Man served 10 years for rape he didn't commit

Black, white, green, doesn't matter the color of this poor guys skin. What matters is a woman used her daughter to put away the man she had that daughter with...and it worked. She then died and the daughter came clean at 15? Why did she wait so long? Shame on her. She was old enough by then to know right from wrong.

Women use this often when divorce is in the picture. And most believe the woman, so the man goes to jail and is ruined forever by being branded a child molester or rapist. When it comes out that the woman lied...SHE needs to take the place of the man and thrown in jail.
Black, white, green, doesn't matter the color of this poor guys skin. What matters is a woman used her daughter to put away the man she had that daughter with...and it worked. She then died and the daughter came clean at 15? Why did she wait so long? Shame on her. She was old enough by then to know right from wrong.

Women use this often when divorce is in the picture. And most believe the woman, so the man goes to jail and is ruined forever by being branded a child molester or rapist. When it comes out that the woman lied...SHE needs to take the place of the man and thrown in jail.

And then instead of losing a father to lies, the children would lose their mother as well. Either way, they are bereft of a parent.

Perhaps forgiveness would be a better way. Not at all easily. It could be a very bitter cup. But forgiving the ex would create more harmony and peace in the family. And the children could have both parents in their life.
Are you kidding me? Are we on the same board? There are maybe one or two fringe people who hate blacks. More hate Muslims, I dont agree with them, but I certainly understand why considering we are at war.

But I've never seen anyone suggest that either group be unjustly treated or unfairly accused of crimes.

It's quite possible this man was a black man. I don't know. But I see absolutely no reason to assume that the OP wouldn't care if he was.

I've never been anywhere or around such a group where there was so much deep and passionate racism against blacks as there are here: and I am not some naive person who has never been out of her own home town--I've traveled around the States and in many parts of the world. I've lived in two big urban areas in the States and worked in companies with large populations of blacks, whites and other ethnicities,but I have never been around so many racists as I have met with on this message board. Saying there are few 'fringe' racists here is like saying Hitler only killed a hundred thousand Jews. It's the exact opposite of hyperbole.
The liberal strategy: When you run out of argument, accuse someone of racism and compare them to Hitler. You libs need a new angle.

You're the asshat who declared me a "racist" for the observation that the Fox Noise audience is predominantly white, so clearly you don't know racism from your ass, clown.
I brought up race and religion because I wonder if some people only care when a white Christian is wrongly convicted. If it is someone from a different race or religion, especially blacks and Muslims who seem to be hated widely on this board, does the OP or do others care?

Personally, I think it only bothers him and others like him because it is someone he can identify with: white and male. I doubt he'd be in such a fury if it was a black man and definitely not care if it were a Muslim man.

Are you kidding me? Are we on the same board? There are maybe one or two fringe people who hate blacks. More hate Muslims, I dont agree with them, but I certainly understand why considering we are at war.

But I've never seen anyone suggest that either group be unjustly treated or unfairly accused of crimes.

It's quite possible this man was a black man. I don't know. But I see absolutely no reason to assume that the OP wouldn't care if he was.

We are at war with black people and Muslims? News to me.

"Maybe one or two" huh? You don't read the board much.
I brought up race and religion because I wonder if some people only care when a white Christian is wrongly convicted. If it is someone from a different race or religion, especially blacks and Muslims who seem to be hated widely on this board, does the OP or do others care?

Personally, I think it only bothers him and others like him because it is someone he can identify with: white and male. I doubt he'd be in such a fury if it was a black man and definitely not care if it were a Muslim man.

Are you kidding me? Are we on the same board? There are maybe one or two fringe people who hate blacks. More hate Muslims, I dont agree with them, but I certainly understand why considering we are at war.

But I've never seen anyone suggest that either group be unjustly treated or unfairly accused of crimes.

It's quite possible this man was a black man. I don't know. But I see absolutely no reason to assume that the OP wouldn't care if he was.

I've never been anywhere or around such a group where there was so much deep seated, passionate, undesguised and vitriolic racism against blacks as there is here: and I am not some naive person who has never been out of her own home town--I've traveled around the States and in many parts of the world. I've lived in two big urban areas in the States and worked in companies with large populations of blacks, whites and other ethnicities,but I have never been around so many racists as I have met with on this message board. Saying there are few 'fringe' racists here is like saying Hitler only killed a hundred thousand Jews. It's the exact opposite of hyperbole.

in case you haven't noticed there is quite a bit of vitriolic racism against whites here.

hint: look in the mirror
Black, white, green, doesn't matter the color of this poor guys skin. What matters is a woman used her daughter to put away the man she had that daughter with...and it worked. She then died and the daughter came clean at 15? Why did she wait so long? Shame on her. She was old enough by then to know right from wrong.

