Man Decides World's Busiest Airport Is A Good Place To Openly Carry A Loaded AR-15

If there was ever an example of "White Privilege" that guy is it!

You just hit the nail on the coffin, white privilege.......and when these apple pie eating, flag waving, bible toting loons get it, we can all breath a sigh of sir can exercise your right to carry because of your white skin......not because of the 2nd amendment.......because yes, if you were a black man....your ass would be dead.
Provide Evidence that the color of his skin had anything to do with his not being harassed while exercising his LEGAL rights? You do of course understand that he LEGALLY was and is allowed to do what he did? That even a black man can do the same?

LOLOLOL.....lets get real here for a minute...first off, you have to find out if the black guy is carrying a gun legally.....something I've yet to see happen in this country. I mean, LOLOLOLOLOL....just reaching in the pockets for the proof will cause a instant death....LOLOLOLOLOLOLO....I mean, you do know how that works don't you? If not, man looks in car for proof to show his license and gets 6 bullets for it.
Wow, the racism runs deep in this one...
While every officer in the place descends on him, the points they were guarding are now unguarded yes?

Yes because anyone armed like that in an airport is a terrorist. That would be the only reason to carry that gun into an airport - to terrify people.

Deliberately or unintentionally absolutely. Now bonafide terrorists know that if they send a 'diversion' into a mall, airport, or other soft target open-carrying, cops will surround the distraction leaving the actual 'hit team' to do their thing somewhere else now that it's unguarded.

Cops should not have been distracted by a person acting lawfully. It's poor training of police & security personnel that left their post unguarded.

While every officer in the place descends on him, the points they were guarding are now unguarded yes?

If that's their reaction to a perfectly legal activity, then they deserve to be sued/fired/prosecuted for any actual crime that's committed because they focused all their attention on something that wasn't a crime.

How can the cops tell?
Anyone who considers this the act of a rational person has no opinion worth considering.
Its one thing to own a gun for protection. This seems wacko to me.
A black man/woman would not have made it into the airport...forget the posing for pics and flaunting:laugh2:

A Georgia man openly carried a fully loaded AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.

Folks, if laws like this makes you nervous and you live around them thar parts.....gather up a bunch of thuggy ass negros, arm them with the same weapons and allow them the free pass the white guys get...and walk your ass off in the air part, stores in their neighborhoods, etc.....EFFIN LAW WOULD END YESTERDAY lolololololo
Every time I see something like that I think now there's a guy compensating for short comings in the dick department. Kind of like those guys you see walking their pitbulls on a logging chain.
Thank you for helping prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Interesting that the complaint here is not carrying the rife openly but the claim that the police let him do it because he was white.
The Left eats racism for breakfast, drives to racism everyday for work, comes home to a hearty dinner of roast racism and tossed racism salad, and racism is their favorite bedtime novel before going to dream of racism.
Interesting that the complaint here is not carrying the rife openly but the claim that the police let him do it because he was white.
The Left eats racism for breakfast, drives to racism everyday for work, comes home to a hearty dinner of roast racism and tossed racism salad, and racism is their favorite bedtime novel before going to dream of racism.

Interesting that the complaint here is not carrying the rife openly but the claim that the police let him do it because he was white.
The Left eats racism for breakfast, drives to racism everyday for work, comes home to a hearty dinner of roast racism and tossed racism salad, and racism is their favorite bedtime novel before going to dream of racism.
And school shootings.

A Georgia man openly carried a fully loaded AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.

Folks, if laws like this makes you nervous and you live around them thar parts.....gather up a bunch of thuggy ass negros, arm them with the same weapons and allow them the free pass the white guys get...and walk your ass off in the air part, stores in their neighborhoods, etc.....EFFIN LAW WOULD END YESTERDAY lolololololo
Every time I see something like that I think now there's a guy compensating for short comings in the dick department. Kind of like those guys you see walking their pitbulls on a logging chain.
Thank you for helping prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Or, maybe, some dickhead is just over compensating.

A Georgia man openly carried a fully loaded AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.

Folks, if laws like this makes you nervous and you live around them thar parts.....gather up a bunch of thuggy ass negros, arm them with the same weapons and allow them the free pass the white guys get...and walk your ass off in the air part, stores in their neighborhoods, etc.....EFFIN LAW WOULD END YESTERDAY lolololololo
Every time I see something like that I think now there's a guy compensating for short comings in the dick department. Kind of like those guys you see walking their pitbulls on a logging chain.
Thank you for helping prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Or, maybe, some dickhead is just over compensating.

I'm glad you're coming to terms with that. You can get help.
There is nothing illegal about what he did and I support his right to do it, but there is no practical reason to do this and I think it hurts the pro gun crowd more than the anti gun crowd.

