Man killed while helping ducklings cross a road.....Darwin Wins Again!


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
The tragedy unfolded in front of neighbors who applauded Rivara's kind efforts, a 12-year-old boy told NBC Sacramento affiliate KCRA.

“He got out of the car and was shooing the ducks and everyone was clapping because he was being really nice," the boy said. “He helped them get up over the curb because all the little baby duckies were having trouble and then he walked in front of our car."


I see the same shit all the time with turtles crossing the road. Dumb shits will stop in the middle of the road.

That said I did find a safe spot to pull over and retrieve a 50#+ Snapping Turtle a couple years ago. I put it in the back of my PU and drove it to a storm water drainage pond across the road from my house to keep the geese down.
The tragedy unfolded in front of neighbors who applauded Rivara's kind efforts, a 12-year-old boy told NBC Sacramento affiliate KCRA.

“He got out of the car and was shooing the ducks and everyone was clapping because he was being really nice," the boy said. “He helped them get up over the curb because all the little baby duckies were having trouble and then he walked in front of our car."


I see the same shit all the time with turtles crossing the road. Dumb shits will stop in the middle of the road.

That said I did find a safe spot to pull over and retrieve a 50#+ Snapping Turtle a couple years ago. I put it in the back of my PU and drove it to a storm water drainage pond across the road from my house to keep the geese down.
why did the chicken cross the road?
The tragedy unfolded in front of neighbors who applauded Rivara's kind efforts, a 12-year-old boy told NBC Sacramento affiliate KCRA.

“He got out of the car and was shooing the ducks and everyone was clapping because he was being really nice," the boy said. “He helped them get up over the curb because all the little baby duckies were having trouble and then he walked in front of our car."


I see the same shit all the time with turtles crossing the road. Dumb shits will stop in the middle of the road.

That said I did find a safe spot to pull over and retrieve a 50#+ Snapping Turtle a couple years ago. I put it in the back of my PU and drove it to a storm water drainage pond across the road from my house to keep the geese down.
Is that why I found a swan decapitated? I figured it was a snapping turtle. The swan was probably eating sea weed and the snapper just SNAP cut his head right off.

I found a snapping turtle like that once too. Put it in the back of my truck. Took it to a pond nearby. I swear it turned to me and said thank you before it went in the water and disappeared.

I was always taught to respect my elders. That thing was probably 100 years old.
The true Darwinism in this situation is the West believing someone in this generstion as young as she was should be behind the controls of a high speed metal box...21 To.drink but so young to drive?
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Variations on the Good Samaritan cautionary tale . If you are backward and still think Universe is fair and just , you deserve every misfortune that comes your way .
Sheeple are so gullible that one nice outcome in ten leads them to follow a false God And let themselves be puppets forever —- some Will doubt this ridiculous thought — but Cultists follow it however many times they are kicked in their face . Crazy , but true . Have actually met some . Not all were American .
The tragedy unfolded in front of neighbors who applauded Rivara's kind efforts, a 12-year-old boy told NBC Sacramento affiliate KCRA.

“He got out of the car and was shooing the ducks and everyone was clapping because he was being really nice," the boy said. “He helped them get up over the curb because all the little baby duckies were having trouble and then he walked in front of our car."


I see the same shit all the time with turtles crossing the road. Dumb shits will stop in the middle of the road.

That said I did find a safe spot to pull over and retrieve a 50#+ Snapping Turtle a couple years ago. I put it in the back of my PU and drove it to a storm water drainage pond across the road from my house to keep the geese down.

I thought you were going to tell us about the awesome turtle soup you made.
Too late for Darwin ... the victim had already bred ... apparently his kids were in the car when this happened ... so maybe they'll get freaked out and self-sterilize ...
Sad story, you always have to be on the lookout for those in their teens, the teenagers simply don't know how to brake their vehicle or swerve out of your way in the way adults know how to. That said, this guy should have been more aware of traffic, especially considering the ducks were already across the street. The teenager was not at fault in this instance, and has to live with this.
Variations on the Good Samaritan cautionary tale . If you are backward and still think Universe is fair and just , you deserve every misfortune that comes your way .
Sheeple are so gullible that one nice outcome in ten leads them to follow a false God And let themselves be puppets forever —- some Will doubt this ridiculous thought — but Cultists follow it however many times they are kicked in their face . Crazy , but true . Have actually met some . Not all were American .

My neighbor asked me to jump start her car. I broke something in my car trying to help.

The following year she asked if I could use my boat to get her boat off the shore it was stuck. So I tied a rope to her boat and I backed my boat out trying to tug, tug, tug. Suddenly I heard a horrible noise coming from the prop. I look back and someone left a broken pole that was just below the surface so you couldn't see it. My prop went into that pole and bent the fuck out of my prop. Next thing you know my boat is in the shop and she's having fun riding around on hers. Did she pay? No she did not. Will I help her again? Fuck no.
Is that why I found a swan decapitated? I figured it was a snapping turtle. The swan was probably eating sea weed and the snapper just SNAP cut his head right off.

I found a snapping turtle like that once too. Put it in the back of my truck. Took it to a pond nearby. I swear it turned to me and said thank you before it went in the water and disappeared.

I was always taught to respect my elders. That thing was probably 100 years old.
Good man.
My neighbor asked me to jump start her car. I broke something in my car trying to help.

