Man stabbed to death on D.C. Train...luckily no guns involved, he still died though.....ha


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Apparently a man was stabbed to death when he resisted a knife armed robber. fortunately D.C. Gun control laws worked and not one law abiding citizen on the train had a gun to stop the attack. congratulations...gun control worked like a charm, it kept guns out of the hands of the peaceful good guys.....of course the violent criminal used a knife to kill the man.....but least he didn't use a gun to do it.

Now the lefty hand wringers are asking "Why didn't anyone try to help the victim as he was being brutally stabbed?" What exactly were people who are trained to be helpless supposed to do...the people of D.C. Have been told that the police are the only ones who should have guns, so only they can deal with violent why should they intervene?

Witnesses to fatal stabbing on D.C. Metro train watched it unfold - CBS News

Police documents indicate at least four witnesses on the car were interviewed about what they saw, describing a brutal attack. One witness says she saw the attacker try to take something from Sutherland and that a struggle ensued. The attacker then began punching Sutherland repeatedly while he cried out for help. While Sutherland lay on the floor bleeding, the attacker threw a cellphone at Sutherland and then began to rob others on the train, according to witnesses, before running away.
this is why we have gun crime....this asshole was arrested 2 days before on another robbery charge...and it was knocked down to a misdemeanor and he was released......

Former intern of Conn. Rep. Himes killed on DC subway on Fourth arrest made Fox News

Spires had been arrested two days earlier in connection with an attempted robbery, according to police and court records obtained by The Washington Post. But Spires was released Friday when the charge was amended to a misdemeanor and new charges of assault were added, according to the newspaper.

I wonder what weapon he used to commit the robbery 2 days before...? And how about we keep anyone who uses a weapon locked up until about that for common sense gun control...and weapon control...and violent criminal control?
I read about this. The guy who was murdered was a progtard....damn let me try and find that article. It was brilliant
I read about this. The guy who was murdered was a progtard....damn let me try and find that article. It was brilliant

It is sad....but technically, if he was a libtard then he was killed by the very policies he championed........I am sure he was all for gun control in he died as he lived......
Apparently a man was stabbed to death when he resisted a knife armed robber. fortunately D.C. Gun control laws worked and not one law abiding citizen on the train had a gun to stop the attack. congratulations...gun control worked like a charm, it kept guns out of the hands of the peaceful good guys.....of course the violent criminal used a knife to kill the man.....but least he didn't use a gun to do it.

Now the lefty hand wringers are asking "Why didn't anyone try to help the victim as he was being brutally stabbed?" What exactly were people who are trained to be helpless supposed to do...the people of D.C. Have been told that the police are the only ones who should have guns, so only they can deal with violent why should they intervene?

Witnesses to fatal stabbing on D.C. Metro train watched it unfold - CBS News

Police documents indicate at least four witnesses on the car were interviewed about what they saw, describing a brutal attack. One witness says she saw the attacker try to take something from Sutherland and that a struggle ensued. The attacker then began punching Sutherland repeatedly while he cried out for help. While Sutherland lay on the floor bleeding, the attacker threw a cellphone at Sutherland and then began to rob others on the train, according to witnesses, before running away.
You're right we are lucky there was no gun involved. How many more could have died?
Found it....

What Flashes Through the Mind of a White Progressive When He’s Being Stabbed To Death By One of His Wards?

A progressive who worked hard fundraising, so that cities could become progressive shitholes, has been stabbed to death by a “black life that mattered.”

I’m elevating a reader’s comment to its own post. “Curious” wondered aloud about what could have gone through this guy”s mind during his final seconds.

So, as the gang of five youths rambled rambunctiously into the train, do you think any little red flags were raised inside Sutherland’s head? Did he feel guilt for having such thoughts?

When they approached him, did he flinch in apprehension and did he feel guilty about that? Did he castigate himself for his paranoid white privilege?

Did he frantically wonder about how he could tell these poor victims that he understood them; that he was not like all the other white people in the car, in the city, in the country? That, of them all, he walked the walk, talked the talk, and worked hard as hell for them. For them. Each and every one.

Did he wonder how he could let them know all of that without insulting them, without hurting their feelings, without leaving them with one more racist micro-agressive memory of a white man?

As the assailant tried to steal his phone, did he lament the poor youth’s decision–did he warn him he was fulfilling a vicious paranoid right wing fantasy about black people?

