Man donates 40 million lottery win to charity

There are no taxes on lottery winnings in Canada. It's very stupid to tax a one time windfall at source or with punitive IRS amounts, when others who get a trust fund divedend or investment income pay much a lower %.

Not cool at all, and I'll give you odds he kills himself eventually when at some point down the line he needs money for something and has to remember how he gave all his winnings away :) Woulda been 'cool' giving away half too or something other than all of it. That's just dumb unless he's wealthy already.

If you'd bother reading the links instead of shooting off your ignorant mouth you would learn he's a retired CEO doing quite well for himself without the need of the money. Unlike phoney libturds like you, he honestly wishes to honor his wife who died of cancer.

I truly feel sorry for you and those like you.
God bless that man always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. If I were to ever come into a lot of money, my benefit of choice would be St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. :) :) :)
Article doesn't say what charity he's giving it to. Prolly set up a foundation in his name and give the money to that like scamster bill gates does. That doesn't count.
God bless that man always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. If I were to ever come into a lot of money, my benefit of choice would be St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. :) :) :)

The vast majority of people today have no idea who Danny Thomas was and Marlo isn't all that well known either. However, his legacy with St Jude's will last for a very long time.
“Cancer is a big one because my wife passed away from cancer, two years ago in February,” Crist said Monday.

“She was fairly young,” Crist told CBC Radio. “She beat it for six years before it finally caught up to her.”

“I just retired at the end of September so I was fortunate enough in my career to set myself up and my kids anyway, and there was no doubt in my mind where that money was going to go, it was going to go to charity.”
What an extraordinarily generous act. His wife would be proud.

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