Man served 10 years for rape he didn't commit

I think he is black. African black.

I am really sorry the X wife is dead. She went to her grave smiling thinking he would be put away forever.

Oh and in prison, raping your own daughter is kind of looked down upon. Oh man.
What makes you say he's black? Do you have a link?

Does it make a difference?

Good question. You are the one that brought it up.
Nope, that doesn't work. The difference: if you put the wrong guy in jail, you can then undo it.

It's funny how they are all so outraged about this, but when it comes to executing the wrong person, they don't give a snit. I wonder if this guy was black or white? Would the OP care at all if this guy was black, or Muslim?

When has the last wrong person been executed? I dont think it happens much anymore.

And why should race or religion of the man matter? Justice is blind to those things.

I brought up race and religion because I wonder if some people only care when a white Christian is wrongly convicted. If it is someone from a different race or religion, especially blacks and Muslims who seem to be hated widely on this board, does the OP or do others care?

Personally, I think it only bothers him and others like him because it is someone he can identify with: white and male. I doubt he'd be in such a fury if it was a black man and definitely not care if it were a Muslim man.

I think innocent people are still executed though we don't realize it. Just because it hasn't been proven in one way or another, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Some people spend their whole lives in jail who are innocent, some spend years and years before being exonerated, and some are executed either never to be found innocent and found innocent after execution. It happens and there is always the chance of it happening, while there is no point to execution. It is cheaper to keep a man in prison for life than it is to execute him, and the death penalty does not work as a deterrent to crime.
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It is not that uncommon for people to be wrongly convicted. That is why we should all be against capital punishment, so we don't execute innocent people.

There's no perfect system, and you don't remove legitimate justice (execution) because of accidents/mistakes in the application of justice. This type of mistake is becoming particularly less prevalent as technology advances.
I brought up race and religion because I wonder if some people only care when a white Christian is wrongly convicted. If it is someone from a different race or religion, especially blacks and Muslims who seem to be hated widely on this board, does the OP or do others care?

Personally, I think it only bothers him and others like him because it is someone he can identify with: white and male. I doubt he'd be in such a fury if it was a black man and definitely not care if it were a Muslim man.

Are you kidding me? Are we on the same board? There are maybe one or two fringe people who hate blacks. More hate Muslims, I dont agree with them, but I certainly understand why considering we are at war.

But I've never seen anyone suggest that either group be unjustly treated or unfairly accused of crimes.

It's quite possible this man was a black man. I don't know. But I see absolutely no reason to assume that the OP wouldn't care if he was.
It's funny how they are all so outraged about this, but when it comes to executing the wrong person, they don't give a snit. I wonder if this guy was black or white? Would the OP care at all if this guy was black, or Muslim?

When has the last wrong person been executed? I dont think it happens much anymore.

And why should race or religion of the man matter? Justice is blind to those things.

I brought up race and religion because I wonder if some people only care when a white Christian is wrongly convicted. If it is someone from a different race or religion, especially blacks and Muslims who seem to be hated widely on this board, does the OP or do others care?

Personally, I think it only bothers him and others like him because it is someone he can identify with: white and male. I doubt he'd be in such a fury if it was a black man and definitely not care if it were a Muslim man.

That you need to accuse others of racism tells us everything about your lack of substance. Also, why are you lumping racism (deplorable) in with antipathy people feel towards ideologies? Do you realise that Islam isn't a race? Is it racist to despise you because you are a communist who waxes sympathy over Islamists? Don't answer those questions, they're rhetorical.
I brought up race and religion because I wonder if some people only care when a white Christian is wrongly convicted. If it is someone from a different race or religion, especially blacks and Muslims who seem to be hated widely on this board, does the OP or do others care?

Personally, I think it only bothers him and others like him because it is someone he can identify with: white and male. I doubt he'd be in such a fury if it was a black man and definitely not care if it were a Muslim man.

Are you kidding me? Are we on the same board? There are maybe one or two fringe people who hate blacks. More hate Muslims, I dont agree with them, but I certainly understand why considering we are at war.

But I've never seen anyone suggest that either group be unjustly treated or unfairly accused of crimes.

It's quite possible this man was a black man. I don't know. But I see absolutely no reason to assume that the OP wouldn't care if he was.

She needs to fish for non-existent racism because that's just how vapid she is.

It is not that uncommon for people to be wrongly convicted. That is why we should all be against capital punishment, so we don't execute innocent people.

There's no perfect system, and you don't remove legitimate justice (execution) because of accidents/mistakes in the application of justice. This type of mistake is becoming particularly less prevalent as technology advances.

Very true. Which is why I asked when the last innocent person was executed.

I think if anything, we should probably use capital punishment more than we do. But for some reason the Supreme Court has ruled it's cruel and unusual punishment to do so for any crimes except very serious murder cases despite the fact that capital punishment has existed throughout the world since the begining of history. Some rapists, pedophiles, and Robbers should recieve capital punishment in certain circumstances.
You can't be angry at the girl, she was 8 years old at the time and wouldn't have understood the consequences.

