Man Beaten in Anti-Muslim Attack Outside Bronx Applebees, NYPD Says

Sounds like another hate crime hoax but if it did happen fine. We must chase these america-hating muslims out of the country. Their religion DEMANDS that they destroy us!!!
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Them thar NYC redneck hicks eh?

Here is another story about this. This guy says it was Hispanic men who attacked him, not too many "Hispanic redneck's" out there that I know of, and he only thought it might be because of the attacks after the fact. This attack supposedly happened on the night of the explosions.

The four or five assailants, who he described as Hispanic and had been drinking at the bar inside the restaurant, left him on the ground unconscious with a dislocated shoulder.

Abdullah Faruque Says He Was Attacked, Called 'F**kin' Arab' In Bronx After Boston Bombing
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