Man nabbed for Bronx rape allegedly said she ‘deserved it’ for ‘slavery’

I believe that the Tawana Brawley case should be reopened again. She should be allowed to retrieve those files that were denied to her during her first lawsuit.


Let her pursue criminal charges and then those files, by law, have to be relinquished.

Surely that'll be good with you, right?

Well according to wiki she was "Brawley was found in a trash bag." Garbage can or Trash bag same thing really

No, it's really not...

And, I'm, sorry, but your entire point is prefaced on innuendo and supposition. You're a fucking fool. You're nothing but a no-nothing colored boy who wishes he could converse with intelligent, good, white Americans.

But you can't...
Yours is the claim based on innuendo and supposition. We as blacks understand that police are treated as if they are above the law. You're just another ignorant white racist spewing ignorance online.

No, my post is based on facts.

I know you colored boys don't like facts; they get in the way of your bullshit.

But if they wanted the files the other colored boy was talking about, the only way to gain access to them is through a criminal proceeding, not a civil one...
I believe that the Tawana Brawley case should be reopened again. She should be allowed to retrieve those files that were denied to her during her first lawsuit.


Let her pursue criminal charges and then those files, by law, have to be relinquished.

Surely that'll be good with you, right?

Well according to wiki she was "Brawley was found in a trash bag." Garbage can or Trash bag same thing really

No, it's really not...

And, I'm, sorry, but your entire point is prefaced on innuendo and supposition. You're a fucking fool. You're nothing but a no-nothing colored boy who wishes he could converse with intelligent, good, white Americans.

But you can't...
Yours is the claim based on innuendo and supposition. We as blacks understand that police are treated as if they are above the law. You're just another ignorant white racist spewing ignorance online.

No, my post is based on facts.

I know you colored boys don't like facts; they get in the way of your bullshit.

But if they wanted the files the other colored boy was talking about, the only way to gain access to them is through a criminal proceeding, not a civil one...
You're a racist and racism is not supported by facts. I know that white boys, don't like facts; they get in the way of your bullshit. But White men do.
When did this animal

Luckily, the journalists who obsessively report on slavery, like it's a live, breaking news event, don't live in his neighborhood.
Shut the fk up. You got some fking nerve

White guys are fking beasts when it comes raping white women. You rape more women than any black man ever could.




No excuses. Just because someone else does it, doesn't matter. This particular animal should be thrown off that building while his balls are ties to the railing. I want to know, just when and where did this "poor", useless POS suffering his beatings while enslaved?
But, extrapolating you so-called argument: blacks killing other blacks should be a most heinous offense.
Well show that rage for the white men who do vile sh*t to the women and children in your own race.

You and basquebromance and Polishprince are just angry because he was black. You wouldn't have gave a sh*t if he was white. The amount sicko's you have in the white race is incredible. Clean your fking own house up first.






This thread is about the claim that the women had it coming because of, you know... slavery.. No one overlooks the evil in those cases. Maybe staff can make a rape thread and we can post all the rapes without regard to color.

All rape is evil and rapists deserve to die for their crimes. The point of the OP, I think, is that racial attacks against whites because of what happened over 150 years ago by whites who are no longer living to blacks who are no longer living, justifies racial violence against whites. That's the problem..
White women lie about black men all the time. Hell white women give false rape allegation to their own men. So of course they are going to do it to a black man. Knowing that she has a system that will believe her
So you are denying he raped her? That’s right, to you only white men are criminals

It's a legitimate question whether or not you agree with Paul's assumption. A claim of rape, any claim of rape, does not prove rape. Any person is reasonable when they choose to wait for more evidence - though, black or white, all the testimony, all the trials and convictions, even prison, don't prove rape. Plenty of men, I think more black than white, have been exonerated by DNA after spending most of their lives in prison for rape.

On the other hand, the slavery claim, the idea that my family, or me, could be violently attacked for something that happened 150 years ago is very disturbing if true.

Luckily, the journalists who obsessively report on slavery, like it's a live, breaking news event, don't live in his neighborhood.
Shut the fk up. You got some fking nerve

White guys are fking beasts when it comes raping white women. You rape more women than any black man ever could.




What does your response have to do with the OP? The OP was about a hate crime, he raped her because she was white. People of all races have raped, it isn’t usually because of the victims race.

Oh my gawd what school did you go to? You should demand that the taxpayers be refunded. PEDOPHILE---attack children..............Swiss rape problem isn't white swiss but the result black and middle eastern primarily muslims attacking with no fear of punishment.
Blacks beating and raping white women then bragging about it is one of the values that communist democrats want to impose.
I believe that the Tawana Brawley case should be reopened again. She should be allowed to retrieve those files that were denied to her during her first lawsuit.


Let her pursue criminal charges and then those files, by law, have to be relinquished.

Surely that'll be good with you, right?

Well according to wiki she was "Brawley was found in a trash bag." Garbage can or Trash bag same thing really

No, it's really not...

