Man nabbed for Bronx rape allegedly said she ‘deserved it’ for ‘slavery’

Yeah, I have no problem tossing those assholes off of buildings either. How about you address the particular piece of shit in the OP. Or are you in support of raping white women because 150 years ago blacks were slaves?

I don't know anything about the case basquebromance gave a link to. I do know that white and non black women lie about being raped by black men and have done so for years.



Apparently you disagree with the idea that women who report they are raped deserve to be believed- like Liberal Leaders have stated?

That was what they said when Justice Bret Kavanaugh was accused of weekly Gang Rape Parties in Montgomery County. Kavanaugh of course was exonerated by the US Senate and he isn't black at all.
All I know is that white women lie about black men raping them all the time
As well as getting their faces bashed in breaking their nose and teeth. This little ape man was so proud of himself he bragged about it. She deserved it for slavery.

Slavery is alive and well in the middle East. Sell him to a Muslim slaver. Use the proceeds to help pay his victim's medical bills. That's justice getting done.
As well as getting their faces bashed in breaking their nose and teeth. This little ape man was so proud of himself he bragged about it. She deserved it for slavery.

Slavery is alive and well in the middle East. Sell him to a Muslim slaver. Use the proceeds to help pay his victim's medical bills. That's justice getting done.
All I know is that white women lie about black men raping them all the time
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Luckily, the journalists who obsessively report on slavery, like it's a live, breaking news event, don't live in his neighborhood.
Shut the fk up. You got some fking nerve

White guys are fking beasts when it comes raping white women. You rape more women than any black man ever could.





Defending the rapist

You defend trump.

trump is the great American President since Coolidge and that's BEFORE the Coup plotters get the firing Squad
As well as getting their faces bashed in breaking their nose and teeth. This little ape man was so proud of himself he bragged about it. She deserved it for slavery.

Slavery is alive and well in the middle East. Sell him to a Muslim slaver. Use the proceeds to help pay his victim's medical bills. That's justice getting done.
All I know is that white women lie about black men raping them all the time
Not this time. Either sell him into slavery or butcher him to feed the zoo animals.

Luckily, the journalists who obsessively report on slavery, like it's a live, breaking news event, don't live in his neighborhood.
Shut the fk up. You got some fking nerve

White guys are fking beasts when it comes raping white women. You rape more women than any black man ever could.




What does your response have to do with the OP? The OP was about a hate crime, he raped her because she was white. People of all races have raped, it isn’t usually because of the victims race.
White women lie about black men all the time. Hell white women give false rape allegation to their own men. So of course they are going to do it to a black man. Knowing that she has a system that will believe her
So you are denying he raped her? That’s right, to you only white men are criminals
As well as getting their faces bashed in breaking their nose and teeth. This little ape man was so proud of himself he bragged about it. She deserved it for slavery.

Slavery is alive and well in the middle East. Sell him to a Muslim slaver. Use the proceeds to help pay his victim's medical bills. That's justice getting done.
All I know is that white women lie about black men raping them all the time
Not this time. Either sell him into slavery or butcher him to feed the zoo animals.
Now THAT'S a good idea.
"What does your response have to do with the OP? The OP was about a hate crime, he raped her because she was white. People of all races have raped, it isn’t usually because of the victims race."

We have over 200 years of black graves filled with the bodies of men falsely accused of rape by white women. Nobody is defending the action, but Essen does have a valid reason to question.

The Omaha Race Riot occurred on September 28–29, 1919. One cause of this riot were whites feeling economic anxiety because of the increasing number of blacks escaping the south who were trying to find work. Weeks before this riot, federal investigators were warning that a conflict was imminent between black and white workers in Omaha. The animosity appears to have begun in 1917 when management at the stockyards hired blacks as strikebreakers. Nobody likes a strikebreaker, so add that to the reasons whites could give themselves for imposing violence on blacks. Once again, we see that it is the Irish who were the ringleaders in the oppression of blacks. As in Chicago, the Irish had established their power as they were the first immigrants in Omaha and used their political power to maintain an advantage.

