Man Decides World's Busiest Airport Is A Good Place To Openly Carry A Loaded AR-15

There is nothing illegal about what he did and I support his right to do it, but there is no practical reason to do this and I think it hurts the pro gun crowd more than the anti gun crowd.

An airport is the most likely place to be attacked by terrorists. If there's no practical reason to carry a firearm in an airport, there's no need to carry one anywhere. We're told every day that we need the Patriot Act and NDAA to combat these crazy terrorists from attacking us on a daily basis, right?
And your posts are representative of the idiocy that undermines the Second Amendment right, by contributing to the stereotype that gun owners are reckless, irresponsible, ignorant, ridiculous, and extreme.
There is nothing illegal about what he did and I support his right to do it, but there is no practical reason to do this and I think it hurts the pro gun crowd more than the anti gun crowd.
By doing so, he has put fear in the American public of mass shootings by terrorists at airports, also government agencies will push for more regulations (especially by the TSA). Thanks to this guy, checks at airports are going to take longer - on the TSA website they ask visitors to put weapons in checked bags.
If there was ever an example of "White Privilege" that guy is it!

You just hit the nail on the coffin, white privilege.......and when these apple pie eating, flag waving, bible toting loons get it, we can all breath a sigh of sir can exercise your right to carry because of your white skin......not because of the 2nd amendment.......because yes, if you were a black man....your ass would be dead.
Provide Evidence that the color of his skin had anything to do with his not being harassed while exercising his LEGAL rights? You do of course understand that he LEGALLY was and is allowed to do what he did? That even a black man can do the same?

Yep, even a back man dressed in a daishiki and turban can do it. But what is HIS social consequence vs the White man's in doing so?
Muslims can do it to. Some Muslims are as White as you,yes, blonde hair, blue eyes and all.White Muslim terrorists or some other White domestic terrorists could follow this guy's lead and bring loaded weapons to the airport without a question being asked. Right?
All they need to blend in is Levis,T-shirt with rebel flags on them and LeBron James Sneakers.
There is nothing illegal about what he did and I support his right to do it, but there is no practical reason to do this and I think it hurts the pro gun crowd more than the anti gun crowd.

That's been happening a lot. Target, Starbucks Coffee, and other retailers are cracking down on open carry because of people carrying assault rifles in. Nobody cared when it was a small Glock or revolver tastefully worn on the hip, but when the 30 round clips started coming into stores, then corporate headquarters took action and banned ALL open carry. These people are hurting the rest of us by not showing proper self restraint.
There is nothing illegal about what he did and I support his right to do it, but there is no practical reason to do this and I think it hurts the pro gun crowd more than the anti gun crowd.

An airport is the most likely place to be attacked by terrorists. If there's no practical reason to carry a firearm in an airport, there's no need to carry one anywhere. We're told every day that we need the Patriot Act and NDAA to combat these crazy terrorists from attacking us on a daily basis, right?
And your posts are representative of the idiocy that undermines the Second Amendment right, by contributing to the stereotype that gun owners are reckless, irresponsible, ignorant, ridiculous, and extreme.
What was reckless and irresponsible about his actions? It looks to me like he was carrying it safely. Of course to you gun hating Leftists all carry of guns is "reckless and irresponsible" because you project onto others the incompetence you would have with a gun and how little self control you would exercise. It's probably best that people like you never carry a gun, but that insinuates nothing about competent, lawful, trained gun owners and carriers.

Stop projecting, Leftists!
If he were black, he'd be dead now.

These people really are just plain nuts. If they only got themselves shot, fine. But innocent people get killed too.

If he were a Muslim, he would be in Gitmo by now

Well, that would depend on his physiognomy. If he was a Muslim who looked like Rand Paul he would easily go unmolested by police.

I thought it was the TSA that did all the molesting at the airport.

A Georgia man openly carried a fully loaded AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.

Folks, if laws like this makes you nervous and you live around them thar parts.....gather up a bunch of thuggy ass negros, arm them with the same weapons and allow them the free pass the white guys get...and walk your ass off in the air part, stores in their neighborhoods, etc.....EFFIN LAW WOULD END YESTERDAY lolololololo

Every time I see something like that I think now there's a guy compensating for short comings in the dick department. Kind of like those guys you see walking their pitbulls on a logging chain.

A Georgia man openly carried a fully loaded AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.

Folks, if laws like this makes you nervous and you live around them thar parts.....gather up a bunch of thuggy ass negros, arm them with the same weapons and allow them the free pass the white guys get...and walk your ass off in the air part, stores in their neighborhoods, etc.....EFFIN LAW WOULD END YESTERDAY lolololololo

Every time I see something like that I think now there's a guy compensating for short comings in the dick department. Kind of like those guys you see walking their pitbulls on a logging chain.

It's amazing how many idiots out there think that guns have anything to do with penis size. I'm sure you were just joking and you aren't actually one of them.

A Georgia man openly carried a fully loaded AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.

Folks, if laws like this makes you nervous and you live around them thar parts.....gather up a bunch of thuggy ass negros, arm them with the same weapons and allow them the free pass the white guys get...and walk your ass off in the air part, stores in their neighborhoods, etc.....EFFIN LAW WOULD END YESTERDAY lolololololo

Every time I see something like that I think now there's a guy compensating for short comings in the dick department. Kind of like those guys you see walking their pitbulls on a logging chain.

It's amazing how many idiots out there think that guns have anything to do with penis size. I'm sure you were just joking and you aren't actually one of them.

Hell no. I have big balls.

What he did was entire legally so I am not sure what the big deal is here? I don't believe this is helping his cause any either.

A Georgia man openly carried a fully loaded AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.

Folks, if laws like this makes you nervous and you live around them thar parts.....gather up a bunch of thuggy ass negros, arm them with the same weapons and allow them the free pass the white guys get...and walk your ass off in the air part, stores in their neighborhoods, etc.....EFFIN LAW WOULD END YESTERDAY lolololololo

Every time I see something like that I think now there's a guy compensating for short comings in the dick department. Kind of like those guys you see walking their pitbulls on a logging chain.

It's amazing how many idiots out there think that guns have anything to do with penis size. I'm sure you were just joking and you aren't actually one of them.

Hell no. I have big balls.

Mine are normal size. You might want to get that checked out. Hypergonadism may be a sign of underlying medical conditions.
There is nothing illegal about what he did and I support his right to do it, but there is no practical reason to do this and I think it hurts the pro gun crowd more than the anti gun crowd.

An airport is the most likely place to be attacked by terrorists. If there's no practical reason to carry a firearm in an airport, there's no need to carry one anywhere. We're told every day that we need the Patriot Act and NDAA to combat these crazy terrorists from attacking us on a daily basis, right?

An AR-15? No.

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