Man Loses It Online Because Grand Rapids Law Enforcement Stood With Trump

He seems like a totally stable person.

I don't know where this guy has been, but fraternal police organizations have been endorsing politicians for as long as I can remember. In fact, he rants that it's "entirely unethical and PROBABLY illegal" so he doesn't even know. I truly don't understand why some people out there get so worked up over this stuff. Sometimes things irritate you enough to want to blow off steam, but evoking a stroke is not the best method. Plus, you just look insane.

I didn't know we were allowed to post home videos here.
He seems like a totally stable person.

I don't know where this guy has been, but fraternal police organizations have been endorsing politicians for as long as I can remember. In fact, he rants that it's "entirely unethical and PROBABLY illegal" so he doesn't even know. I truly don't understand why some people out there get so worked up over this stuff. Sometimes things irritate you enough to want to blow off steam, but evoking a stroke is not the best method. Plus, you just look insane.

Cultists are gonna cult.

They endorse Trump as he salutes and promises to pardon people in prison for assaulting police officers.
  • lol ! that's because the brave 1st responders like the police overwhelmingly back the gop not the left
  • Only because you know damn well Police Departments are unified in their rejection of the anti-Police Democrats.
Yeah, I think perhaps police overall lean towards the talk-tough absolutism that Don Trump stump-speeches about.

But, would those police be as likely to support him if they re-freshened their views after watching Don Trump's supporters savagely beat the crap out those uniformed police on January 6th?

And watch it knowing full well that Don Trump....who set the attack in motion....was sitting on his kiester just a couple miles away watching it on the telly and doing zero to mitigate the violence, or discourage the attacks on the police. As the Commander in Chief for the United States of America.....he sat on his fat butt. And watched and cheered.

For three hours he watched our uniformed police be savaged by his supporters. And at the end of the violence he told the attackers that: "We love you; you're very special,"

I struggle to understand that dichotomy.


Then you should be okay with Trump, who wasn't convicted of rape. Biden however, did have a formal complaint filed by Tara Reade for sexual assault.

Poster 'talksalot' may wanna re-think that coupling.
Trust me, it makes you ---or rather, your avatar ---- look rather uninformed.

Notably ....and in the event you simply did not know.....well, Don Trump too had a formal complaint filed against him for sexual assault. And a court of law and unanimous jury decisions.....found he was responsible for sexually assaulting E.Jean Caroll, which led.....with other nuances something like a $60 million judgment against him.

I think that is distinction that makes a difference vis-a-vis Tara Reade.

Trump won his defamation case against Stormy Daniels and the only 'facts' if they exist at all are related to handling of campaign funds when Trump was President and therefore that would be a matter for Congress to prosecute, not New York.

Umm, no.

First the defamation tort case vis-a-vis Daniels and Trump is unrelated to the criminal trial for cheating New York by falsifying business records.

The only links between 'em are three people at the very heart of the matter, the Porn Queen, Michael Cohen, and the criminal defendant, Don Trump.

Personally, I think news coverage ...both Rightfield and Leftfield....have been clear on that.
You’re the one who bought the propaganda. No amount of evidence will change your mind.

Just look at the DoJ report on the minneapolis police and their contempt for civil rights.

So how many depts are there in the country?

The problem is more with the propagandist than the police. Bad police are few and far between, but reality is not good for the propagandist pocketbook. The folks at BLM extorted 10s of millions from corporate America, how'd that turn out?

All cops are bad.
Bad cops are more common than you think and the “good cops” help cover up for the bad cops.
Which makes them bad cops.
You’re the one who bought the propaganda. No amount of evidence will change your mind.

Just look at the DoJ report on the minneapolis police and their contempt for civil rights.
He does not care. He is a badge bunny.
Dr. Jebra Faushay? Isn't that violation of the Dr. patient relationship? It's a big stretch to turn this into a political issue. Where the hell do they find this stuff. It beats talking about open borders and the rape and murder of American citizens by illegals.
All cops are bad.

Which makes them bad cops.

He does not care. He is a badge bunny.

Yeah, propagandist keep saying that, right up to the point where they have to call 911.

Nah you're just making it political. Except, I would agree with you a lot of the murderers we lock away for life should be put down and a lot of people we let out should stay in jail for life.

It's a good issue for you guys because it's hard to defend criminals. But ultimately, and I don't get it either, some murderers who plotted to murder someone else, or rapists, for some fucking reason, and I hate it too, we let these mother fuckers out some day. On this I'm conservative.

Still not gonna vote for Republicans because of this.

Remember, we can get them to cop a plea and give them 10 years, or with our weak evidence, go to trial and possibly lose. Which also costs more. So chances are, it's cons making these decisions too. Con DA's like Rudy. Because they need evidence.

Next you will blame liberal juries.

Of course it's political, the problem is being created by leftist politicians.

They aren't even getting 10 years now, or bail sometimes, or they are let out early, or not even charged.

PROGRESSIVE juries can be handled by good prosecutors.
He seems like a totally stable person.

I don't know where this guy has been, but fraternal police organizations have been endorsing politicians for as long as I can remember. In fact, he rants that it's "entirely unethical and PROBABLY illegal" so he doesn't even know. I truly don't understand why some people out there get so worked up over this stuff. Sometimes things irritate you enough to want to blow off steam, but evoking a stroke is not the best method. Plus, you just look insane.

Are you seriously trying to tell us you have never seen TDS? Do you not read the posts here?
Umm, no.

First the defamation tort case vis-a-vis Daniels and Trump is unrelated to the criminal trial for cheating New York by falsifying business records.

The only links between 'em are three people at the very heart of the matter, the Porn Queen, Michael Cohen, and the criminal defendant, Don Trump.

Personally, I think news coverage ...both Rightfield and Leftfield....have been clear on that.
I think if you connect the dots you'll find it isn't as simple as you think.
He seems like a totally stable person.

I don't know where this guy has been, but fraternal police organizations have been endorsing politicians for as long as I can remember. In fact, he rants that it's "entirely unethical and PROBABLY illegal" so he doesn't even know. I truly don't understand why some people out there get so worked up over this stuff. Sometimes things irritate you enough to want to blow off steam, but evoking a stroke is not the best method. Plus, you just look insane.

Healthy example of the anti-Trump left. This guy is representative of 90%+ of the DemoKKKrat party today.

Poster, BJ above, is referencing the post that asserts that Don Trump is stumping with the promise he will pardon J6 attackers.

BJ says that is false.

BJ is wrong. Don Trump most definitely has promised from the podium he will pardon J6'rs. They are, in his words, "Great Patriots".

Great patriots for beating the crap out of outnumbered cops with an iron pole? either sadly uninformed, or.......

....or BJ is a fake patriot. An Anti-American.


No offense intended.

Poster, BJ above, is referencing the post that asserts that Don Trump is stumping with the promise he will pardon J6 attackers.

BJ says that is false.

BJ is wrong. Don Trump most definitely has promised from the podium he will pardon J6'rs. They are, in his words, "Great Patriots".

Great patriots for beating the crap out of outnumbered cops with an iron pole? either sadly uninformed, or.......

....or BJ is a fake patriot. An Anti-American.


No offense intended.

Your cult has kept you grossly uninformed.

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