Or did he just fight for his phone, not even having the sophistication to understand he had provoked this young man with his affluence, his wealth, his whiteness?

And when the killer pulled his knife, did he think, Not me! He can’t really be threatening me with that, can he? I’m not like other white people!

And after the first cut, and the tenth cut, and the thirtieth cut and the fortieth cut, did he think…did he think…did he think…

Read more at Page 3 Page 3
Apparently a man was stabbed to death when he resisted a knife armed robber. fortunately D.C. Gun control laws worked and not one law abiding citizen on the train had a gun to stop the attack. congratulations...gun control worked like a charm, it kept guns out of the hands of the peaceful good guys.....of course the violent criminal used a knife to kill the man.....but least he didn't use a gun to do it.

Now the lefty hand wringers are asking "Why didn't anyone try to help the victim as he was being brutally stabbed?" What exactly were people who are trained to be helpless supposed to do...the people of D.C. Have been told that the police are the only ones who should have guns, so only they can deal with violent why should they intervene?

Witnesses to fatal stabbing on D.C. Metro train watched it unfold - CBS News

Police documents indicate at least four witnesses on the car were interviewed about what they saw, describing a brutal attack. One witness says she saw the attacker try to take something from Sutherland and that a struggle ensued. The attacker then began punching Sutherland repeatedly while he cried out for help. While Sutherland lay on the floor bleeding, the attacker threw a cellphone at Sutherland and then began to rob others on the train, according to witnesses, before running away.
You're right we are lucky there was no gun involved. How many more could have died?

According to the criminal...and one life could have been saved.......if you did some research you would find that normal people handle themselves extremely well in these situations and often end these things without firing a shot....when the asshole started robbing the guy, a good person with a gun could have stopped it and simply held the thug for police...instead, a man was stabbed to death and the criminal got away.......
Found it....

What Flashes Through the Mind of a White Progressive When He’s Being Stabbed To Death By One of His Wards?

A progressive who worked hard fundraising, so that cities could become progressive shitholes, has been stabbed to death by a “black life that mattered.”

I’m elevating a reader’s comment to its own post. “Curious” wondered aloud about what could have gone through this guy”s mind during his final seconds.

So, as the gang of five youths rambled rambunctiously into the train, do you think any little red flags were raised inside Sutherland’s head? Did he feel guilt for having such thoughts?

When they approached him, did he flinch in apprehension and did he feel guilty about that? Did he castigate himself for his paranoid white privilege?

Did he frantically wonder about how he could tell these poor victims that he understood them; that he was not like all the other white people in the car, in the city, in the country? That, of them all, he walked the walk, talked the talk, and worked hard as hell for them. For them. Each and every one.

Did he wonder how he could let them know all of that without insulting them, without hurting their feelings, without leaving them with one more racist micro-agressive memory of a white man?

As the assailant tried to steal his phone, did he lament the poor youth’s decision–did he warn him he was fulfilling a vicious paranoid right wing fantasy about black people?

Or did he just fight for his phone, not even having the sophistication to understand he had provoked this young man with his affluence, his wealth, his whiteness?

And when the killer pulled his knife, did he think, Not me! He can’t really be threatening me with that, can he? I’m not like other white people!

And after the first cut, and the tenth cut, and the thirtieth cut and the fortieth cut, did he think…did he think…did he think…

Read more at Page 3

Was the killer part of a group? The news stories don't mention that....
Found it....

What Flashes Through the Mind of a White Progressive When He’s Being Stabbed To Death By One of His Wards?

A progressive who worked hard fundraising, so that cities could become progressive shitholes, has been stabbed to death by a “black life that mattered.”

I’m elevating a reader’s comment to its own post. “Curious” wondered aloud about what could have gone through this guy”s mind during his final seconds.

So, as the gang of five youths rambled rambunctiously into the train, do you think any little red flags were raised inside Sutherland’s head? Did he feel guilt for having such thoughts?

When they approached him, did he flinch in apprehension and did he feel guilty about that? Did he castigate himself for his paranoid white privilege?

Did he frantically wonder about how he could tell these poor victims that he understood them; that he was not like all the other white people in the car, in the city, in the country? That, of them all, he walked the walk, talked the talk, and worked hard as hell for them. For them. Each and every one.

Did he wonder how he could let them know all of that without insulting them, without hurting their feelings, without leaving them with one more racist micro-agressive memory of a white man?