Three things, property acquisition, economic anxiety and claims of black male sexual aggression, have been the general standard for white violence against blacks throughout American history. The lynching of Will Brown was started by reports in local media about the alleged rape of a 19-year-old woman named Agnes Loebeck on September 25, 1919. The following day the police arrested Brown. Loebeck identified Brown as the rapist but later reports by the Omaha Police and the Army show she did not make a positive identification. There was an attempt to lynch Brown on the day of his arrest, but it failed.

Omaha at that time was controlled by a political boss named Thomas Dennison. To be blunt, Dennison was a crook. He controlled Omaha for 18 years before the city elected a non-Dennison flunky for mayor named Edward Parsons Smith. Dennison and his buddies did not like that. Dennison and his friends then race baited the people of Omaha and incited the Omaha Riots.

The Omaha Bee publicized the incident with Loebeck as one of a series of alleged attacks on white women by black men. The Bee was controlled by Thomas Rosewater who was a Dennison ally opposed to the administration of Mayor Edward Smith. These incidents were orchestrated by Dennison while Rosewaters paper highlighted the incidents of criminality to embarrass the new administration. “After citizens finally elected a non-Dennison man, one Edward Parsons Smith, as mayor in 1918, Dennison henchmen were accused of putting on blackface, assaulting women, and then stirring up crowds, leading to the lynching of black man Will Brown and the near-lynching of Mayor Smith.” On the night of the lynching, Omaha Police even caught one of Dennisons men wearing blackface. Will Brown was lynched, shot up after he was dead, dragged through the streets of Omaha and set on fire. He had committed no crime. Dennison nor any of his associates were charged or convicted for what they did.

On the evening of Saturday July 19th, 1919, in Washington D.C., a group of white veterans started a rumor about a black man suspected by the D.C, Police Department of sexually assaulting the wife of a white Navy man. This rumor spread like wildfire in the bars and restaurants in downtown Washington D.C. So later that night, a mob of mad white men headed to a predominantly black neighborhood carrying various types of weapons. Those veterans proceeded to beat all the blacks they found. They took blacks out of their cars or off sidewalks and beat them for no reason. Where were the police? I think they had donut shops back then, but I am not sure. The violence continued into Sunday because the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department failed to stop it. Blacks were getting beaten on the streets of Washington and even in front of the White House. This was a race war in our nations capital.

The Tulsa riot, started because a false claim of rape. Rosewood Florida and the Scottsboro boys, started by a false claim of rape by a white woman. Emmitt Till, Walter McMillan, and a friend of mines lives were ended or ruined by a false claim of rape by a white woman.

You racists want to post this shit but you whites have 400 years of crimes that are even worse and have been able to remain unpunished.
I was talking about in our lifetime, not 200 years ago. Not 100 years ago. Not 50 years ago. You and Essen repeatedly defend blacks, even when guilty. Again, calling me racist. Where have I said anything racist? I don’t give a rats ass what color the rapist is. He is scum. This article is about a black rapist.
As well as getting their faces bashed in breaking their nose and teeth. This little ape man was so proud of himself he bragged about it. She deserved it for slavery.

Slavery is alive and well in the middle East. Sell him to a Muslim slaver. Use the proceeds to help pay his victim's medical bills. That's justice getting done.
All I know is that white women lie about black men raping them all the time
All the time? What about all the times they don’t lie? Blacks have falsely accused too.
Did you believe Tawana Brawley?
I know of the case. She accused four cops of raping her in New York in 1988. It was a massive story.



Don King lent her money for the case. Bill Cosby was gonna pay for her education. It was a massive story in 1988.

It was kicked out of the court as it was claimed she was lying.

But here's the thing.

She was a 15 year old black female who was never actually found to be lying. She just quit fighting.

To this day she has never refuted it as a lie.