And, I'm, sorry, but your entire point is prefaced on innuendo and supposition. You're a fucking fool. You're nothing but a no-nothing colored boy who wishes he could converse with intelligent, good, white Americans.

But you can't...
Yours is the claim based on innuendo and supposition. We as blacks understand that police are treated as if they are above the law. You're just another ignorant white racist spewing ignorance online.

No, my post is based on facts.

I know you colored boys don't like facts; they get in the way of your bullshit.

But if they wanted the files the other colored boy was talking about, the only way to gain access to them is through a criminal proceeding, not a civil one...
You're a racist and racism is not supported by facts. I know that white boys, don't like facts; they get in the way of your bullshit. But White men do.

Over the years people have gotten more and more stupid. One of the things that they don't realize is that they are often manipulated with word choices and misuses.

Used to be and I know the damn ignorant manipulative dems have enjoyed rewriting the defination of many words but RACISM is not the same as being PREJUDICE.
You can be quit racist and based this on facts ....................but being prejudice is simply disliking someone or something not based on facts.

For instance, it is racist to say that black males as a group score lower on iq tests than everyone else including black females starting from infancy on up, but are generally bigger than all other races. These comments are based on facts. It is also racist to say that blacks are more often overweight, don't comply with medical advice, and are prone to both drug and alcohol abuse and criminal activity as these are also based on cold hard facts. The Medical field has many such racist stats on blacks----with no mal intent---

It is prejudice (not based on facts just hate) and ignorant to claim that other races are just as bad or this is not factual.

You should atleast learn the difference between the two words.
Yeah, I have no problem tossing those assholes off of buildings either. How about you address the particular piece of shit in the OP. Or are you in support of raping white women because 150 years ago blacks were slaves?

I don't know anything about the case basquebromance gave a link to. I do know that white and non black women lie about being raped by black men and have done so for years.


The girl that said Brian Banks raped her IS black. She made the accusation to score a big payday from LAUSD. She got over a million dollars for her lie.
Looking into the image of his eyes this Parolee doesn't look to be the brightest bulb in the box. I mean those eyes look dead as dead can be like no soul just a walking/moving entity programmed to commit evil. One can only envision it's parents!
I meet many “ non-American Africans “ and they are very nice and pleasant and smart !!
I believe that the Tawana Brawley case should be reopened again. She should be allowed to retrieve those files that were denied to her during her first lawsuit.


Let her pursue criminal charges and then those files, by law, have to be relinquished.

Surely that'll be good with you, right?

Well according to wiki she was "Brawley was found in a trash bag." Garbage can or Trash bag same thing really

No, it's really not...

And, I'm, sorry, but your entire point is prefaced on innuendo and supposition. You're a fucking fool. You're nothing but a no-nothing colored boy who wishes he could converse with intelligent, good, white Americans.

But you can't...
Yours is the claim based on innuendo and supposition. We as blacks understand that police are treated as if they are above the law. You're just another ignorant white racist spewing ignorance online.

No, my post is based on facts.

I know you colored boys don't like facts; they get in the way of your bullshit.

But if they wanted the files the other colored boy was talking about, the only way to gain access to them is through a criminal proceeding, not a civil one...
You're a racist and racism is not supported by facts. I know that white boys, don't like facts; they get in the way of your bullshit. But White men do.

What a fucking idiot.

The assertion was made that the courts were withholding files which would prove Brawley's claims. Unfortunately, because negroes tend to see dollar signs before anything else, they went with a civil trial. Well, because it's not a criminal trial, the court cannot give those records to Brawley.

It has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with that law.

Continuing to call me a racist makes me laugh, primarily because I don't give a fuck anymore. I wasn't a racist before all this George Floyd nonsense started, but entitled "I want mine!" negroes like yourself have turned me into one.

I carry at least two firearms on me every single day. It'll be a dark fuckin' day for any colored boy who decides to try to pull me out of my car because he's too lazy to work for what he wants and is upset that he can't have what I have...
I carry at least two firearms on me every single day. It'll be a dark fuckin' day for any colored boy who decides to try to pull me out of my car because he's too lazy to work for what he wants and is upset that he can't have what I have...


Is that you're attempt at trying to sound scary ? But look. What you waiting for ? You're talking all this tough talk then be about that fking life. You two carrying firearms little b*tch

What state you in ? Go to the black areas if you want a real challenge. But you don't want that smoke do you ?

And what you need a gun for ? You're the superior white man aren't you ?

Na. You don't wanna go toe to toe with a blk man on a fair one coz this will happen

Poor, poor man. I feel so sorry for him. I hope his hand didn’t hurt after knocking the racist out. Legend has it that he's still there saying "Come on". They're till waiting for his glasses to land back.

Another thing. It wasn't a sucker punch. He saw it coming but wasn't quick enough to react. Sucker punches are when ppl hit you from the side or back. If you talking all that shit, you should be ready for whatever. I didn’t see a ref, a judge, no ringside girls. The FIRST of fighting rule is protect yourself at all times.
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I believe that the Tawana Brawley case should be reopened again. She should be allowed to retrieve those files that were denied to her during her first lawsuit.


