Man Behind Fake Trump Dossier Refuses To Testify Before Senate...Will Take 5th If Subpoenaed

Left wing idealist oxymorons seem to ignore the fact of modern democrats routinely guilty of 'taking the 5th" and avoiding the hostility in the press that only happens in republican administrations. When Barry Hussein pleaded a rare "executive privilege" that prevented his IRS chief from testifying about the alleged criminal operation that used the IRS to punish and intimidate political enemies the left and the criminal conspiracy in the MSM never offered a ripple of criticism. When Hussein's A.G. was held in contempt of congress for refusing to testify regarding the insanity of "Operation Fast/Furious" and the administration's criminal responsibility for the death of the Border Patrol Officer, the left and their counterparts in the criminal conspiracy in the MSM were silent.
They should not allow it, He should be instructed to answer the question or go to jail. If they don't MAKE all of the witnesses testify NONE SHOULD then they should drop any investigation they are tied to for lack of evidence IMMEDIATELY for lack of evidence..


Planned Parenthood
In August 2015, Planned Parenthood retained Fusion GPS to defensively investigate the veracity of a series of undercover videos released by pro-life activists that they claim showed Planned Parenthood officials agreeing to sell fetal tissues obtained through abortions to medical researchers. Fusion GPS hired video and transcription experts to analyze the videos and summarized the findings in a forensic report. The report concluded that the "unedited" videos posted by activists had been edited. The pro-life activists attributed the gaps to "bathroom breaks and waiting periods.

The report was provided to U.S. congressional leadership as evidence as they were considering funding and other issues related to Planned Parenthood operations. After a grand jury cleared Planned Parenthood of any wrongdoing, the pro-life activists behind the undercover videos were later arrested and charged with 15 felonies, including unlawfully recording people without their permission and conspiracy to invade privacy.These charges were dropped 6 months later, but on March 28, 2017, Daleiden and Merritt were charged with 15 felonies in the State of California - one for each of the people whom they had filmed without consent, and one for criminal conspiracy to invade privacy. On 21 June 2017, fourteen of these charges were dismissed, with leave to amend, on the grounds that they were legally insufficient.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<AND THEN THERE IS>>>>>>>>>>>>

USA v. Prevezon
During 2015 and 2016, Fusion GPS was hired by the BakerHostetler law firm which was defending Prevezon from an asset seizure by the U.S. government. As part of their litigation support, Fusion GPS investigated Bill Browder, a witness central to the case. During the course of the case, Browder claimed that Fusion GPS had previously been hired to undertake a pro-Russia campaign aimed at stopping passage of the Magnitsky Act, named after Sergei Magnitsky, a lawyer and auditor who died while being held without charges in a Russian government prison after he revealed that the Kremlin had stolen hundreds of millions of dollars from Hermitage Capital Management.

On March 30, 2017, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa called for a U.S. Department of Justice investigation into connections between Fusion GPS and Russia, and an inquiry as to whether Fusion GPS was acting as an unregistered foreign agent. The company has denied the claim that they were engaged in lobbying or violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

<<<<<<<<<<NOT TO MENTION THE FAKE DOSSIER>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Trump dossier and Christopher Steele
In September 2015, Fusion GPS was hired to do opposition research for Republicans who opposed Donald Trump's bid during the Republican primary campaign for the 2016 presidential election. When Trump had emerged as the probable Republican candidate for the 2016 U.S. presidential election in the spring of 2016, Republican donors stopped funding the investigation, and Democratic supporters of Hillary Clinton became Fusion GPS's new clients. In June 2016, after the Democratic National Committee had been hacked and its emails began to be published online, Fusion GPS retained Christopher Steele, a private British corporate intelligence investigator and former MI-6 agent, to research any Russian connections to Trump. Steele issued a series of memos from June to December 2016, which became the document known as the Donald Trump–Russia dossier

In March 2017, U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley initiated an inquiry into whether the FBI had relied on the dossier and on Steele to further its investigation into Trump and his Russian ties. Others have credited Steele with raising questions about the alleged collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. Fusion GPS was subject of a complaint by United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley for failure to register as foreign agents under the FARA, however the firm was not required to register under FARA as a subcontractor for BakerHostetler.


Yeah they aren't working to bring Trump down. It is time for charges of sedition. ALSO treason against those who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. To include all democratic and republican traitor political members that meet the requirements.
Do you even know who Seth Rich was, what happened to him, and why?

Want to shower me with conspiracy theories? :rolleyes:

Sorry, I wrote you idiots off after the Ebola, Jade Helm, and birtherism hysterias

...and yet, you truly believe some "Russian hackers" prevented your candidate from winning a Presidential election?

Yea, buddy. Tell me another fuckin' lie.

Nazi? I didn't know a dimsht liberal Nazi started the thread!! WOW since you liberal Nazis have tried to cause unrest, and division against the people who pay the bills in the country. It seems to me you would learn to quit trying to use your little chicken shit labels. As with everything else though it is evident you don't have enough intellectual prowess to determine the difference in a stupid made up label and the facts of behavior that would bring about a REAL observation of parallels
Do you even know who Seth Rich was, what happened to him, and why?

Want to shower me with conspiracy theories? :rolleyes:

Sorry, I wrote you idiots off after the Ebola, Jade Helm, and birtherism hysterias

...and yet, you truly believe some "Russian hackers" prevented your candidate from winning a Presidential election?

Yea, buddy. Tell me another lie.

When Mueller's and the FBI's investigations are over, we'll know if it was a lie. Until then, good luck coming up with more excuses for the secret meetings with Russians that are bound to continue popping up.
Do you even know who Seth Rich was, what happened to him, and why?

Want to shower me with conspiracy theories? :rolleyes:

Sorry, I wrote you idiots off after the Ebola, Jade Helm, and birtherism hysterias

...and yet, you truly believe some "Russian hackers" prevented your candidate from winning a Presidential election?

Yea, buddy. Tell me another lie.

When Mueller's and the FBI's investigations are over, we'll know if it was a lie. Until then, good luck coming up with more excuses for the secret meetings with Russians that are bound to continue popping up.

Yeah well, good luck with that. Trump is and will still be President, and Hillary will not, nor will she ever be President. Neither will Bernie.

So get used to it.
Yeah well, good luck with that. Trump is and will still be President

Maybe. Looking less likely with every passing day. Certainly, he's losing influence with every passing day, at the least. The fat orange loser.

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