The police verified cop DNA was all over her, but YET..they still couldn't prove rape. Hmmmm....what year is it? Is this why one of the cops killed himself a week after being accused of rape ? Suicide is as close to an admission of guilt as you will get. Also they never said HOW she chose the cops that raped her.

Or are you basing your assumptions on the word of white detectives, attorneys, judges, scared witnesses, and the mainstream media ?

Another scenario that could have happened was that was that she got snowballed by her lie. Her step father was an abusive murderer who killed his wife. The night she claimed she was raped, she was actually out past her curfew, and was afraid that she would catch a beatdown from her step-dad when she came home.

She wasn't going to get a regular ass whuppin' of the times. It would probably would have been a brutal beatdown by a man who was probably raping her on the daily. So she said she'd been raped not knowing that EVERYONE in the universe was gonna jump on it.

Are all negroes as stupid as you?

Your little manifesto, which is just a regurgitation of anything which can be found on the web, doesn't answer the question I asked you. You have proven to be a complete failure at answering a simple fucking question.

When Tawana Brawley claimed she'd been raped by four white men, did you believe her?

But, to the points you've attempted to make: She didn't say that four men raped her. She claimed it was six. So there's a pretty well known aspect of the case that you're apparently ignorant of. And she never said the four men were cops. She claimed only that at least one of them was a police officer. So there's more ignorance on your part. She later told people that there were "some forms" of sexual abuse, but no rape. More ignorance on display by you.

Steven Pagones, the assistant DA who was named by Brawley as one of her attackers, won a $185,000 judgement against Brawley and a $65,000 judgement against Al Sharpton. Brawley's boyfriend, Daryl Rodriguez, stated that Brawley had told him the story was fabricated. And the police officer who committed suicide did so because his longtime girlfriend broke up with him, not because some negro female falsely accused him of rape.

You say you're "aware" of the case, but you're only aware that some little colored girl accused some white guys of raping her. As evidenced here, you know nothing of the case, and even the most widely known elements of the case appear to be a complete mystery to you...
Drop the false equivalences. Black women don't have a 200 year history of yelling rape on white men and white men die for it. Here you try contrasting Twanna Brawley with this. How about we look at some other cases to show you just how stupid you racists are.

Brian Banks was a football player headed for USC when he was accused of rape and convicted, He spent 6 years in prison and 5 on parole before the woman admitted she lied. She was black but Banks went to prison. There was no protection for him like there was for that white cop. And while whites like many here try bringing up Brawley like they are certain it's a lie, Daniel Holdsclaw was raping black women with impunity while employed as a cop in OKC.

In March of last year a black man was exonerated for a false claim of rape by a white woman in Louisiana after spending 36 years in prison.

Fingerprint match clears man after 36 years in prison following rape case

Albert Wilson got 12 years in prison last year here in Kansas for a false claim of rape by a white woman. And as that story was posted here we saw all the same standard racist comments. But never do we see any of you colorblind, race doesn't matter to you types EVER question whether a white woman is lying.

There is at least 244 years of evidence that gives us as black men, the right to question.
When did this animal

Luckily, the journalists who obsessively report on slavery, like it's a live, breaking news event, don't live in his neighborhood.
Shut the fk up. You got some fking nerve

White guys are fking beasts when it comes raping white women. You rape more women than any black man ever could.




No excuses. Just because someone else does it, doesn't matter. This particular animal should be thrown off that building while his balls are ties to the railing. I want to know, just when and where did this "poor", useless POS suffering his beatings while enslaved?
But, extrapolating you so-called argument: blacks killing other blacks should be a most heinous offense.
Well show that rage for the white men who do vile sh*t to the women and children in your own race.

You and basquebromance and Polishprince are just angry because he was black. You wouldn't have gave a sh*t if he was white. The amount sicko's you have in the white race is incredible. Clean your fking own house up first.





No doubt that there is a high rate of white men who rape and molest women, girls and plenty of boys!!
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Are all negroes as stupid as you?
Well I can't compete with you dude. You're too intelligent for me. So cut me slack lol

Your little manifesto, which is just a regurgitation of anything which can be found on the web, doesn't answer the question I asked you.
I did answer the question but I believe something happened to that girl.