An airport is the most likely place to be attacked by terrorists. If there's no practical reason to carry a firearm in an airport, there's no need to carry one anywhere. We're told every day that we need the Patriot Act and NDAA to combat these crazy terrorists from attacking us on a daily basis, right?

An AR-15? No.

Seems to me a discretely carried hand gun would be more than sufficient.

An AR-15, aside from just misplaced machismo or a fragile ego.

My aim with an AR-15 is impeccable at any standard distance. Cant' say the same for a sidearm.

Why is this even news, it's perfectly legal.

So's this. I wouldn't recommend it though.


A Georgia man openly carried a fully loaded AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.

Folks, if laws like this makes you nervous and you live around them thar parts.....gather up a bunch of thuggy ass negros, arm them with the same weapons and allow them the free pass the white guys get...and walk your ass off in the air part, stores in their neighborhoods, etc.....EFFIN LAW WOULD END YESTERDAY lolololololo
Every time I see something like that I think now there's a guy compensating for short comings in the dick department. Kind of like those guys you see walking their pitbulls on a logging chain.
Thank you for helping prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Or, maybe, some dickhead is just over compensating.
Thank you for helping prove the premise....

A Georgia man openly carried a fully loaded AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.

Folks, if laws like this makes you nervous and you live around them thar parts.....gather up a bunch of thuggy ass negros, arm them with the same weapons and allow them the free pass the white guys get...and walk your ass off in the air part, stores in their neighborhoods, etc.....EFFIN LAW WOULD END YESTERDAY lolololololo
Every time I see something like that I think now there's a guy compensating for short comings in the dick department. Kind of like those guys you see walking their pitbulls on a logging chain.
Thank you for helping prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Or, maybe, some dickhead is just over compensating.

I'm glad you're coming to terms with that. You can get help.

A Georgia man openly carried a fully loaded AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.

Folks, if laws like this makes you nervous and you live around them thar parts.....gather up a bunch of thuggy ass negros, arm them with the same weapons and allow them the free pass the white guys get...and walk your ass off in the air part, stores in their neighborhoods, etc.....EFFIN LAW WOULD END YESTERDAY lolololololo
Every time I see something like that I think now there's a guy compensating for short comings in the dick department. Kind of like those guys you see walking their pitbulls on a logging chain.
Thank you for helping prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Or, maybe, some dickhead is just over compensating.

I'm glad you're coming to terms with that. You can get help.

I'll start with dragging my rototiller around the stores and airports - it's an important tool after all :)

A Georgia man openly carried a fully loaded AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.

Folks, if laws like this makes you nervous and you live around them thar parts.....gather up a bunch of thuggy ass negros, arm them with the same weapons and allow them the free pass the white guys get...and walk your ass off in the air part, stores in their neighborhoods, etc.....EFFIN LAW WOULD END YESTERDAY lolololololo
Every time I see something like that I think now there's a guy compensating for short comings in the dick department. Kind of like those guys you see walking their pitbulls on a logging chain.
Thank you for helping prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Or, maybe, some dickhead is just over compensating.

I'm glad you're coming to terms with that. You can get help.

A Georgia man openly carried a fully loaded AR-15 semiautomatic rifle into Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.

Folks, if laws like this makes you nervous and you live around them thar parts.....gather up a bunch of thuggy ass negros, arm them with the same weapons and allow them the free pass the white guys get...and walk your ass off in the air part, stores in their neighborhoods, etc.....EFFIN LAW WOULD END YESTERDAY lolololololo
Every time I see something like that I think now there's a guy compensating for short comings in the dick department. Kind of like those guys you see walking their pitbulls on a logging chain.
Thank you for helping prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Or, maybe, some dickhead is just over compensating.

I'm glad you're coming to terms with that. You can get help.

I'll start with dragging my rototiller around the stores and airports - it's an important tool after all :)

I find it cheaper just to rent one in the spring. Hose it off, return it, rent it again next spring.

For stopping terrorists in an airport, I got another piece of hardware and it's much lighter to carry.
Interesting that the complaint here is not carrying the rife openly but the claim that the police let him do it because he was white.
The Left eats racism for breakfast, drives to racism everyday for work, comes home to a hearty dinner of roast racism and tossed racism salad, and racism is their favorite bedtime novel before going to dream of racism.

No its just the reality of what ( most likely) would happen.

I'm not against it, I'm just not use to seeing someone openly carry a gun, maybe thats why I think hes kinda wacko. In homes, hunting I'm use to.

I really cant see how it would make us all safer...if everyone carried a gun.

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