Man did Putin outplay Biden or what

Are you retarded?
Why do NATO nations not pay what they agreed to pay?
Believe me, bobob, everyone here with an IQ above 50 knows you're a moron.
NATO nations are paying, lamb chop. Tump's had no diplomacy in dealing with other countries, just moronic verbiage, and we almost lost those important allies because of him. Tump's sec'y of state called him a "fucking Moron". No, I am hardly retarded, and they should pay their share. Never said they shouldn't. We need NATO as a buffer and as allies against communist countries, and they needed to be treated accordingly. Tump's mouth cost us trade agreements which went south to ...guess who? China has increased its influence with European trade agreements, because tump was too stupid to foresee the consequences relative to his treatment of Europe.
NATO nations are paying, lamb chop. Tump's had no diplomacy in dealing with other countries, just moronic verbiage, and we almost lost those important allies because of him. Tump's sec'y of state called him a "fucking Moron". No, I am hardly retarded, and they should pay their share. Never said they shouldn't. We need NATO as a buffer and as allies against communist countries, and they needed to be treated accordingly. Tump's mouth cost us trade agreements which went south to ...guess who? China has increased its influence with European trade agreements, because tump was too stupid to foresee the consequences relative to his treatment of Europe.
Nice word games...They were paying; they weren't paying what they owed.
Not when you sign an agreement.
You're the epitome of ideological stupidity.
I believe that "stupid" describes you perfectly. You hang your hat on payment alone. Here we have a Russian invasion of a sovereign nation and NATO is Putin's focus.
I believe that "stupid" describes you perfectly. You hang your hat on payment alone. Here we have a Russian invasion of a sovereign nation and NATO is Putin's focus.
Was Russia invading for all those years when the NATO nations were reneging on the deal?
Tell us how many deals you stayed in where you weren't paid what was agreed on.
Was Russia invading for all those years when the NATO nations were reneging on the deal?
Tell us how many deals you stayed in where you weren't paid what was agreed on.
You believe that payment was the only thing, or we won't play? Nah. Payment was only a part of the equation. So yes--Really
Unlike you, I pay taxes and I want that money spent on Americans.
I know you do, because you are ignorant. I wish it could only be spent here, but unfortunately it cannot, unless we become isolationist. Then your cost of living would go through the roof.
I know you do, because you are ignorant. I wish it could only be spent here, but unfortunately it cannot, unless we become isolationist. Then your cost of living would go through the roof.
Which has what to do with the NATO nations not paying their agreed upon share?
Puti might have a tiger by it's tail. NATO is a hungry beast.
NATO is a paper tiger.... Apparently Russia already had Russian troops in parts of the Ukraine where Putin sent his troops. So how can that be an invasion if he already had troops there?
Which has what to do with the NATO nations not paying their agreed upon share?
It has nothing to do with paying. The NATO countries have agreed to do this, that, and the other thing.
If they are naughty and don't get caught up in the money category, does it mean that we abandon NATO? No, it means that we encourage them to pay in a diplomatic manner. Tump was ready to walk away--a huge mistake.
NATO is a paper tiger.... Apparently Russia already had Russian troops in parts of the Ukraine where Putin sent his troops. So how can that be an invasion if he already had troops there?
Just like Iran already was going to build Nukes when Obama sent them the money to buy Russian Centrifuges, Russian Uranium (actually US Uranium) and paid for Obama Missiles and Obama Scientists from Russia with $150 Billion of Obama Bucks. The Iran deal was just cover for them to move towards building Nukes and ICBMs out in the open making it harder for Israel to blow that shit up without coming under condemnation of the I Hate Israel UN Club.

Joe leaving $85 Million in US military technology, weapons and ammo was also planned.

Watch and Learn, and Pray you are right with God for what will be coming upon The Earth.
Watch and learn.
NATO won't do crap. Russia is going to take what they want, and then turn Syria in to their own personal military base, and then they are going to attack Israel with Iran, Turkey, and some Islamic Nations.

Pay attention to how much military equipment Putin is moving in to Syria while the rest of the Fake News makes you focus on Ukraine.

Putin just put two more squadrons of fighters in Syria this week.
Actually, Putin had an obviously dementia driven tump by the short and curlies due to business dealings and moneys borrowed. Tump would be helpless in this scenario, even though you tumphumpers say that "Trump would never have allowed it". Funny, unless NATO (dissed by tump)
would send hundreds of thousands of troops and weaponry to Ukraine, and even then......
Trump does not have dementia. Joe Biden does. Trump was tested. Biden will avoid being tested. He would likely fail.

Assuming the story about Trump owing money to Russia is true according to Forbes it is no big deal.


Whether or not Donald Trump borrowed money from Russia or Russians is interesting, of course it is, but it's economically irrelevant. Given the ease with which the President could refinance any borrowings he does have there's simply no importance here, none.

But The New York Times has an article hidden behind a paywall that says the story is fslse.

And news stories about Trump owing China money are also false.

The problem with fake news is it never goes away.
It has nothing to do with paying. The NATO countries have agreed to do this, that, and the other thing.
If they are naughty and don't get caught up in the money category, does it mean that we abandon NATO? No, it means that we encourage them to pay in a diplomatic manner. Tump was ready to walk away--a huge mistake.
Wow! If my boss agreed to pay and didn't...I'd definitely show up to work!
The US will determine when to send help, which will almost always be always.
With today's communication technology I see no need in tossing in money.

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