To this day she never denies it.

1. She was missing for 4 days and was found "Seemingly UNCONSCIOUS & unresponsive." Her body was also smeared with feces. Smearing your own body with feces? Okay

2. She remained unresponsive initially. It's not as if she just came out with an elaborate story

3. When interviewed by the police initially it barely lasted 20 minutes. They did not try to get into details

4. There was no absolute proof she stayed anywhere other than the garbage can where according to officials she was found.

A 15 year old must be a damn good actor if she can fake being unconscious.

Look...this is the problem with people like you. You only take one slant to the story. I can twist it another way. I can say that she was indeed assaulted...that no one comes up with a detailed story AGAINST THE STATE wiping feces all over themselves and writing all of that on themselves without making sure they have their bases covered.

Here's the reality. When a black woman accuses a white man of rape...there will ALWAYS be doubt...more so than if it's a white woman accusing a black man. You may think you're being objective but you only sound like a mouth piece for the "mob' opinion

But, to the points you've attempted to make: She didn't say that four men raped her. She claimed it was six.
On wiki they say it was four.

So there's a pretty well known aspect of the case that you're apparently ignorant of.
I refer you to my previous answer.

Also it was the WHITE MEDIA that said it was a "hoax" and NYC was very racist at the time (contrary to what people might think).

She was a RAPE VICTIM whose IDENTITY was plastered all over the news AND SHE WAS UNDERAGE. This should be PROOF ALONE that the WHITE MEDIA had an "agenda".

You have proven to be a complete failure at answering a simple fucking question. When Tawana Brawley claimed she'd been raped by four white men, did you believe her?
Yes. I believe her

They also showed her face and revealed her name at a time when it was illegal to do so. This was the eighties. Why show this young teen black girl's face all over the place, UNLESS YOU WERE TRYING TO SHAME HER.

Steven Pagones, the assistant DA who was named by Brawley as one of her attackers, won a $185,000 judgement against Brawley and a $65,000 judgement against Al Sharpton. Brawley's boyfriend, Daryl Rodriguez, stated that Brawley had told him the story was fabricated. And the police officer who committed suicide did so because his longtime girlfriend broke up with him, not because some negro female falsely accused him of rape.

If a minor can't enter into any legal binding contracts then how as a minor was she sued and forced to pay this Steven Pagones ?

Steven Pagones has said her way out of paying is to confess that she lied

But she hasn't why ? What person wants to pay out their hard earned money to ?

Another thing one of the first people to interview Brawley was a female agent of the FBI, come to found out years later that she was seeing Pagones. So the FBI agent was fucking Pagones (who was married at the time) and no one knew. And Pagones father was a city court judge. So he had serious muscle.

The whole case stinks.

SHE never admitted to "lying" about being raped. The WHITE MEDIA did.


The Governor Pataki at the time REFUSED to let her get certain files for her to use in her lawsuit to defend herself. She was told NO and since those files could have PROVED how fucked up everything was, then the judge sided with Pagones in the 'fake rape" lawsuit.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
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Well I can't compete with you dude. You're too intelligent for me.

Goddamn right I am...

I did answer the question but she WAS raped. She never denied it and nor did anyone in her camp.

No, you didn't. I asked if you believed her and you went of on some cut & paste extravaganza from Wikipedia. Only in your LATEST post did you say you believed her...

1. She was missing for 4 days and was found "Seemingly UNCONSCIOUS & unresponsive." Her body was also smeared with feces. Smearing your own body with feces? Okay

Hey, if you want to make it look convincing, you gotta' go that extra mile...

2. She remained unresponsive initially. It's not as if she just came out with an elaborate story

Four days? That's plenty of time to dream up a semi-convincing story...

3. When interviewed by the police initially it barely lasted 20 minutes. They did not try to get into details

Neither here nor there with regards to the validity of her accusations...

