Man threatened by cops for standing up for constitutional rights.

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Just a week or so ago...we had one of these nazi state checkpoints here...dumb fuck tweedle dum pig runs my license plate and says you have changed a lot since yer last license...I was like huh? He then gives me the wrong fucking name! This ass clown who we are supposed to respect and obey couldn't even copy a few numbers/letters and get the right person....holy shit...what a fucking idiot..I let him think that's who I point in letting oinky the pig know who I was...I then went home and let everyone same response this guy did overwhelmingly positive.
Just a week or so ago...we had one of these nazi state checkpoints here...dumb fuck tweedle dum pig runs my license plate and says you have changed a lot since yer last license...I was like huh? He then gives me the wrong fucking name! This ass clown who we are supposed to respect and obey couldn't even copy a few numbers/letters and get the right person....holy shit...what a fucking idiot..I let him think that's who I point in letting oinky the pig know who I was...I then went home and let everyone same response this guy did overwhelmingly positive.

Roughly translated, dude said " yessir, right away sir, yes I have sir, thank you sir, have an awesome day sir.
That article correctly pointed out that Checkpoints have been found Unconstitutional by the SCOTUS, but Americans stupidly Acquiesce anyway. Right Not Asserted Are Easily Taken Away by Authoritarians like that Oinker in the article.

Check your State's Laws, in most cases not showing a Pig your DL is NON ARRESTABLE Misdemeanor. Oh yer gonna' gonna' get a Warrant? Well then Good Luck with that!

Meanwhile am I free to go? No? Then I can only assume that I'm under some sort of Custodial Arrest. From here on out I'll just plead the 5th.

Pennsylvania HAS NO Stop and Identify Law.
That article correctly pointed out that Checkpoints have been found Unconstitutional by the SCOTUS, but Americans stupidly Acquiesce anyway. Right Not Asserted Are Easily Taken Away by Authoritarians like that Oinker in the article.

Check your State's Laws, in most cases not showing a Pig your DL is NON ARRESTABLE Misdemeanor. Oh yer gonna' gonna' get a Warrant? Well then Good Luck with that!

Meanwhile am I free to go? No? Then I can only assume that I'm under some sort of Custodial Arrest. From here on out I'll just plead the 5th.

Pennsylvania HAS NO Stop and Identify Law.

True dat, but is it worth the hassle ? A friend of mine got pulled for crossing through a parking lot to avoid a light. It was stupid, but it IS against the law, and he did do it right in front of a cop. He gave "super cop" a hard time about it, but in the end, he payed the ticket and turned a 15 min. ordeal into a two hour one, not to mention all the work some would miss fighting the good fight.
That article correctly pointed out that Checkpoints have been found Unconstitutional by the SCOTUS, but Americans stupidly Acquiesce anyway. Right Not Asserted Are Easily Taken Away by Authoritarians like that Oinker in the article.

Check your State's Laws, in most cases not showing a Pig your DL is NON ARRESTABLE Misdemeanor. Oh yer gonna' gonna' get a Warrant? Well then Good Luck with that!

Meanwhile am I free to go? No? Then I can only assume that I'm under some sort of Custodial Arrest. From here on out I'll just plead the 5th.

Pennsylvania HAS NO Stop and Identify Law.

True dat, but is it worth the hassle ? A friend of mine got pulled for crossing through a parking lot to avoid a light. It was stupid, but it IS against the law, and he did do it right in front of a cop. He gave "super cop" a hard time about it, but in the end, he payed the ticket and turned a 15 min. ordeal into a two hour one, not to mention all the work some would miss fighting the good fight.

Is it worth the "hassle"? Please.

And what you friend did is illegal in every state I've ever been to so it's hardly a good analogy.
That article correctly pointed out that Checkpoints have been found Unconstitutional by the SCOTUS, but Americans stupidly Acquiesce anyway. Right Not Asserted Are Easily Taken Away by Authoritarians like that Oinker in the article.

Check your State's Laws, in most cases not showing a Pig your DL is NON ARRESTABLE Misdemeanor. Oh yer gonna' gonna' get a Warrant? Well then Good Luck with that!

Meanwhile am I free to go? No? Then I can only assume that I'm under some sort of Custodial Arrest. From here on out I'll just plead the 5th.

Pennsylvania HAS NO Stop and Identify Law.

