Man killed wife for making vegetarian dinner

Man killed wife for making vegetarian dinner: prosecutors | New York Post

An elderly Pakistani immigrant beat his wife to death with a stick after the doomed woman made the mistake of cooking him lentils for dinner instead of the hearty meal of goat meat that he craved, according to court papers.

Noor Hussein, 75, was so outraged over the prospect of eating the vegetarian fare that he pummeled his wife, Nazar Hussein, 66, inside their Brooklyn apartment until she was a
“bloody mess,” prosecutors said in opening statements of his murder trial Wednesday.

“Defendant asked [his wife] to cook goat and [his wife] said she made something else,” court papers said.

“The conversation got louder and [his wife] disrespected defendant by cursing at defendant and saying motherf–ker and that the defendant took a wooden stick and hit her with it on her arm and mouth.”

Defense attorney Julie Clark admitted Hussein beat his wife — but argued that he is guilty of only manslaughter because he didn’t intend to kill her. She said that in his home country, beating your wife is customary.


More justification from a member of the religion of peace. Spreading their peace around the world.

About time somebody stood up against this veggie shit.
All muslim immigrants are like this and our stinking press covers for them. If a white american male did this, the press would make the story headline news.

I rarely stoop to insults in these forums but you are a complete, utter, stupid, ignorant piece of shit lowlife scum.

Not only have you generalized all people of one religion who have decided to come to a place with religious freedom but you completely missed the fact that the OP included a link to the New York Post website where the press had covered the story and why there was a thread in which you could post this total hate-filled slime you have substituted for actual thoughts.
What the hell is the point of following a religion of peace and love if you are not able to whoop up
on the wife time and again.

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