Man Tries to Pay Fine With Pennies, Court Says NO, Issues Warrant

which has what to do with the issue at hand?

oh yeah, right... it's you posting, so nada.


It actually has quite a bit to do with it, but I don't expect you to see it. You asked "what is he protesting?" Do you know? Do you have some inside information about the particulars of the ticket he received? Please, tells us the facts. We would all like to know why he is protesting. It's your chance. Go!
It actually has quite a bit to do with it, but I don't expect you to see it. You asked "what is he protesting?" Do you know? Do you have some inside information about the particulars of the ticket he received? Please, tells us the facts. We would all like to know why he is protesting. It's your chance. Go!

Honest? My problem with this is that I love courts. I love courtrooms. I love law. And I think this guy is a total and complete moron. I meant it when I said I was convinced that they should have just taken the pennies. But I also meant it when I said the guy's a jerk who's doing nothing but being an obnoxious spoiled brat with no respect for authority.

There's a method to deal with bad judges and bad decisions. I think you have to exhaust those before you pursue other options. This guy gained nothing except the right to tell a story proving he's a jerk.
Honest? My problem with this is that I love courts. I love courtrooms. I love law. And I think this guy is a total and complete moron. I meant it when I said I was convinced that they should have just taken the pennies. But I also meant it when I said the guy's a jerk who's doing nothing but being an obnoxious spoiled brat with no respect for authority.

There's a method to deal with bad judges and bad decisions. This guy gained nothing except the right to tell a story proving he's a jerk.

You don't know, you have no idea, you never had a clue. That's what I thought. I would put you on ignore, but your ignorance and the arrogance that comes with it is fascinating to watch.
You don't know, you have no idea, you never had a clue. That's what I thought. I would put you on ignore, but your ignorance and the arrogance that comes with it is fascinating to watch.

Those things are really funny coming from someone who could't argue his way out of a paper bag. Why don't you give us the honor of your superior insight and intellect. Your posts surely haven't indicated any, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
You don't know, you have no idea, you never had a clue. That's what I thought. I would put you on ignore, but your ignorance and the arrogance that comes with it is fascinating to watch.

thanks for taking the high road.
thanks for taking the high road.

You have no idea. Jillian used to neg rep me all the time because she thought I was a Bush supporter. And here she is getting upset at a guy who is protesting a ticket and she has no idea why he is protesting. Pure arrogance. At first I thought she was a troll, but obviously I was mistaken.
It seems to me that both have chips on their shoulders and need to cool it and start acting like responsible adults and stop wasting each others time. Sheesh.
You have no idea. Jillian used to neg rep me all the time because she thought I was a Bush supporter. And here she is getting upset at a guy who is protesting a ticket and she has no idea why he is protesting. Pure arrogance. At first I thought she was a troll, but obviously I was mistaken.

I negged you "all the time" for being a Bush supporter? Ummmmmmm... there were lots of Bush supporters here. I don't neg them.

In fact, if I negged you at all, I'm guessing it wasn't real frequent. I'm hard-pressed to rmemeber negging you at all. Though if I did, it would never have been for politics. Maybe your delivery? You know, being a jerk has it's rewards, right?

I do know I've pos repped you, though.

You're losing it today, aren't you?
You have no idea. Jillian used to neg rep me all the time because she thought I was a Bush supporter. And here she is getting upset at a guy who is protesting a ticket and she has no idea why he is protesting. Pure arrogance. At first I thought she was a troll, but obviously I was mistaken.

I'm trying real hard NOT to neg you, with the whining and all. Seriously, debate Jillian or stfu. - Warrant Issued For New Jersey Man Frank Gilberti Paying Traffic Fine With Pennies

Last time I checked, pennies were legal tender for ALL debts. There is no legal basis for this court's move whatsoever. Not accepting the pennies for payment was bad enough, but issuing a warrant for arrest??

What is this country coming to?

This man is an idiot. He went to the bank and got some pennies? Why didn't he go to the bank and get actual cash, instead of cheap pennies? The fact he went to the bank and got the pennies tells me he intended to pay with pennies. The fact he intended to pay with pennies tells me he decided to stir the shit.

Pay with cash, moron.
This man is an idiot. He went to the bank and got some pennies? Why didn't he go to the bank and get actual cash, instead of cheap pennies? The fact he went to the bank and got the pennies tells me he intended to pay with pennies. The fact he intended to pay with pennies tells me he decided to stir the shit.

Pay with cash, moron.

Pennies ARE cash.
You have no idea. Jillian used to neg rep me all the time because she thought I was a Bush supporter. And here she is getting upset at a guy who is protesting a ticket and she has no idea why he is protesting. Pure arrogance. At first I thought she was a troll, but obviously I was mistaken.

Honest? My problem with this is that I love courts. I love courtrooms. I love law. And I think this guy is a total and complete moron. I meant it when I said I was convinced that they should have just taken the pennies. But I also meant it when I said the guy's a jerk who's doing nothing but being an obnoxious spoiled brat with no respect for authority.

There's a method to deal with bad judges and bad decisions. I think you have to exhaust those before you pursue other options. This guy gained nothing except the right to tell a story proving he's a jerk.

I'll warn ya ahead of time Jill, I'm not going to make a habit of this... but I agree with you. The guy was a moron. He got a ticket he felt that for some reason or another was unjustified, so he wanted to fuck the court back, and in his infinite wisdom thought paying his fine in pennies was somehow going to "get the court back". The guy is an idiot.

But if I thought the judge was outside of his powers to order the pennies denied as payment, it doesn't take much to also have a judge investigated for abuse of powers. I've done it, and had an old decision changed. The judge wasn't removed but he was admonished plus a big black spot on his honors career.
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