Women use this often when divorce is in the picture. And most believe the woman, so the man goes to jail and is ruined forever by being branded a child molester or rapist. When it comes out that the woman lied...SHE needs to take the place of the man and thrown in jail.

And then instead of losing a father to lies, the children would lose their mother as well. Either way, they are bereft of a parent.

Perhaps forgiveness would be a better way. Not at all easily. It could be a very bitter cup. But forgiving the ex would create more harmony and peace in the family. And the children could have both parents in their life.


I actually repped this post for its open-hearted high idealism. But I had to retract it when I saw this from the same poster:

1)Do you have any idea how just plain funny and absurd it is to have a dimwit call an intelligent person stupid?

Yes. I do. It's the standard playbook of the left.

Sorry but anyone dim enough to fling fallacies like that has no standing to append "dimwit" to others.
It is not that uncommon for people to be wrongly convicted. That is why we should all be against capital punishment, so we don't execute innocent people.

There's no perfect system, and you don't remove legitimate justice (execution) because of accidents/mistakes in the application of justice. This type of mistake is becoming particularly less prevalent as technology advances.

Very true. Which is why I asked when the last innocent person was executed.

I think if anything, we should probably use capital punishment more than we do. But for some reason the Supreme Court has ruled it's cruel and unusual punishment to do so for any crimes except very serious murder cases despite the fact that capital punishment has existed throughout the world since the begining of history. Some rapists, pedophiles, and Robbers should recieve capital punishment in certain circumstances.

Aren't accidents/mistakes with execution EXACTLY the reason to remove it? There can never be any kind of restitution or redress after someone is wrongly executed.

Whether it can be proven that anyone was wrongly executed recently or not is besides the point. Unless one believes the justice system is flawless, the possibility exists for wrongful execution. That possibility is enough to be against execution, if one believes that the executing of an innocent person outweighs the executing of criminals.

I also wonder what execution being a common form of punishment throughout history has to do with the subject. That it's been common in our past doesn't make it a good idea by any stretch of the imagination.
I brought up race and religion because I wonder if some people only care when a white Christian is wrongly convicted. If it is someone from a different race or religion, especially blacks and Muslims who seem to be hated widely on this board, does the OP or do others care?

Personally, I think it only bothers him and others like him because it is someone he can identify with: white and male. I doubt he'd be in such a fury if it was a black man and definitely not care if it were a Muslim man.

Are you kidding me? Are we on the same board? There are maybe one or two fringe people who hate blacks. More hate Muslims, I dont agree with them, but I certainly understand why considering we are at war.

But I've never seen anyone suggest that either group be unjustly treated or unfairly accused of crimes.

It's quite possible this man was a black man. I don't know. But I see absolutely no reason to assume that the OP wouldn't care if he was.

We are at war with black people and Muslims? News to me.

"Maybe one or two" huh? You don't read the board much.

We are at war with Islamic Extremists. or havent you been paying attention to the news since before 9/11?
Black, white, green, doesn't matter the color of this poor guys skin. What matters is a woman used her daughter to put away the man she had that daughter with...and it worked. She then died and the daughter came clean at 15? Why did she wait so long? Shame on her. She was old enough by then to know right from wrong.

Women use this often when divorce is in the picture. And most believe the woman, so the man goes to jail and is ruined forever by being branded a child molester or rapist. When it comes out that the woman lied...SHE needs to take the place of the man and thrown in jail.

And then instead of losing a father to lies, the children would lose their mother as well. Either way, they are bereft of a parent.

Perhaps forgiveness would be a better way. Not at all easily. It could be a very bitter cup. But forgiving the ex would create more harmony and peace in the family. And the children could have both parents in their life.


I actually repped this post for its open-hearted high idealism. But I had to retract it when I saw this from the same poster:

1)Do you have any idea how just plain funny and absurd it is to have a dimwit call an intelligent person stupid?

Yes. I do. It's the standard playbook of the left.

Sorry but anyone dim enough to fling fallacies like that has no standing to append "dimwit" to others.

Alright then find me a Republican candidate for president the left hasnt simply labeled stupid even when they got better grades then the Democrats running against them.
There's no perfect system, and you don't remove legitimate justice (execution) because of accidents/mistakes in the application of justice. This type of mistake is becoming particularly less prevalent as technology advances.

Very true. Which is why I asked when the last innocent person was executed.

I think if anything, we should probably use capital punishment more than we do. But for some reason the Supreme Court has ruled it's cruel and unusual punishment to do so for any crimes except very serious murder cases despite the fact that capital punishment has existed throughout the world since the begining of history. Some rapists, pedophiles, and Robbers should recieve capital punishment in certain circumstances.

