Man who called Dems "parasites" on billboard receives welfare millions

Score me incredibly bored from arguing with a nitwit, while mildly amused over the irony of someone who taunts like a child should accuse anyone else of acting childlike. :doubt:
It looks like another welfare queen republican doesn't like Dems

'Party of Parasites' author took $1M in farm subsidies -

'Party of Parasites' author took $1M in farm subsidies

The Raytown farmer who posted a sign on a semi-truck trailer accusing Democrats of being the “Party of Parasites” received more than $1 million in federal crop subsidies since 1995.

But David Jungerman says the payouts don’t contradict the sign he put up in a corn field in Bates County along U.S. 71 Highway.

gee, i bet he got an income tax return every once in a while too. how does being entitiled to receiving farm subsidies make him a "welfare queen republican"?

and exactly who was in control of the white house when he started getting his 1 million in subsidies? :lol:

(did you really expect him to say "no. i dont want the money. let the government keep it."?!!)
It looks like another welfare queen republican doesn't like Dems

'Party of Parasites' author took $1M in farm subsidies -

'Party of Parasites' author took $1M in farm subsidies

The Raytown farmer who posted a sign on a semi-truck trailer accusing Democrats of being the “Party of Parasites” received more than $1 million in federal crop subsidies since 1995.

But David Jungerman says the payouts don’t contradict the sign he put up in a corn field in Bates County along U.S. 71 Highway.

gee, i bet he got an income tax return every once in a while too. how does being entitiled to receiving farm subsidies make him a "welfare queen republican"?

and exactly who was in control of the white house when he started getting his 1 million in subsidies? :lol:

(did you really expect him to say "no. i dont want the money. let the government keep it."?!!)
If he did then he could complain without being a hypocrite.
It looks like another welfare queen republican doesn't like Dems

'Party of Parasites' author took $1M in farm subsidies -

'Party of Parasites' author took $1M in farm subsidies

The Raytown farmer who posted a sign on a semi-truck trailer accusing Democrats of being the “Party of Parasites” received more than $1 million in federal crop subsidies since 1995.

But David Jungerman says the payouts don’t contradict the sign he put up in a corn field in Bates County along U.S. 71 Highway.

The only thing that is shocking about this is how un-shocking it is.

Part of the brilliance of the GOP is playing the three G's to get people to vote against their economic best interests.
But this hypocrit wingnut with the billboard is not in need, so why is collecting a $1mm in govt welfare?

But it's not govt welfare. It's a farm subsidy. Look it up. And if he receives it, it is because production didn't balance his operational investment. So in effect, according to the US Government he was in need. call him a wingnut. I call him a farmer. Wingnuts...on either side, that aren't farmers and don't pay taxes and receive govt assistance are the ones that he's upset with. And my only criticism of him is that he only calls down the left wingnuts...when we all know that right wingnuts accept handouts too.
Do you have a problem with someone who is in need recieving welfare?

depends on who is receiving it and why. taxpayers who work and still can't make ends meet...not a problem in the world. illegals, tax dodgers or lazy ass bums ... big problem.
It looks like another welfare queen republican doesn't like Dems

'Party of Parasites' author took $1M in farm subsidies -

'Party of Parasites' author took $1M in farm subsidies

The Raytown farmer who posted a sign on a semi-truck trailer accusing Democrats of being the “Party of Parasites” received more than $1 million in federal crop subsidies since 1995.

But David Jungerman says the payouts don’t contradict the sign he put up in a corn field in Bates County along U.S. 71 Highway.

gee, i bet he got an income tax return every once in a while too. how does being entitiled to receiving farm subsidies make him a "welfare queen republican"?

and exactly who was in control of the white house when he started getting his 1 million in subsidies? :lol:

(did you really expect him to say "no. i dont want the money. let the government keep it."?!!)

I never expect a conservative will act according to his principles
It looks like another welfare queen republican doesn't like Dems

'Party of Parasites' author took $1M in farm subsidies -

gee, i bet he got an income tax return every once in a while too. how does being entitiled to receiving farm subsidies make him a "welfare queen republican"?

and exactly who was in control of the white house when he started getting his 1 million in subsidies? :lol:

(did you really expect him to say "no. i dont want the money. let the government keep it."?!!)

I never expect a conservative will act according to his principles
how does qualifying for a government program (not WELFARE, by the way) make the guy a WELFARE QUEEN? :cuckoo:

its not like the money has to actually come from anywhere. its free government money!! the dems just hand it out whenever they want. they can always just print some more!!!

we americans are entitled to EVERYTHING. and by golly if we can't buy it ourselves then the government should buy it for us!!!!

cant afford to go to the doctor? no problem.... we will give EVERYBODY health care. its your right as an american. no need to save money for a rainy day or plan ahead.

whats that? you dont own a house? well no american should be without a house. let's jsut make sure every american has a house. you dont need to actually work for it and pay for it. we'll just give you one if you dont.

whats wrong now? no car? well no american should have to actually walk. we want to take away your salt to keep you from getting fat but god forbid you should actually have to walk anywhere and break a sweat. its every americans right to have a car. lets take cars from the rich and give them to the poor. we can have a redistribution of transportation czar.
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If I preach morality on TV in front of millions of viewers in the name of God, I shouldn't be banging hookers in a cheap motel room.

If I preach that others shouldn't take money from the government, then I shouldn't take money from the government.

If a guy on welfare protested that farmers should stop getting checks from the government, he would be branded a hypocrite, and rightfully so.

It doesn't matter if the guy qualified for the farm subsidy any more than the unemployed guy qualified for welfare. Its hypocrisy.

When he starts protesting to cut farm subsidies, I'll listen to him, doubly so if he sends his check back.
If anyone needs proof that all conservatives are hypocrits, just read this thread and see how conservatives love their socialism

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