Man Beaten in Anti-Muslim Attack Outside Bronx Applebees, NYPD Says


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Man Beaten in Anti-Muslim Attack Outside Bronx Applebees, NYPD Says

NEW YORK CITY — A 30-year-old man was attacked by men hurling anti-Muslim slurs while he was smoking a cigarette outside an Applebee's Monday night, cops said.
Abdullah Faruque later told reporters that he thought the attack was retaliation for the bombings at the Boston Marathon that occurred earlier that afternoon, but cops couldn't confirm that account.

“I saw the news, and then it hits me: That’s why I got jumped,” Faruque told the New York Post.

Faruque had just stepped out of the restaurant at 610 Exterior St. to smoke a cigarette when a group approached and engaged him in a conversation about 11:30 p.m., according to the NYPD.

America, America...God shed his grace on thee...
Ya know this happened on Monday night. The guy who claims to have been attacked, said he thinks The Boston attack is why this happend, the police said they can't support his claim. They were all at a bar drinking. Are we getting the whole story? Or was this just some bigot who was a loud mouth? Who knows. If it was a bigot attack then the man who said those things should be brought to justice but it seems as if the guy attacked jumped to many conclusions himself as well.
CaféAuLait;7119892 said:
Ya know this happened on Monday night. The guy who claims to have been attacked, said he thinks The Boston attack is why this happend, the police said they can't support his claim. They were all at a bar drinking. Are we getting the whole story? Or was this just some bigot who was a loud mouth? Who knows. If it was a bigot attack then the man who said those things should be brought to justice but it seems as if the guy attacked jumped to many conclusions himself as well.

Whatever happened was wrong, but I see no real reason to suspect that this had anything to do with Boston when every news agency was leaping to blame anti government nut jobs.
Man Beaten in Anti-Muslim Attack Outside Bronx Applebees, NYPD Says

NEW YORK CITY — A 30-year-old man was attacked by men hurling anti-Muslim slurs while he was smoking a cigarette outside an Applebee's Monday night, cops said.
Abdullah Faruque later told reporters that he thought the attack was retaliation for the bombings at the Boston Marathon that occurred earlier that afternoon, but cops couldn't confirm that account.

“I saw the news, and then it hits me: That’s why I got jumped,” Faruque told the New York Post.

Faruque had just stepped out of the restaurant at 610 Exterior St. to smoke a cigarette when a group approached and engaged him in a conversation about 11:30 p.m., according to the NYPD.

America, America...God shed his grace on thee...
NY Hearts Obama: The Bronx Claims President's Top District in 2012 - Bloomberg

"To say the Bronx votes Democratic is a colossal understatement.
That swath of New York City was Obama’s second best-performing county in the nation in the 2012 election. The Bronx also includes the most pro-Obama congressional district in the nation, New York’s 15th, which gave the president 97 percent of the vote, according to data compiled by Political Capital.
Obama took 171,350 votes to 5,315 for Mitt Romney and 448 for other candidates in that district, according to our number-crunching."

Fucking Bronx overfuckingrun by fucking Republicans
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Islam is a political force of domination.
Read the books of islam.
Islam is radical and violent.
The faith was founded by a paedophile.
It calls for death directed at the unbeliever.

It directs followers to play the part of moderation whilst occupying a nation, this is called tarquaia.

You could learn about Islam by looking at and reading Islam.
But the truth might disagree with your far left liberal dogma.

It's the same religion as Christianity and Judaism.
What a cowardly nation you are!

You spend decades sponsoring terrorism in other countries, thinking it's the right thing to do; but as soon as someone blows up a dustbin on your streets the whole of your nation gets hysterical: cities are closed down, citizens are advised to stay in their houses, candle vigils are everywhere, politicians are falling over themselves with tear-inducing speeches, helicopters are flying, TV goes into reporting frenzy about thousands of cops and soldiers hunting down ONE 19-year old terrorist!

Serves to demonstrate that you are going to crumble like a rotten stick if as much as a fraction of horror and bloodshed you unleashed on other nations will come home to you!

And the alternative you advocate for is, what, exactly?
The most amusing inconsistency in years of public discussions of bad acts by Moslems is how fake-liberals downplay or outright deny the religious element when it is the SOLE consistent link connecting terrorists, then play it up when some street level co-religionist gets bullied.

In other words from the fake-liberal pov, random independent Moslems acting out of personal malaise commit bad acts, but "bad America" can't disconnect the common thread from the individual actors.

While nutball disdain for real science has hilarious moments (against evolution, creation science, life begins at conception) the fake-liberals' battle against primordial human instincts takes the cake. It is hilarious that fake-liberals move heaven and earth passing laws requiring humans to fight the strongest primordial survival instinct, the innate ability to categorize and form judgments.

That has both amused and appalled me since it became apparent in the 1970s as nutball corporatists and fake-liberal human potential enthusiasts began working hand in glove to dismantle a great nation for the benefit of narrow, parochial interests.
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deport all muslimes to Iraq where they belong.., this country will be a hell of a lot better off and more peaceful. :up:

[ame=]Yea... that's the ticket! - YouTube[/ame]

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