Man did Putin outplay Biden or what

It would appear you are supporting the communists purely to see Biden humiliated. How interesting when all you do is hate communism.
You're a real chameleon when it comes to politics of hate. You say anything to destroy democrats. How patriotic of you.
Agreed but of course, you never wanted to see Trump humiliated. You duopoly wingers are so alike, yet criticize each other for your likeness.
It would appear you are supporting the communists purely to see Biden humiliated. How interesting when all you do is hate communism.
You're a real chameleon when it comes to politics of hate. You say anything to destroy democrats. How patriotic of you.

Meh, all I'm saying is Tater and his band of turds thought that they could leverage the Ukraine "crisis" to make them appear to be doing something on the world stage (since their covid gambit petered out at home) and Putin, who was in the cat-bird's seat the whole time anyway, up and stole a march on them.

It just goes to show that the Putins of the world have zero respect for Tater's "leadership". I suspect there will be more to come.
I think they know exactly what Putin is going to do and doing, but do not have a plan of how to stop it.
The Russian knew trump would not mind, and would go along with it, maybe even praising Russia, as he is still pissed off at Ukraine for no kneal for his strong arm tactics to supply dirt on his political opponent.

They do have a plan, but it's a bad one. The Biden administration is imposing sanction on parts of Ukraine, but not Russia.

Is that a "plan" or what? :laughing0301:
I suppose this is merely a “a minor incursion,” so Xiden will do nothing.
Joe Biden is a corrupt career politician in the early stages of dementia who took on Corn Pop at the pool.

Vladimir Putin is ex KGB, a judo black belt and an authentic cold eyed dictator who is suspected of having people he disliked
murdered in foreign nations.

If it was a ring match it might be advertised as Pee-Wee Herman vs Vlad the Impaler.
Actually, Putin had an obviously dementia driven tump by the short and curlies due to business dealings and moneys borrowed. Tump would be helpless in this scenario, even though you tumphumpers say that "Trump would never have allowed it". Funny, unless NATO (dissed by tump)
would send hundreds of thousands of troops and weaponry to Ukraine, and even then......
Looks like the "minor incursion" has begun.

America is so fucking pathetic right now. Please GOD get us some REAL LEADERSHIP ASAP.
Actually, Putin had an obviously dementia driven tump by the short and curlies due to business dealings and moneys borrowed. Tump would be helpless in this scenario, even though you tumphumpers say that "Trump would never have allowed it". Funny, unless NATO (dissed by tump)
would send hundreds of thousands of troops and weaponry to Ukraine, and even then......
haha yeah…so helpless he was able to avoid this scenario.
Looks like the "minor incursion" has begun.

America is so fucking pathetic right now. Please GOD get us some REAL LEADERSHIP ASAP.
Now, watch Tater's string pullers insist that we send our own peacekeepers there.....It's really the only move that they have left.

We have many more options left. Economic sanctions have not even started to be played out yet.

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