers, it's not worth it to them to continue. Now he's complaining that the federal government is doing it to HIM.

Trump wants to replace the income tax with tariffs, a ploy for big donors.
That is almost as stupid as Joe Biden is.
What a mess.

Every one of Trump's "big moves" was a disaster for the US economy. Instead of cutting spending and raising interest rates in the boom economy he inherited, Trump gave himself and his billionaire buddies a huge tax cut they didn't NEED, and then jacked up spending to unsustainable levels.

Corporations have been awash in cash since W's tax cuts, due to off-shoring of manufacturing. They neither wanted nor needed the money, as witness to the fact that stock buy-backs were at record levels after the tax cuts. There is absolutely no value for the economy as a whole, from further concentration of wealth at the top.

You keep calling Biden's economic policies "stupid", without any realistic criticism of them, while every conservative economic critic in the country is praising the success of the Biden recovery, and Biden is being credited with saving the world's economy - again!

Just like he did when Obama put him in charge of restarting the economy after W's crash.

That isn't practical.

If you don't want to offer your opinion, so be it.

We can assume however that he at least hates all cities with worse crime then Milwaukee.

That is a lot of hate.

Trump hates the cities because they overwhelmingly voted for Biden. Especially the ones with minorities in charge. Look at the crime!!!!
You just don’t get it, do you? All your “explanations” and “evidence” is just so much trash. MAGA has overplayed its hand and now it’s time to call their bluff.

I get it
Joe Biden lied and you took it hook line and sinker
We do get it. Nothing we can say or do will ever make you believe Trump is a lying criminal and who should be in jail.

You are a radicalized member of a Cult of Personality.
Guilty as charged.
Trump and I live rent free in your mind.
Get YOUR fat ass of the couch and do something about it.
If Denver is an outlier, so is Detroit.

If you want to sit in front of your TV alone, a small town is probably a good place to do it. It sounds tremendously boring where you live.
Except most cities are closer to Detroit than Denver.

If you love crime ridden cesspools with poop on the streets where no one looks you in the eye except to determine if you're a least all you'll have to get used to in Hell is the heat.
Except most cities are closer to Detroit than Denver.

If you love crime ridden cesspools with poop on the streets where no one looks you in the eye except to determine if you're a least all you'll have to get used to in Hell is the heat.
The only people that think this is what city life is like are those who never go there because they’ve been indoctrinated.

You guys spend way too much time in front of the TV

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