Aren't accidents/mistakes with execution EXACTLY the reason to remove it? There can never be any kind of restitution or redress after someone is wrongly executed.

Whether it can be proven that anyone was wrongly executed recently or not is besides the point. Unless one believes the justice system is flawless, the possibility exists for wrongful execution. That possibility is enough to be against execution, if one believes that the executing of an innocent person outweighs the executing of criminals.

I also wonder what execution being a common form of punishment throughout history has to do with the subject. That it's been common in our past doesn't make it a good idea by any stretch of the imagination.

Whether you think it's a good idea or not is irrelavant. But the fact that it's common throughout history makes the argument that it's "cruel and unusual punishment" completely incorrect.

There is restitution and redress. It just doesn't come from the government.
Very true. Which is why I asked when the last innocent person was executed.

I think if anything, we should probably use capital punishment more than we do. But for some reason the Supreme Court has ruled it's cruel and unusual punishment to do so for any crimes except very serious murder cases despite the fact that capital punishment has existed throughout the world since the begining of history. Some rapists, pedophiles, and Robbers should recieve capital punishment in certain circumstances.

Aren't accidents/mistakes with execution EXACTLY the reason to remove it? There can never be any kind of restitution or redress after someone is wrongly executed.

Whether it can be proven that anyone was wrongly executed recently or not is besides the point. Unless one believes the justice system is flawless, the possibility exists for wrongful execution. That possibility is enough to be against execution, if one believes that the executing of an innocent person outweighs the executing of criminals.

I also wonder what execution being a common form of punishment throughout history has to do with the subject. That it's been common in our past doesn't make it a good idea by any stretch of the imagination.

Whether you think it's a good idea or not is irrelavant. But the fact that it's common throughout history makes the argument that it's "cruel and unusual punishment" completely incorrect.

There is restitution and redress. It just doesn't come from the government.

Well, whether it is cruel and unusual is entirely subjective. Considering how far other judgements and morals have changed over time, the fact that executions have gone on throughout history is still not an extremely compelling argument one way or another. It may not be unusual but still be considered cruel. But I didn't realize that was the point you were making, sorry for the misread.

I assume you are speaking of god and the afterlife when you say there is restitution and redress.
Whether there is some form of redress in an afterlife doesn't seem particularly relevant to a discussion of justice and executions performed by the government, especially a secular government.
More, that there may be redress for the wrongs done after death could be used as an excuse to execute anyone and everyone; if the executions were performed wrongly, well, don't worry, the people will be recompensed in the afterlife! Now put the next one on the table. :tongue:
Are you kidding me? Are we on the same board? There are maybe one or two fringe people who hate blacks. More hate Muslims, I dont agree with them, but I certainly understand why considering we are at war.

But I've never seen anyone suggest that either group be unjustly treated or unfairly accused of crimes.

It's quite possible this man was a black man. I don't know. But I see absolutely no reason to assume that the OP wouldn't care if he was.

We are at war with black people and Muslims? News to me.

"Maybe one or two" huh? You don't read the board much.

We are at war with Islamic Extremists. or havent you been paying attention to the news since before 9/11?

That's not what your prior post said, or don't you read your own stuff?

There are maybe one or two fringe people who hate blacks. More hate Muslims, I dont agree with them, but I certainly understand why considering we are at war.

-- means it's "understandable" to hate blacks and Muslims because we are at war. The inevitable conclusion is "with them" Now you're changing the direct object from "blacks and Muslims" to "extremists". That's a completely different thing.
And then instead of losing a father to lies, the children would lose their mother as well. Either way, they are bereft of a parent.

Perhaps forgiveness would be a better way. Not at all easily. It could be a very bitter cup. But forgiving the ex would create more harmony and peace in the family. And the children could have both parents in their life.


I actually repped this post for its open-hearted high idealism. But I had to retract it when I saw this from the same poster:

Yes. I do. It's the standard playbook of the left.

Sorry but anyone dim enough to fling fallacies like that has no standing to append "dimwit" to others.

Alright then find me a Republican candidate for president the left hasnt simply labeled ...

I see the point sailed blissfully and completely over your head.


Let me guess -- "the left" all look alike to you, right?
Last edited:
I brought up race and religion because I wonder if some people only care when a white Christian is wrongly convicted. If it is someone from a different race or religion, especially blacks and Muslims who seem to be hated widely on this board, does the OP or do others care?

Personally, I think it only bothers him and others like him because it is someone he can identify with: white and male. I doubt he'd be in such a fury if it was a black man and definitely not care if it were a Muslim man.