As the assailant tried to steal his phone, did he lament the poor youth’s decision–did he warn him he was fulfilling a vicious paranoid right wing fantasy about black people?

Or did he just fight for his phone, not even having the sophistication to understand he had provoked this young man with his affluence, his wealth, his whiteness?

And when the killer pulled his knife, did he think, Not me! He can’t really be threatening me with that, can he? I’m not like other white people!

And after the first cut, and the tenth cut, and the thirtieth cut and the fortieth cut, did he think…did he think…did he think…

Read more at Page 3

Was the killer part of a group? The news stories don't mention that....

I think so. This was a popular article on that site, lot's of comments
What a loser. It's funny someone died? Next, you'll claim to be a Christian. Why not crawl under that rock you slithered from to post this piece of shit thread?

Look asshole....even libtards lives matter....his should have been saved by a good guy with a gun...
What a loser. It's funny someone died? Next, you'll claim to be a Christian. Why not crawl under that rock you slithered from to post this piece of shit thread?
Their glee tells us all we need to know. you here is frustration turned into resignation......this guy fought against everything we have pointed out...gun laws that only enable criminals, social and law enforcement policies that create these monsters.........and then he had the misfortune to run into one of his creations.....
So......two thirds of our murders use guns

And gun nuts rant that you are not allowed to do a thing about our largest source of murder until every other possible cause of murder is eliminated
So......two thirds of our murders use guns

And gun nuts rant that you are not allowed to do a thing about our largest source of murder until every other possible cause of murder is eliminated

Maybe if they locked up these criminals they wouldn't be able to leave jail, get on a train and stab a man to death.....which is pretty much what this guy did......

no guns involved......

Articles D.C Metro Murder Undermines Liberal Talking Points

Two days before murdering Sutherland, Spires was arrested by D.C. cops for violently attempting to rob another man, and assaulted police as they tried to take him in. Had he been killed by police in that incident, the recent high school grad, who also briefly attended a private college in North Carolina, would no doubt been treated by the press and the President like Martin, Brown or Freddy Gray up the road in Baltimore, as a promising young man who became a tragic victim of the police war against young black men. But Spires appears to have been uninjured by police despite his combativeness and small (5’5”) stature.

Local prosecutors then reduced charges and the police released him. Spires stopped by a D.C. police station and picked up his personal belongings from that arrest shortly before killing Sutherland.

Not only does this demolish the idea that police are out to get guys like Spires, it demonstrates just how lax the justice system is about dealing with violent criminals, whatever their race.

Spires was armed with a small folding knife, similar to that carried by Freddy Gray. In that case, Baltimore officials went out of their way to excuse Gray from carrying the knife, as if such things in the hands of repeat criminals hardly mattered. After all, knives don’t kill, guns do.

D.C. has some of the tightest gun control in the country, as does neighboring Maryland. Until a recent federal court ruling found it unconstitutional, D.C. banned private ownership of handguns and the right to carry. Since that ruling D.C. police instituted extremely strict guidelines on concealed carry permits, with recent reports indicating that a total of eight have been issued. So the likelihood that Spires would have met an armed victim in either of his attacks was nil.

This obvious fact, and the very public nature of Sutherland’s killing, has spawned a lot of second guessing in social media and talk radio, of the “what would you have done” variety, with not a few people pointing out that an armed civilian on the Metro car might have stopped the attack.

If Sutherland’s killing doesn’t outrage the liberal press, then such public commentary does. In an unusual move, the Washington Post’s July 10 edition moved the Petula Dvorak Metro column (she’s the paper’s reliably leftist suburban mom) to page one. Dvorak never misses a chance to excoriate gun owners or 2d Amendment advocates, “reporting” recently from a Virginia “death bazaar” (gun show) as if she were a foreign correspondent, openly scornful of vendors and attendees. In the July 10 column she ridiculed people who said that they would have intervened during the attack, and especially those that pointed out how useful a gun might have been in the situation, calling them “cowboys.” Her incisive analysis: that an armed passenger might have hit others with stray bullets or caused a hostage situation. How either result could have occurred, with all the terrified passengers crowed in one end of the car, while Spires stabbed and beat Sutherland to death in the other, she didn’t make clear, but maybe she thinks bullets have minds of their own and can go backwards? Or that a gun-wielding passenger would have held Spires hostage? Of course, she never considers that a passenger just producing a gun might have ended the incident peacefully and without any casualties.


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