And not for the next 8 years too. Bullshit. She needs to spend some time in a box now.
I brought up race and religion because I wonder if some people only care when a white Christian is wrongly convicted. If it is someone from a different race or religion, especially blacks and Muslims who seem to be hated widely on this board, does the OP or do others care?

Personally, I think it only bothers him and others like him because it is someone he can identify with: white and male. I doubt he'd be in such a fury if it was a black man and definitely not care if it were a Muslim man.

Are you kidding me? Are we on the same board? There are maybe one or two fringe people who hate blacks. More hate Muslims, I dont agree with them, but I certainly understand why considering we are at war.

But I've never seen anyone suggest that either group be unjustly treated or unfairly accused of crimes.

It's quite possible this man was a black man. I don't know. But I see absolutely no reason to assume that the OP wouldn't care if he was.

I've never been anywhere or around such a group where there was so much deep seated, passionate, undesguised and vitriolic racism against blacks as there is here: and I am not some naive person who has never been out of her own home town--I've traveled around the States and in many parts of the world. I've lived in two big urban areas in the States and worked in companies with large populations of blacks, whites and other ethnicities,but I have never been around so many racists as I have met with on this message board. Saying there are few 'fringe' racists here is like saying Hitler only killed a hundred thousand Jews. It's the exact opposite of hyperbole.
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When has the last wrong person been executed? I dont think it happens much anymore.

And why should race or religion of the man matter? Justice is blind to those things.

I brought up race and religion because I wonder if some people only care when a white Christian is wrongly convicted. If it is someone from a different race or religion, especially blacks and Muslims who seem to be hated widely on this board, does the OP or do others care?

Personally, I think it only bothers him and others like him because it is someone he can identify with: white and male. I doubt he'd be in such a fury if it was a black man and definitely not care if it were a Muslim man.

That you need to accuse others of racism tells us everything about your lack of substance. Also, why are you lumping racism (deplorable) in with antipathy people feel towards ideologies? Do you realise that Islam isn't a race? Is it racist to despise you because you are a communist who waxes sympathy over Islamists? Don't answer those questions, they're rhetorical.

I never said or suggest Islam was a race. You have reading comprehension issues. I don't 'wax' sympathy for Islam, I hate racists and bigots. The fact you say 'waxes sympathy over Islamist' shows your bigotry. Your need to try to turn the tables on me for calling out the racists and bigots here shows YOUR lack of substance.
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I brought up race and religion because I wonder if some people only care when a white Christian is wrongly convicted. If it is someone from a different race or religion, especially blacks and Muslims who seem to be hated widely on this board, does the OP or do others care?

Personally, I think it only bothers him and others like him because it is someone he can identify with: white and male. I doubt he'd be in such a fury if it was a black man and definitely not care if it were a Muslim man.

Are you kidding me? Are we on the same board? There are maybe one or two fringe people who hate blacks. More hate Muslims, I dont agree with them, but I certainly understand why considering we are at war.

But I've never seen anyone suggest that either group be unjustly treated or unfairly accused of crimes.

It's quite possible this man was a black man. I don't know. But I see absolutely no reason to assume that the OP wouldn't care if he was.

I've never been anywhere or around such a group where there was so much deep and passionate racism against blacks as there are here: and I am not some naive person who has never been out of her own home town--I've traveled around the States and in many parts of the world. I've lived in two big urban areas in the States and worked in companies with large populations of blacks, whites and other ethnicities,but I have never been around so many racists as I have met with on this message board. Saying there are few 'fringe' racists here is like saying Hitler only killed a hundred thousand Jews. It's the exact opposite of hyperbole.
The liberal strategy: When you run out of argument, accuse someone of racism and compare them to Hitler. You libs need a new angle.
Are you kidding me? Are we on the same board? There are maybe one or two fringe people who hate blacks. More hate Muslims, I dont agree with them, but I certainly understand why considering we are at war.

But I've never seen anyone suggest that either group be unjustly treated or unfairly accused of crimes.

It's quite possible this man was a black man. I don't know. But I see absolutely no reason to assume that the OP wouldn't care if he was.

I've never been anywhere or around such a group where there was so much deep and passionate racism against blacks as there are here: and I am not some naive person who has never been out of her own home town--I've traveled around the States and in many parts of the world. I've lived in two big urban areas in the States and worked in companies with large populations of blacks, whites and other ethnicities,but I have never been around so many racists as I have met with on this message board. Saying there are few 'fringe' racists here is like saying Hitler only killed a hundred thousand Jews. It's the exact opposite of hyperbole.
The liberal strategy: When you run out of argument, accuse someone of racism and compare them to Hitler. You libs need a new angle.

The conservative stratgies: !) A conservative moron tells an intelligent liberal she/he isn't 'too smart.' All that does is make us laugh. Do you have any idea how just plain funny and absurd it is to have a dimwit call an intelligent person stupid? You need to stop doing that cause they are just laughing at you. 2) The conservative right winger repeatedly says racists things and when called on it turns the tables and says it is the liberal who is the racist because he/she 'brought it up.' Cute trick (not) and it doesn't work on anyone but yourselves. You want to believe you're not a racist. In fact, you are so desperate to deny it, you turn it around on everyone else and say they are the racists. The bottom line is the people who are of the race or the ethnicity or religion or culture you don't like are damn certain you are a bigot and a racist, so, again, the only one you're fooling is yourself. The rest of us are laughing at you.
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The death penalty only has to be wrong once.