Are you kidding me? Are we on the same board? There are maybe one or two fringe people who hate blacks. More hate Muslims, I dont agree with them, but I certainly understand why considering we are at war.

But I've never seen anyone suggest that either group be unjustly treated or unfairly accused of crimes.

It's quite possible this man was a black man. I don't know. But I see absolutely no reason to assume that the OP wouldn't care if he was.

I realize the term racism is bandied about USMB pretty frequently and should be taken with a large grain of salt.

I assure you, however, a brief perusal of the race relations forum will provide more than one or two examples of pretty open bigotry and racism. Most commonly I've seen anti-black, but there is more than enough anti-white as well. Strangely, not much discussion comes up regarding other races. :confused:

On the other hand, you may be better off if you don't visit that particular forum. :tongue:
We are at war with black people and Muslims? News to me.

"Maybe one or two" huh? You don't read the board much.

We are at war with Islamic Extremists. or havent you been paying attention to the news since before 9/11?

That's not what your prior post said, or don't you read your own stuff?

There are maybe one or two fringe people who hate blacks. More hate Muslims, I dont agree with them, but I certainly understand why considering we are at war.

-- means it's "understandable" to hate blacks and Muslims because we are at war. The inevitable conclusion is "with them" Now you're changing the direct object from "blacks and Muslims" to "extremists". That's a completely different thing.
Talk about twisting someone's words!
We are at war with Islamic Extremists. or havent you been paying attention to the news since before 9/11?

That's not what your prior post said, or don't you read your own stuff?

There are maybe one or two fringe people who hate blacks. More hate Muslims, I dont agree with them, but I certainly understand why considering we are at war.

-- means it's "understandable" to hate blacks and Muslims because we are at war. The inevitable conclusion is "with them" Now you're changing the direct object from "blacks and Muslims" to "extremists". That's a completely different thing.
Talk about twisting someone's words!


Oh that's right -- you can't. I'm gonna get the same crickets I got on the question of how the demographics of Fox Noise viewership amount to "racism".

That's not what your prior post said, or don't you read your own stuff?

-- means it's "understandable" to hate blacks and Muslims because we are at war. The inevitable conclusion is "with them" Now you're changing the direct object from "blacks and Muslims" to "extremists". That's a completely different thing.
Talk about twisting someone's words!


Oh that's right -- you can't. I'm gonna get the same crickets I got on the question of how the demographics of Fox Noise viewership amount to "racism".

It's self-explanatory.
Aren't accidents/mistakes with execution EXACTLY the reason to remove it? There can never be any kind of restitution or redress after someone is wrongly executed.

Whether it can be proven that anyone was wrongly executed recently or not is besides the point. Unless one believes the justice system is flawless, the possibility exists for wrongful execution. That possibility is enough to be against execution, if one believes that the executing of an innocent person outweighs the executing of criminals.

I also wonder what execution being a common form of punishment throughout history has to do with the subject. That it's been common in our past doesn't make it a good idea by any stretch of the imagination.

Whether you think it's a good idea or not is irrelavant. But the fact that it's common throughout history makes the argument that it's "cruel and unusual punishment" completely incorrect.

There is restitution and redress. It just doesn't come from the government.

Well, whether it is cruel and unusual is entirely subjective. Considering how far other judgements and morals have changed over time, the fact that executions have gone on throughout history is still not an extremely compelling argument one way or another. It may not be unusual but still be considered cruel. But I didn't realize that was the point you were making, sorry for the misread.

I assume you are speaking of god and the afterlife when you say there is restitution and redress.
Whether there is some form of redress in an afterlife doesn't seem particularly relevant to a discussion of justice and executions performed by the government, especially a secular government.
More, that there may be redress for the wrongs done after death could be used as an excuse to execute anyone and everyone; if the executions were performed wrongly, well, don't worry, the people will be recompensed in the afterlife! Now put the next one on the table. :tongue:

The standard is Cruel and Unusual. Not cruel or unusual

I suppose you could use that logic to kill people if you completely ignore everything else God taught about loving our neighbors and such.

Capital punishment is justice at times.
We are at war with black people and Muslims? News to me.

"Maybe one or two" huh? You don't read the board much.

We are at war with Islamic Extremists. or havent you been paying attention to the news since before 9/11?

That's not what your prior post said, or don't you read your own stuff?

There are maybe one or two fringe people who hate blacks. More hate Muslims, I dont agree with them, but I certainly understand why considering we are at war.

-- means it's "understandable" to hate blacks and Muslims because we are at war. The inevitable conclusion is "with them" Now you're changing the direct object from "blacks and Muslims" to "extremists". That's a completely different thing.

I know what I wrote. I wrote it. The fact that you cannot understand grammar and feel the need to link it to another sentence doesn't change what I said.

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