Venezuelan gangs <3 Biden/Harris!

The Mayor blames federal policies for creating the situation in Aurora as the gang take over more and more properties.

If you want to know where the next American civil war is going to come from, here's a peek at the future.
Venezuela cleared their jails and sent them to America

Thanks to Mayorkas, Biden, Harris Govenots Newsom, Abbott and the MS-13 gal in AZ

Here is Aurora, CO today

G-d willing, Trump wins, declares a National Emergency and deports the gangs and the politicians who supported them

Send them all in the same C-130s to CETCO in El Salvador


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My DD214 says otherwise.

But my point stands. This is more Republican fear-mongering, where a slumlord is trying to blame immigrants for his property mismanagement.

So the videos of them breaking into apartments, guns drawn, were all staged? You idiot.
My DD214 says otherwise.

But my point stands. This is more Republican fear-mongering, where a slumlord is trying to blame immigrants for his property mismanagement.
As usual your point is a manufactured lie. the property mangaement had nothing to do with the criminal acts

You are a fraud who never served motherfucker

We proved that fact long ago
So what kind of business is this guy doing with a Fro-pick in his hair? I guess he claims to be a videographer, but man, you'd think if he did that for a living, he'd be more professional than having a fro-pick in his hair and using a bunch of profanity.

He doesn't live in the Apartment complex in question.

I don't speak for anyone but myself...

But the apartment complex in question is one the city is shutting down because it's a rat-infested building that the owners haven't bothered to keep up. They had problems long before the Venezuelans showed up.
Every time I think you can't get dumber, you squeeze out a jewel like this. Had ANYONE else posted that, you would instantly get on your hind legs and squeal RACIST! for three days.
And Joe right on cue doing everything he can to defend these Venezuelan gangs.
Joe B is NOT a good American.
Joey is evil. Joey is the purest, darkest example of undiluted evil ever seen on this site. Joey is on the level of Lavernty Beria, or Vasily Blohkin.
So the videos of them breaking into apartments, guns drawn, were all staged? You idiot.
Joey will look at a turd, insist it's a diamond, and just keep repeating that claim for days.
That is a very white-centric concept of what professionalism is.
Nobody can do that better than Joey!

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