Man is murdered over mayonnaise

If it ain’t Duke then you should be put in front of a firing squad!
Ima tell you right now...this is the ultimate mayonnaise


Go to your local Asian store and get a bottle of it.

You will want no other.

Trust me.

$5 and you will want no other mayo.

These Japs can make some mayo.
Well, they did lose the war ...

Yes sir...and they deserved their ass kicking too.

That mayo may have been a result of that loss.

Have you ever seen their loaves of bread too?

Good lord!


Their bread is enormous.
Was in the store the other day. Crab legs are like $80 a pound.

They’re good, but not that good.
Yep, crazy. Perch was 35$ per pound during perch fishing season. Not sure what it is now. I did not sell any of the perch I caught this year ate it all My perch catch this year was way down. Worst year of my life. Hope this year is better.
You knew from the title it was white people.
Now, if it had been hot sauce…
I am white and if you fuck with hot sauce you will pull back a nub. I like shit hot. I had a Mexican friend show up a while back at dinner time. I made blackened shrimp. I asked him if he was hungry. He said ya. I warned him that shit is spicy. He said you see the color of my skin? That fucker took a few bites. I thought he was going to cry. Lol. Meanwhile my 17 year old daughter at the time was going to town on it.

No this is not joke
White trash is just as bad as any .
We’re a nation where life is cheap
The killer will do life in jail
Yep no matter color, creed nor location anger makes people stupid and dangerous. Half of America divorce s over squeezing the tooth paste in the middle or at the end. This is why I prefer to live alone. 26 years of screaming kids and screaming wife. Now just peace. I will never go back to living with people.
Kill over mayonnaise..... wow.....and there I was thinking I've seen it all. :omg:

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