I don't believe in the death penalty because I don't believe the government should be able to kill me. I don't trust the government with that power.

It always amazes me when people who claim to hate "big government" and claim they can't do anything right, yet trust them with the death penalty.
I've never been anywhere or around such a group where there was so much deep and passionate racism against blacks as there are here: and I am not some naive person who has never been out of her own home town--I've traveled around the States and in many parts of the world. I've lived in two big urban areas in the States and worked in companies with large populations of blacks, whites and other ethnicities,but I have never been around so many racists as I have met with on this message board. Saying there are few 'fringe' racists here is like saying Hitler only killed a hundred thousand Jews. It's the exact opposite of hyperbole.
The liberal strategy: When you run out of argument, accuse someone of racism and compare them to Hitler. You libs need a new angle.

The conservative stratgies: !) A conservative moron tells an intelligent liberal she/he isn't 'too smart.' All that does is make us laugh. Do you have any idea how just plain funny and absurd it is to have a dimwit call an intelligent person stupid? You need to stop doing that cause they are just laughing at you. 2) The conservative right winger repeatedly says racists things and when called on it turns the tables and says it is the liberal who is the racist because he/she 'brought it up.' Cute trick (not) and it doesn't work on anyone but yourselves. You want to believe you're not a racist. In fact, you are so desperate to deny it, you turn it around on everyone else and say they are the racists. The bottom line is the people who are of the race or the ethnicity or religion or culture you don't like are damn certain you are a bigot and a racist, so, again, the only one you're fooling is yourself. The rest of us are laughing at you.
You may very well be the dumbest person on this forum. The intelligent members can look at your posts and see what I'm talking about, but I don't think you can see it. That's what's funny.
I've never been anywhere or around such a group where there was so much deep and passionate racism against blacks as there are here: and I am not some naive person who has never been out of her own home town--I've traveled around the States and in many parts of the world. I've lived in two big urban areas in the States and worked in companies with large populations of blacks, whites and other ethnicities,but I have never been around so many racists as I have met with on this message board. Saying there are few 'fringe' racists here is like saying Hitler only killed a hundred thousand Jews. It's the exact opposite of hyperbole.
The liberal strategy: When you run out of argument, accuse someone of racism and compare them to Hitler. You libs need a new angle.

The conservative stratgies: !) A conservative moron tells an intelligent liberal she/he isn't 'too smart.' All that does is make us laugh. Do you have any idea how just plain funny and absurd it is to have a dimwit call an intelligent person stupid? You need to stop doing that cause they are just laughing at you. 2) The conservative right winger repeatedly says racists things and when called on it turns the tables and says it is the liberal who is the racist because he/she 'brought it up.' Cute trick (not) and it doesn't work on anyone but yourselves. You want to believe you're not a racist. In fact, you are so desperate to deny it, you turn it around on everyone else and say they are the racists. The bottom line is the people who are of the race or the ethnicity or religion or culture you don't like are damn certain you are a bigot and a racist, so, again, the only one you're fooling is yourself. The rest of us are laughing at you.

1)Do you have any idea how just plain funny and absurd it is to have a dimwit call an intelligent person stupid?

Yes. I do. It's the standard playbook of the left.

2)The conservative right winger repeatedly says racists things and when called on it turns the tables and says it is the liberal who is the racist because he/she 'brought it up.'

You did bring it up. No one in this thread mentioned you did. and no one called you a racist. We simply pointed it out.

The truth isn't a cute trick. You need to stop jumping at shadows that aren't there.

And you'd have to work hard to find someone of a race or ethnicity I don't like. When you find one, let me know.
The death penalty only has to be wrong once.

I don't believe in the death penalty because I don't believe the government should be able to kill me. I don't trust the government with that power.

It always amazes me when people who claim to hate "big government" and claim they can't do anything right, yet trust them with the death penalty.

Yet you trust them with the power to determine your health care.

There is a reason we have a Constitution that limits the power of the government to take a life to when the person has had due process. It's precisely because we don't trust the government. We trust the people and justice.
You may very well be the dumbest person on this forum. The intelligent members can look at your posts and see what I'm talking about, but I don't think you can see it. That's what's funny.

I see exactly what you are talking about, but she would have to work pretty hard to be the dumbest person on this forum with so many downright stupid people around on either side of the aisle.
The death penalty only has to be wrong once.

I don't believe in the death penalty because I don't believe the government should be able to kill me. I don't trust the government with that power.

It always amazes me when people who claim to hate "big government" and claim they can't do anything right, yet trust them with the death penalty.

Yet you trust them with the power to determine your health care.

I do? That's news to me.

There is a reason we have a Constitution that limits the power of the government to take a life to when the person has had due process. It's precisely because we don't trust the government. We trust the people and justice.

My argument against capital punishment is moral, not Constitutional.

I trust "the people" less than I trust the government.

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