Man ... as a


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Social Animal.Was the film theory behind Filmdom's greatest
most prolific and likeable Director/Producer.
Hardly anything to scoff at or sneeze while watching or
hashing over a Roger Corman movie.The guy was just
marvy.Top of the heap.Decent yet driven to be as productive
as God would allow.Since some of Corman's more cheezy films
may appear to contradict his film philosophy.Yet contradiction
, is part of life.No way to skate around it short of being a Democrat
politician.Which is virtually a contradiction in both terms and
application.One such example would be Corman's 60's flop starring
Star Trek's William Shatner.Titled - The Intruder - { 1962 } where Shatner
stars as a committed " social reformer " trying out ways in
a deep southern town to see what works best when trying to
propagate Racism.Incite townspeople to rebel and question
Integration as an evil.Working up ideas of what the Ku Klux Klan
had in mind.The film went out of print years ago.But I had
a VHS copy and watched a couple dozen times.It was supposed to
be Roger Corman's ONLY non-profit making film.Corman regrets having
ventured into that area.For one reason.It was not who he was
{ Political or controvercial }.Which is abject Irony at it's zenith.
Hollywood if little else is a Bastion of telegraphing one's politics.
To the point of grotesque inequality and unfairness.
Corman { who never painted with such a broad and unfair brush }
said his films may have a political undercurrent in them but
- The Intruder - { 1962 } was an exception and he tried to avoid
putting it on the surface.Corman also said he never made the film
he wanted to make." No matter what happens,it never turns exactly as
I hoped."
" In Science-fiction films, the Monster should always be
bigger than the leading lady " -- R.

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