4. There was no absolute proof she stayed anywhere other than the garbage can where according to officials she was found.

She wasn't found in a garbage can, dumbass. Do you just make this shit up as you go along?

A 15 year old must be a damn good actor if she can fake being unconscious.

By God, you're right, because only an older, professional actor could pretend to be unconscious...

Look...this is the problem with people like you. You only take one slant to the story.

Holyjesusfuck you're stupid.

You accuse me of only taking "one slant" to the story while, at the same time, you are absolutely adamant as to the veracity of Brawley's claims.

Well, here's a little nugget you might have missed on Wiki, Buckwheat: The rape kit administered to Brawley indicated that no rape took place. In fact, there was no evidence of any abuse whatsoever. There was also no evidence that she was out in the woods for four days.

I can twist it another way. I can say that she was indeed assaulted...

WHat you say is meaningless (as are you). See, actual EVIDENCE shows there was no assault of any kind. So, all of your wishful thinking is nothing but your boiling negro racism coming to the fore...

that no one comes up with a detailed story AGAINST THE STATE wiping feces all over themselves and writing all of that on themselves without making sure they have their bases covered.[/quote]

Here's the reality. When a black woman accuses a white man of rape...there will ALWAYS be doubt...more so than if it's a white woman accusing a black man. You may think you're being objective but you only sound like a mouth piece for the "mob' opinion

There will be doubt because there's not a long history of white guys raping black women. Even white male rapists have standards...

Also it was the WHITE MEDIA that said it was a "hoax"

No, see, it was actually evidence, and in some respects the lack of evidence, which said it was a hoax...

and NYC was very racist at the time (contrary to what people might think).

She was a RAPE VICTIM whose IDENTITY was plastered all over the news AND SHE WAS UNDERAGE. This should be PROOF ALONE that the WHITE MEDIA had an "agenda".

What the "white media" had as an agenda in no way impacted what did or, far more likely, didn't happen to Tawana Brawley...

They also showed her face and revealed her name at a time when it was illegal to do so. This was the eighties. Why show this young teen black girl's face all over the place, UNLESS YOU WERE TRYING TO SHAME HER.

She's a fucking piece of shit liar and deserved to be shamed for trying to destroy the lives of six innocent people...

If a minor can't enter into any legal binding contracts....then how as a minor was she sued and forced to pay this Steven Pagones ?

Beats me, but I'm not a lawyer. The fact, though, is that he won a lawsuit against her, and the little piece of shit hasn't paid a dime of that court ordered award...

Steven Pagones has said her way out of paying is to confess that she lied
But she hasn't why ? What person wants to pay out their hard earned money to ?

What he has said is that if she would simply admit to being a stupid kid at the time and admitting what she did, he would be satisfied with that. But she can't do that now because it would make her look like an even bigger piece of shit. And Tawana Brawley hasn't seen "hard earned money" in her entire pathetic fucking life...

SHE never admitted to "lying" about being raped. The WHITE MEDIA did.

No, she told others she'd fabricated the story. Her neighbors overheard her mother talking about the story being untrue and how they would be in a lot of trouble if their lies were discovered...


Of course they said that, because that's what happened...

The Governor Pataki at the time REFUSED to let her get certain files for her to use in her lawsuit to defend herself. She was told NO and since those files could have PROVED how fucked up everything was, then the judge sided with Pagones in the 'fake rape" lawsuit.

Her request was denied, and rightfully so, because it was a civil matter and not a criminal one.

What was in those files which would've proved her case? Please be specific...
Drop the false equivalences. Black women don't have a 200 year history of yelling rape on white men and white men die for it. Here you try contrasting Twanna Brawley with this. How about we look at some other cases to show you just how stupid you racists are.

Brian Banks was a football player headed for USC when he was accused of rape and convicted, He spent 6 years in prison and 5 on parole before the woman admitted she lied. She was black but Banks went to prison. There was no protection for him like there was for that white cop. And while whites like many here try bringing up Brawley like they are certain it's a lie, Daniel Holdsclaw was raping black women with impunity while employed as a cop in OKC.