True dat, but is it worth the hassle ? A friend of mine got pulled for crossing through a parking lot to avoid a light. It was stupid, but it IS against the law, and he did do it right in front of a cop. He gave "super cop" a hard time about it, but in the end, he payed the ticket and turned a 15 min. ordeal into a two hour one, not to mention all the work some would miss fighting the good fight.

Is it worth the "hassle"? Please.

And what you friend did is illegal in every state I've ever been to so it's hardly a good analogy.

It was illegal, but in the end, the attitude cost him more. One needs to choose their battles wisely, and not look like a loon when fighting them.
True dat, but is it worth the hassle ? A friend of mine got pulled for crossing through a parking lot to avoid a light. It was stupid, but it IS against the law, and he did do it right in front of a cop. He gave "super cop" a hard time about it, but in the end, he payed the ticket and turned a 15 min. ordeal into a two hour one, not to mention all the work some would miss fighting the good fight.

Is it worth the "hassle"? Please.

And what you friend did is illegal in every state I've ever been to so it's hardly a good analogy.

It was illegal, but in the end, the attitude cost him more. One needs to choose their battles wisely, and not look like a loon when fighting them.

If nobody stands up individually then this crap will simply continue to grow until 1 day soldiers will replace law enforcement on your streets. As a matter of fact, that is already happening.
That article correctly pointed out that Checkpoints have been found Unconstitutional by the SCOTUS, but Americans stupidly Acquiesce anyway. Right Not Asserted Are Easily Taken Away by Authoritarians like that Oinker in the article.

Check your State's Laws, in most cases not showing a Pig your DL is NON ARRESTABLE Misdemeanor. Oh yer gonna' gonna' get a Warrant? Well then Good Luck with that!

Meanwhile am I free to go? No? Then I can only assume that I'm under some sort of Custodial Arrest. From here on out I'll just plead the 5th.

Pennsylvania HAS NO Stop and Identify Law.

True dat, but is it worth the hassle ? A friend of mine got pulled for crossing through a parking lot to avoid a light. It was stupid, but it IS against the law, and he did do it right in front of a cop. He gave "super cop" a hard time about it, but in the end, he payed the ticket and turned a 15 min. ordeal into a two hour one, not to mention all the work some would miss fighting the good fight.

Your friend hassled a cop for doing his job, which is stupid. The OP is about a cop hassling someone who didn't break a law, which is even stupider. The fact that you don't know the difference says a lot more about you than you realize.
There is a big difference between breaking an obvious law than laying down your rights at a blatantly unconstitutional check point. You wanna take it to the man? Resist but don't be a dumb ass like your dumb ass friend earlyretard.
One-man stand: Albemarle man resists police ID checkpoint ? Bearing Drift: Virginia's Conservative Voice

Constitution doesn't say we have to do it. Good enough for me. To hell with your police state.

Hey look, as long as you are not mexican, checking ID's is wrong.


You tell us. 100 miles north of the entire U.S. border in AZ is a constitution free zone where anyone, black, white, Hispanic or otherwise is subject to unconstitutional stops and seizures.
Last I heard all States required a license to operate a motor vehicle and many require proof of insurance. Seem like good laws to enforce to me. Isn't that what the police are paid for?
They can check them when they pull me over for an actual traffic offense then..stop wasting my time and money harassing innocent motorists...we don't call it Nazi Carolina for no truly is like living in a nazi state here.
One-man stand: Albemarle man resists police ID checkpoint ? Bearing Drift: Virginia's Conservative Voice

Constitution doesn't say we have to do it. Good enough for me. To hell with your police state.

Hey look, as long as you are not mexican, checking ID's is wrong.


Actually, the ACLU routinely advises illegal, and resident, aliens not to answer questions when they are asked about citizenship. No law actually requires them to answer, anymore than it requires you to do so.
One-man stand: Albemarle man resists police ID checkpoint ? Bearing Drift: Virginia's Conservative Voice

Constitution doesn't say we have to do it. Good enough for me. To hell with your police state.

Without rules...without police, there will be anarchy. Oh and the next time something happens to you, remember this post and DO NOT CALL 911.

Well seeing how you have NO CLUE what true anarchy is you wouldn't know. I guess we need to go check on all these small towns that no longer have a police department. Oh and I have NEVER needed to call 911. Don't see the need anytime in the future to do so either.

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