Let her pursue criminal charges and then those files, by law, have to be relinquished.

Surely that'll be good with you, right?

Well according to wiki she was "Brawley was found in a trash bag." Garbage can or Trash bag same thing really

No, it's really not...

And, I'm, sorry, but your entire point is prefaced on innuendo and supposition. You're a fucking fool. You're nothing but a no-nothing colored boy who wishes he could converse with intelligent, good, white Americans.

But you can't...
Yours is the claim based on innuendo and supposition. We as blacks understand that police are treated as if they are above the law. You're just another ignorant white racist spewing ignorance online.

No, my post is based on facts.

I know you colored boys don't like facts; they get in the way of your bullshit.

But if they wanted the files the other colored boy was talking about, the only way to gain access to them is through a criminal proceeding, not a civil one...
You're a racist and racism is not supported by facts. I know that white boys, don't like facts; they get in the way of your bullshit. But White men do.
When those Prog white men you respect give up their wealth for the cause, It will go a long way for me to believe. They won't. They are just spouting to sound all inclusive. Many of them will run labor camps in a worse world situation. You are under estimating and overestimating people.
Is that you're attempt at trying to sound scary ? But look. What you waiting for ? You're talking all this tough talk then be about that fking life. You two carrying firearms little b*tch

No, trying to sound scary is for negroes. I walk the walk, Sambo...

What state you in ? Go to the black areas if you want a real challenge. But you don't want that smoke do you ?

"What state you in?"

Sorry, boy, I don't speak ebonics.

I'm in Florida, and I work in one of the darkest parts of the city. There's no challenge whatsoever, simply because I'm not willing to allow myself to be bested by some little welfare colored boy...

And what you need a gun for ? You're the superior white man aren't you ?

Na. You don't wanna go toe to toe with a blk man on a fair one coz this will happen

When it comes to "toe to toe", you negroes run like the little cockroaches you are. As shown in the video, you wait until you've got a couple more colored boys around you and then you throw a sucker punch. That's the chickenshit way, but it's all you know...

Another thing. It wasn't a sucker punch. He saw it coming but wasn't quick enough to react. Sucker punches are when ppl hit you from the side or back. If you talking all that shit, you should be ready for whatever. I didn’t see a ref, a judge, no ringside girls. The FIRST of fighting rule is protect yourself at all times.

Here's the thing, Tyrone, if it's clear it wasn't a sucker punch you wouldn't have had to say it wasn't. But even you, a stupid blue-gum, know it was a sucker punch. The white guy hadn't thrown a punch. He wasn't fighting. Yeah, he was running his mouth, but that's not illegal. The negro who sucker punched him should be taken 'round back and put down for being such a candy-ass little bitch...
Is that you're attempt at trying to sound scary ? But look. What you waiting for ? You're talking all this tough talk then be about that fking life. You two carrying firearms little b*tch

No, trying to sound scary is for negroes. I walk the walk, Sambo...

What state you in ? Go to the black areas if you want a real challenge. But you don't want that smoke do you ?

"What state you in?"

Sorry, boy, I don't speak ebonics.

I'm in Florida, and I work in one of the darkest parts of the city. There's no challenge whatsoever, simply because I'm not willing to allow myself to be bested by some little welfare colored boy...

And what you need a gun for ? You're the superior white man aren't you ?

Na. You don't wanna go toe to toe with a blk man on a fair one coz this will happen

When it comes to "toe to toe", you negroes run like the little cockroaches you are. As shown in the video, you wait until you've got a couple more colored boys around you and then you throw a sucker punch. That's the chickenshit way, but it's all you know...

Another thing. It wasn't a sucker punch. He saw it coming but wasn't quick enough to react. Sucker punches are when ppl hit you from the side or back. If you talking all that shit, you should be ready for whatever. I didn’t see a ref, a judge, no ringside girls. The FIRST of fighting rule is protect yourself at all times.

Here's the thing, Tyrone, if it's clear it wasn't a sucker punch you wouldn't have had to say it wasn't. But even you, a stupid blue-gum, know it was a sucker punch. The white guy hadn't thrown a punch. He wasn't fighting. Yeah, he was running his mouth, but that's not illegal. The negro who sucker punched him should be taken 'round back and put down for being such a candy-ass little bitch...
It wasn't a sucker punch. He saw it coming. It was head on. He just wasn't quick enough to block it.

The bottom line is this : Stop talking. Stop running your mouth. There are plenty of black man in Florida if you want your race war.
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Continuing to call me a racist makes me laugh, primarily because I don't give a fuck anymore. I wasn't a racist before all this George Floyd nonsense started, but entitled "I want mine!" negroes like yourself have turned me into one.
So if you disagree with the George Floyd incident what should be done to stamp out systematic racism within the USA police force ?

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