In March of last year a black man was exonerated for a false claim of rape by a white woman in Louisiana after spending 36 years in prison.

Fingerprint match clears man after 36 years in prison following rape case

Albert Wilson got 12 years in prison last year here in Kansas for a false claim of rape by a white woman. And as that story was posted here we saw all the same standard racist comments. But never do we see any of you colorblind, race doesn't matter to you types EVER question whether a white woman is lying.

There is at least 244 years of evidence that gives us as black men, the right to question.
You made up for it! Record numbers!
Drop the false equivalences. Black women don't have a 200 year history of yelling rape on white men and white men die for it. Here you try contrasting Twanna Brawley with this. How about we look at some other cases to show you just how stupid you racists are.

Brian Banks was a football player headed for USC when he was accused of rape and convicted, He spent 6 years in prison and 5 on parole before the woman admitted she lied. She was black but Banks went to prison. There was no protection for him like there was for that white cop. And while whites like many here try bringing up Brawley like they are certain it's a lie, Daniel Holdsclaw was raping black women with impunity while employed as a cop in OKC.

In March of last year a black man was exonerated for a false claim of rape by a white woman in Louisiana after spending 36 years in prison.

Fingerprint match clears man after 36 years in prison following rape case

Albert Wilson got 12 years in prison last year here in Kansas for a false claim of rape by a white woman. And as that story was posted here we saw all the same standard racist comments. But never do we see any of you colorblind, race doesn't matter to you types EVER question whether a white woman is lying.

There is at least 244 years of evidence that gives us as black men, the right to question.
You made up for it! Record numbers!
No we have not.
Are all negroes as stupid as you?
Well I can't compete with you dude. You're too intelligent for me.
Goddamn right I am.

I did answer the question but she WAS raped. She never denied it and nor did anyone in her camp.
No, you didn't. I asked if you believed her and you went of on some cut & paste extravaganza from Wikipedia. Only in your LATEST post did you say you believed her...
Well I think it's fairly obvious that she was telling the truth.

I hope new modern evidence proves her claim to be true and she sues but It will probably be one them cases where when Brawley is in her 80's and 90's or is on her death bed they'll admit that she was set up.

White supremacy loves doing that to black people.

That's why they always make a big deal when they let old black people walk free after they admit they were falsely imprisoned knowing the damage has already been done.

White supremacy loves doing that to black people.

1. She was missing for 4 days and was found "Seemingly UNCONSCIOUS & unresponsive." Her body was also smeared with feces. Smearing your own body with feces? Okay
Hey, if you want to make it look convincing, you gotta' go that extra mile...
So a 15 year old would make herself be found unconscious and she would cover herself in feces and she would write racial slurs on her torso ?...........Okkkaaaaay

You ignore the fact that Steven Pagnoes (one of the accused) father was a city court judge and his uncle, who is now the most powerful judge in Dutchess Count, was a family court judge.

You ignore that Pagnoes testified under oath before a grand jury that he was home with his fiancee and his parents but his wife, his mother and his father refused to take the witness stand to support his alibi claim.

You ignore that Harry Crist (one the alleged rapists) who Tawana had given a description about within forty-eight hours of the interview, he commits suicide.

3. When interviewed by the police initially it barely lasted 20 minutes. They did not try to get into details
Neither here nor there with regards to the validity of her accusations..
The more I read about this case. The worse it is.

They claimed Tawana refused to talk or cooperate with them. Her family became suspicious. Alton Maddox (Brawleys layer) had sought for the discovery of the Brawley files for at least ten years. Eliot Spitzer is sitting on the files to protect them from charges of a cover-up..

I believe that the Tawana Brawley case should be reopened again. She should be allowed to retrieve those files that were denied to her during her first lawsuit.

[4. There was no absolute proof she stayed anywhere other than the garbage can where according to officials she was found.
She wasn't found in a garbage can, dumbass. Do you just make this shit up as you go along?