The following year she asked if I could use my boat to get her boat off the shore it was stuck. So I tied a rope to her boat and I backed my boat out trying to tug, tug, tug. Suddenly I heard a horrible noise coming from the prop. I look back and someone left a broken pole that was just below the surface so you couldn't see it. My prop went into that pole and bent the fuck out of my prop. Next thing you know my boat is in the shop and she's having fun riding around on hers. Did she pay? No she did not. Will I help her again? Fuck no.
My former neighbor borrowed my mower once and bent the blade mowing his grass. He never apologized, and I had to remind him twice to repay me for the new blade I put on it. He is now in the charge of the Public Works dept. in the town I live in. So many people in this country just have no concept of gratitude or appreciation for those who help them. Why is that? I think people only think of themselves these days. It seems to be quite widespread.
Yellowstone National Park staff killed a newborn bison after a visitor helped it cross a river, an apparent rescue effort that prompted the calf’s herd to reject the animal, park officials said Tuesday.

The calf had been separated from its mother when the herd crossed a river in a northern section of the park on Saturday, Yellowstone said in a news release.

As the calf struggled to cross the river, the man approached the animal and pushed it up from the river and onto a roadway, the release says.

Visitors later saw the calf walk up to cars and people and follow them, according to the release.

Park rangers tried repeatedly to reunite the calf with the herd, but the efforts failed, according to the release, which notes that interference from people can cause wildlife to reject their offspring.

The tragedy unfolded in front of neighbors who applauded Rivara's kind efforts, a 12-year-old boy told NBC Sacramento affiliate KCRA.

“He got out of the car and was shooing the ducks and everyone was clapping because he was being really nice," the boy said. “He helped them get up over the curb because all the little baby duckies were having trouble and then he walked in front of our car."


I see the same shit all the time with turtles crossing the road. Dumb shits will stop in the middle of the road.

That said I did find a safe spot to pull over and retrieve a 50#+ Snapping Turtle a couple years ago. I put it in the back of my PU and drove it to a storm water drainage pond across the road from my house to keep the geese down.
how does that keep the geese down? They attack turtles?
how does that keep the geese down? They attack turtles?
They grab a leg of a gosling and pull it under, drown, then consume it.

The same people that were paying to remove Snapping Turtles because they ate ducklings are now paying to put them into their ponds due to the nasty-ass canada geese.
My former neighbor borrowed my mower once and bent the blade mowing his grass. He never apologized, and I had to remind him twice to repay me for the new blade I put on it. He is now in the charge of the Public Works dept. in the town I live in. So many people in this country just have no concept of gratitude or appreciation for those who help them. Why is that? I think people only think of themselves these days. It seems to be quite widespread.

This one guy pushed me in the lake off my boat and I had a weed pen in my pocket. Did he say "go buy another one and I'll give you the money"? Fuck no.

Another time he got mad at us and he tried to pick up a chair while this neighbor was sitting in it to move it and he bent a leg. Did he think to say, "I'm sorry I'll pay for that?"

I swear I'm going to go to his place one day and purposely break something and just say sorry like he does. LOL.

We are now finding out that when faced with an emergency, most people will turn and run. If a woman has just escaped her rapist and is running naked on the street screaming for help, people will just drive by. My neighbors niece passed out and her sister noticed this lady walking towards them turned around and walked the other way rather than get involved.

How about people who shoot someone who's knocking on their door or pulled into their driveway because they were lost?

Yes humanity has lost it's way. Not everyone but too many. It's like Detroit. We think Detroit is so bad. It's crime rate is only about 5% worse than ours. So in reality, we're all fucked up. But consider that if Detroit's "bad hombres" make up 10% of their population and white Metro Detroit has 5% bad hombres, that means that 90% of the people in Detroit are good people. We have to keep that in mind. Not all society is fucked up but a way too big percentage is.

And so the woman who turned and walked the other way is not entirely to blame. We don't want to get involved. We just want to mind our own business.

Random acts of kindness is a good thing but consider that the person you are helping may be conning you. I watched a "I Survived" show where the woman said she felt like she was being a racist for not helping this poor little 14 year old skinny black boy when he asked her for help. So she helped him. She drove him home. Half way home that 14 year old little boy turned into a ANGRY RAPIST. She couldn't believe he was the same person.
In case anyone was wondering:

How geese came to dominate our urban landscapes​

The Canada geese population truly exploded in the 1970s with changes to our urban landscape. Manicured lawns, storm water retention ponds and golf courses are ideal feeding and breeding grounds for them. In cities, Canada geese have no natural predators and can't be hunted.

This is why I put the Snapping Turtle in the storm water pond.....No more problem at that particular pond now as far as them raising their young there.
In case anyone was wondering:

How geese came to dominate our urban landscapes​

The Canada geese population truly exploded in the 1970s with changes to our urban landscape. Manicured lawns, storm water retention ponds and golf courses are ideal feeding and breeding grounds for them. In cities, Canada geese have no natural predators and can't be hunted.

This is why I put the Snapping Turtle in the storm water pond.....No more problem at that particular pond now as far as them raising their young there.
We have snapper on our lake and swans. They survive. At least some of them do. Maybe that's where all the extras went. Huh. I thought maybe they spread out or went and found their own space. Like Turkey stick together until it's time to split up.

Our up north neighbor says he LOVES Geese. Gross! But I get if you cook it right.

We need to start eating these over chicken. Just like deer over cow. They are free range animals so not cruel if you shoot and eat a goose. It is cruel what they do to chicken and cows. Glad to hear they are over populated not endangered. Let's eat!

Same with pigs. I guess wild pig is a problem in America. I can't believe it. That should make the price of pork go down. And in turn, drive the price of chicken and beef down.

In China do you think they'd be complaining about too many wild pigs? The wet markets would be all PIG

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