Well according to wiki she was "Brawley was found in a trash bag." Garbage can or Trash bag same thing really

You accuse me of only taking "one slant" to the story while, at the same time, you are absolutely adamant as to the veracity of Brawley's claims.

Unless she comes out and officially denies or confirms the story, I'll always believe it could have happen due to the racist history of this country.

Well, here's a little nugget you might have missed on Wiki, Buckwheat: The rape kit administered to Brawley indicated that no rape took place. In fact, there was no evidence of any abuse whatsoever. There was also no evidence that she was out in the woods for four days.

She wasn't examined immediately.

Matter of fact the rape kit wasn't administered immediately and even then rape kits aren't always accurate, Anyone who knows about sexual assault know that you do not have to have tears and bruises if you're being penetrated or taken advantage of.

WHat you say is meaningless (as are you). See, actual EVIDENCE shows there was no assault of any kind. So, all of your wishful thinking is nothing but your boiling negro racism coming to the fore...
Well Alton Maddox (one of Brawley's layers) had a female gynecologist in Orange County, New York examine Tawana.

She ordered Tawana immediate hospitalization at the Westchester County Medical Center of which medical records documented that Tawana had been raped. They later deleted the rape conclusion from the medical record.

There will be doubt because there's not a long history of white guys raping black women. Even white male rapists have standards.
White guys have standards ? Okay.





Even Elvis spent much of his adult life pursuing sexual encounters with 14 year old girls (who he called "cherries"). The book "Baby Lets Play House" goes into meticulous details about harems of 14 year old girls Elvis would have in his bedroom


She's a fucking piece of shit liar and deserved to be shamed for trying to destroy the lives of six innocent people.

A lie like this would only make sense as a lie if there was actually a crime to cover up on her family's end. Yet there was none.

What he has said is that if she would simply admit to being a stupid kid at the time and admitting what she did, he would be satisfied with that. But she can't do that now because it would make her look like an even bigger piece of shit. And Tawana Brawley hasn't seen "hard earned money" in her entire pathetic fucking life.

So your theory claiming she's an absolute liar assumes that a 15 year old girl went through all of this trouble, all those holes in the story, only to decide to take on NY State all for fun? Okkaaaaay.

There's something missing from this story and people like you are blindly dismissing it instead of being more objective.

The Governor Pataki at the time REFUSED to let her get certain files for her to use in her lawsuit to defend herself. She was told NO and since those files could have PROVED how fucked up everything was, then the judge sided with Pagones in the 'fake rape" lawsuit.

What was in those files which would've proved her case? Please be specific...

I just told you how the files could have proved her case. Read the post
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I believe that the Tawana Brawley case should be reopened again. She should be allowed to retrieve those files that were denied to her during her first lawsuit.


Let her pursue criminal charges and then those files, by law, have to be relinquished.

Surely that'll be good with you, right?

Well according to wiki she was "Brawley was found in a trash bag." Garbage can or Trash bag same thing really

No, it's really not...

And, I'm, sorry, but your entire point is prefaced on innuendo and supposition. You're a fucking fool. You're nothing but a no-nothing colored boy who wishes he could converse with intelligent, good, white Americans.

But you can't...
I believe that the Tawana Brawley case should be reopened again. She should be allowed to retrieve those files that were denied to her during her first lawsuit.


Let her pursue criminal charges and then those files, by law, have to be relinquished.

Surely that'll be good with you, right?

Well according to wiki she was "Brawley was found in a trash bag." Garbage can or Trash bag same thing really

No, it's really not...

And, I'm, sorry, but your entire point is prefaced on innuendo and supposition. You're a fucking fool. You're nothing but a no-nothing colored boy who wishes he could converse with intelligent, good, white Americans.

But you can't...
Yours is the claim based on innuendo and supposition. We as blacks understand that police are treated as if they are above the law. You're just another ignorant white racist spewing ignorance online.

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